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Experimental repo for building openscad files into different outputs.
This is still work in progress but can already build a png and stl of each scad file in the opescad directories.
See the online or pdf versions for the images as the readme is realy only the source and right now is not WYSIWYG!
Amplifier - Project
VacuumPCBbase - 3D Object
The base for the PCB to sit on in the Box.
It’s needed to raise the PCB so that the Tubes are on (better) display out of the top of the lid.
$fn = 100 ; mountD = 2.5 ; mountH = 5 ; xyz = [70,59.5,1] ; xyzH = [0,0,10] ; module PCBBed(position,pillarH, pillarD) { translate([position.x,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH + xyzH.z, d=pillarD) ; translate([position.x,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH + xyzH.z, d=pillarD) ; translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH + xyzH.z, d=pillarD) ; translate([0,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH + xyzH.z, d=pillarD) ; translate(xyzH - [0,0,mountH]) hull(){ translate([position.x,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; translate([position.x,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; } translate(xyzH - [0,0,mountH]) hull(){ translate([position.x,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; } translate(xyzH - [0,0,mountH]) hull(){ translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; translate([0,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; } translate(xyzH - [0,0,mountH]) hull(){ translate([0,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; translate([position.x,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; } translate(xyzH - [0,0,mountH]) hull(){ translate([position.x,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; } translate(xyzH - [0,0,mountH]) hull(){ translate([position.x,0,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; translate([0,position.y,0]) cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD) ; } } PCBBed(xyz,mountH,mountD);
VacuumPreAmplifierBase - 3D Object
housing a retro vacuum tube china preamp.
Have a nice wooden box that is looking for some use as a housing The pre-amp is a cheap vaccum tube type sourced from aliexpress
I’ve created an openscad model of the Box based on some measurments with a calliper. The model is designed to help asses where to drill holes and to print a guide to drill the holes. The preamp has a power input (12v~) an in and an output (headphone jack) and a Volume potentiometer. Also the housing is to expose the Vacuum Tubes to the interested viewer. Since the lid is hinged and the relative position of the tubes to the lid, when opening, is difficult to eyeball the model was created to try out different Hole placments as well as providing a template for Drill guides.
box1X=105.5; box1Y=106; box1Z=36; box1BaseH=3; box2X=89; box2Y=91; box2Z=45.5; box3X=83; box3Y=85; box3Z=50; lidX=box1X; lidY=box1Y; lidZ=23; lidDepth=20.3; lidStampR=20; lidHingeAngle=50; lidAnimZ=0; preampBoardX=77; preampBoardY=66; preampBoardZ=1.5; preampTubeR=17/2; preampTubeH=42; preampTubeBaseH=10; preampTubeTipH=51; preampTubeC=[200/255,200/255,200/255]; preampKnobR=11.5; preampKnobH=16; preampAxleH=29; brown=[139/255,69/255,19/255]; gold=[255/255,215/255,0/255]; Blue=[0/255,0/255,200/255]; module box(){ color(brown) difference(){ union(){ cube([box1X,box1Y,box1Z]); translate([box1X/2-box2X/2,box1Y/2-box2Y/2,box1BaseH]) cube([box2X,box2Y,box2Z]); } translate([box1X/2-box3X/2,box1Y/2-box3Y/2,3]) cube([box3X,box3Y,box3Z]); // star the next line to see inside the box *translate([-.5,-.5,-.5]) cube([box1X+1,box1Y*.85+1,box1Z/2+1]); } } //lid module lid(){ color(gold) translate([(box1X/2),(box1Y/2),lidZ+.0001]) cylinder(h=1,r1=lidStampR,r2=lidStampR); color(brown) translate([0,0,0]) difference(){ translate([0,0,.001]) cube([lidX,lidY,lidZ]); translate([box1X/2-box2X/2,box1Y/2-box2Y/2,0]) cube([box2X,box2Y,lidDepth]); } } module tube () { union(){ color(preampTubeC,.5) translate([0,0,preampTubeBaseH])cylinder(h=42-preampTubeBaseH,r1=preampTubeR,r2=preampTubeR); color([1,1,1])cylinder(h=preampTubeBaseH,r=preampTubeR); translate([0,0,preampTubeH]) color(preampTubeC) cylinder(h=preampTubeTipH-preampTubeH,r1=preampTubeR,r2=1); } } translate([(box1X-box3X)/2,((box1Y-box3Y)/2)+(box3Y-preampBoardY)-1,box1BaseH+21]) union() { //board cube([preampBoardX,preampBoardY,preampBoardZ]); //tubes translate([15+preampTubeR,15+preampTubeR,preampBoardZ]) tube(); translate([52+preampTubeR,15+preampTubeR,preampBoardZ]) tube(); //Volume Knob Base translate([38,0,preampBoardZ]) color([0,1,0]) cube([10,10,10]); //volume knob translate([43,-(preampKnobH+preampAxleH),preampBoardZ+5]) rotate([270,0,0]) union(){ difference() { color([50/255,50/255,50/255]) cylinder(h=preampKnobH,r=preampKnobR); translate([0,0,-.001]) cylinder(h=1,r=(preampKnobR/100)*60); } color([255/255,255/255,255/255])cylinder(h=1,r=(preampKnobR/100)*60); //knob axle translate([0,0,preampKnobH]) color([1,1,1])cylinder(h=preampAxleH,r=3); } } //draft base translate([15,box1Y-((box1Y-box3Y)/2)-1,box1BaseH]) color([0,0,0])cube([8,1,21]); //enclosure box(); translate([box1X,box1Y,(box1Z)+lidAnimZ+.5]) rotate([lidHingeAngle,0,180]) lid();
vacuumRadioCase - 3D Object
Mount for the separte Vacuum tube radio kit mounted into a bamboo case.
This is for the replacement lid with markings and mounting holes for the switches etc.
$fn=100; baseH = 32; baseW = 165 ; baseD = 116.5 ; innerH = 44 ; innerW = 155 ; innerD = 104 ; ringW = 7.3 ; ringH = 3 ; groundZero = 10 ; xOff = (baseW - innerW) /2 ; yOff = (baseD - innerD) /2 ; zOff = 6 ; version = "V7" ; module lid(){ translate([0,0,ringH]) difference(){ cube([baseW,baseD,baseH]); translate([xOff,yOff,zOff]) cube([innerW,innerD,innerH]); } translate ([ringW,ringW,0]) cube([baseW-2*(ringW),baseD-2*(ringW),ringH]); } module pot(text) { //twiddle the position a bit to account for material etc twiddle = [0,0,1] ; x = 11; y = 10; z = 10; cylD = 7 ; cylH = 19 ; ringOff = 6 ; ringH = 1; ringD=9 ; zWiggle = .1 ; totH = cylH + z; offZ = (ringOff + ringH) ; translate([0,0,-totH + cylH -offZ + ringH] + twiddle) { //body translate([0,0,z/2-zWiggle]) cube([x,y,z+zWiggle],center=true); //shaft translate([0,0,-zWiggle]) cylinder(h=z+cylH+zWiggle,d=cylD); //ring translate([0,0,z+ringOff]) cylinder(h=ringH,d=ringD); } } //pot("test"); //speaker module speaker() { //twiddle the position a bit to account for material etc twiddle = [0,0,0] ; zWiggle = .1 ; outerD = 36.5 ; innerD1 = 32.5 ; innerD2 = 35 ; outerH = 3 ; innerH = 12 ; connectorD = 35.5 ; totH = outerH + innerH ; translate([0,0,-totH] + twiddle){ translate([0,0,innerH]) cylinder(h=outerH,d=outerD); cylinder(h=innerH + zWiggle, d1=innerD1, d2=innerD2); intersection() { color([1,1,1]) cylinder(h=innerH,d=connectorD); translate([0,-outerD/4,0]) cube([outerD,outerD/2,innerH]); } } } //speaker() ; //trimko module trimko(text) { //twiddle the position a bit to account for material etc twiddle = [0,0,0] ; x = 23; y = 22; z = 16; cylD = 6.5 ; cylH = 14 ; ringH = .8 ; ringD = 8.5 ; zWiggle = .1 ; totH = cylH + z ; translate([0,0,-z -ringH -2] + twiddle) { //body translate([0,0,z/2-zWiggle]) cube([x,y,z+zWiggle],center=true); //shaft translate([0,0,-zWiggle]) cylinder(h=z+cylH+zWiggle,d=cylD); //ring translate([0,0,z]) cylinder(h=ringH,d=ringD); } } //trimko("test"); //text module emboss(text,size) { font = "Abyssinica SIL" ; depth = 2 ; zWiggle = .1 ; translate([0,0,-depth]) linear_extrude(depth + zWiggle) text(text, font=font, size=size, halign = "center", valign= "center"); } //emboss("Test123",5); module headJack(text) { //twiddle the position a bit to account for material etc twiddle = [0,0,1] ; upperD = 6 ; upperH = 4.8 ; lowerD = 8.5 ; lowerH = 11 ; nutH = 2 ; nutD = 8 ; totH = upperH + lowerH ; translate([0,0,-totH +nutH] + twiddle) { translate([0,0,lowerH + upperH - nutH]) cylinder(h=nutH , d=nutD); cylinder(h=upperH + lowerH, d=upperD); cylinder(h=lowerH, d=lowerD); } } //headJack("test") ; module toggleSwitch(text) { //twiddle the position a bit to account for material etc twiddle = [0,0,1] ; upperD = 6 ; upperH = 9 ; nutH = 2 ; nutD = 8 ; toggleH = 10 ; toggleD =1.5 ; toggleAngle = 10 ; toggleBody = [12,13,14] ; toggleBodyOff = [0,0,toggleBody.z/2] ; totH = toggleBody.z + upperH ; translate([0,0,-totH + nutH] + twiddle) { //Nut translate([0,0,toggleBody.z + upperH - nutH]) cylinder(h=nutH , d=nutD,$fn=6); //upper part cylinder(h=upperH + toggleBody.z, d=upperD); //toggle translate([0,0,toggleBody.z + upperH]) rotate([-toggleAngle,0,0]) cylinder(h=toggleH, d=toggleD); translate(toggleBodyOff) cube(toggleBody,center=true); } } //toggleSwitch("test"); //tube mount module tubeMount(text) { //twiddle the position a bit to account for material etc twiddle = [0,0,0] ; zWiggle = .1 ; upperD = 18.5 ; upperH = 4 ; lowerD = 16.8 ; lowerH = 11 ; screwH = 5 ; screwD = 2.5 ; screwSpace = 22.5 ; totH = upperH + lowerH ; translate([0,0,-lowerH] + twiddle) { translate([0,0,lowerH]) cylinder(h=upperH, d=upperD); cylinder(h=lowerH + zWiggle, d=lowerD); translate([screwSpace/2,0,lowerH-screwH+zWiggle]) cylinder(h=screwH + zWiggle,d=screwD); translate([-screwSpace/2,0,lowerH-screwH+zWiggle]) cylinder(h=screwH + zWiggle,d=screwD); } } //tubeMount(); //tests - demo board with one of each component union(){ difference() { zWiggle = .1 ; rigX = 40 ; rigY = 105 ; translate ([-rigX/2,-rigY,-zOff-ringH]) cube([rigX,rigY,zOff+ringH]); //pot translate ([-10,-10,0]) pot("test"); //speaker translate ([0,-60,+zWiggle]) speaker(); //jack translate ([12,-10,0]) headJack("test"); //toggle translate ([12,-25,0]) toggleSwitch("test"); //test text translate([12,-19,0]) emboss("on",5); translate([12,-31,0]) emboss("off",5); translate([12,-100,0]) emboss(version,5); //trimcap translate([0,-90,0]) trimko("trest"); //tubemount translate([-6,-30,0]) tubeMount("test"); } *color("red",.5) union(){ //pot translate ([-10,-10,0]) pot("test"); //speaker translate ([0,-60,.2]) speaker(); //jack translate ([12,-10,0]) headJack("test"); //toggle translate ([12,-25,0]) toggleSwitch("test"); //test text translate([12,-19,0]) emboss("on",5); translate([12,-31,0]) emboss("off",5); translate([12,-100,0]) emboss(version,5); //trimcap translate([0,-90,0]) trimko("test"); //tubemount translate([-6,-30,0]) tubeMount("test"); } } //normal print *difference() { zWiggle=.1; lid(); translate([0,0,groundZero]) union(){ translate([10,10,0]) emboss(version,5); //pot translate ([45,55,0]) pot("pot1"); translate([45,65,0]) emboss("Trim",5); //speaker translate([85,52,0]) emboss("Speaker",5); translate ([85,30,.1]) speaker(); //jack translate ([20,55,0]) headJack("jack1"); translate([20,65,0]) emboss("Phones",5); //pot translate ([20,25,0]) pot("pot2"); translate([20,35,0]) emboss("Vol",5); //toggle batt/ext translate ([20,92,0]) toggleSwitch("toggle"); translate([20,106,0]) emboss("Power",5); translate([20,100,0]) emboss("Ext",5); translate([20,82,0]) emboss("Batt",5); //toggle power translate ([45,92,0]) toggleSwitch("toggle"); translate([45,106,0]) emboss("Radio",5); translate([45,100,0]) emboss("on",5); translate([45,82,0]) emboss("off",5); //toggle Amp translate ([45,25,0]) toggleSwitch("toggle"); translate([45,39,0]) emboss("Amp",5); translate([45,33,0]) emboss("on",5); translate([45,16,0]) emboss("off",5); //trimcap translate([85,82,0]) trimko("test"); translate([85,106,0]) emboss("Tune",5); //tubemount Amp translate([140,25,0]) tubeMount("test"); translate([140,40,0]) emboss("Amp Tube",5); //tubemount Radio translate([140,90,0]) tubeMount("test"); translate([140,105,0]) emboss("Radio Tube",5); } }
Axle - Project
Axle - 3D Object
required a screw and didn’t have one.
// axle for bearing for filament roller // had no screw printed one ... // the free end can be melted when the axle has been inserted so that no fastener is required $fn=360; cylinder (h=22,d=3.5); cylinder (h=3,d=7);
Howth-cieling-spots - Project
The spots for the ceiling in Howth needed replacing and the replacement spots had a few millimeters too little radius so that they didn’t cover the hole properly in all places.
The lamp ring was a quick fix that turned out quite well and looks good.
lampRing - 3D Object
This object is not very complex and it’s really just a few cylinders laid on top of one another with a few holes cut out for the lamp.
//for LED lamps in ceiling in Howth // the originals are wider and therefore the new ones need a spacer to cover the hole //colour is white //led lamps are 105mm Diameter (4 lamps) lampD=105; lampH=2; holeD=99; coverD=125; coverInD=99; coverH=2; coverRidgeW=5; $fn=100; //lamp *color("white") translate([0,0,coverH]) cylinder(h=2,d=lampD); color("white") union(){ difference(){ cylinder(h=coverH,d=coverD); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=coverH+.2,d=coverInD); } translate([0,0,coverH]) difference(){ cylinder(h=lampH,d=lampD+coverRidgeW); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=lampH+.2,d=lampD+1); } }
Ikea-Repair - Project
ikeabung - 3D Object
This was a replacement foot for an IKEA shelf.
The actual foot was screwed in with a bolt on the underside.
$fn=100; totH=30; baseH=6; baseW=32; wingW=3.5; wingD=8; centreD=17; for (i = [0:360/6:360]) { rotate([0,0,i]) translate([((baseW-2)/2)-wingD,-wingW/2,baseH]) cube([wingD,wingW,totH-baseH]); } difference(){ union(){ cylinder(h=totH,d=centreD); cylinder(h=6,d=32); translate([0,0,baseH]) cylinder(h=6,d1=baseW-2,d2=22); } translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=totH+.2,d=8.2); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=8.1,d=15,$fn=6); }
Jetson - Project
geekworm - 3D Object
//casing $fn=100; pillarH = 30 ; pillarD = 10 ; pillarID = 5 ; pillarSpacing = 58 ; battLidX = 55 ; battLidY = 55 ; battLidZ = 2 ; module pillar() { difference() { cylinder(h=pillarH, d=pillarD); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=pillarH+.2, d=pillarID); } } translate ([10,10,0]) union() { //both pillars translate([0,0,0]) pillar(); translate([pillarSpacing,0,0]) pillar(); //The rear mount translate([20,80,0]) union(){ difference(){ cube([20,10,40]); translate([-.5,-.5,30])cube([21,6,5]); } } } //battLid *cube ([battLidX,battLidY,battLidZ]); //casing base cube ([80,100,1]);
power-ring - 3D Object
//since my jetson nano waveshare case has a reset and power button // but they're swapped AND labeled.. this is to cover the reset label $fn=100; difference() { cylinder(h=1,d1=23,d2=21); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=1.2,d=11); }
Liebherr - Project
fridgeDoorInterimHandle - 3D Object
$fn=360; Height=100; Diameter=18; HolePos=(Height/2); HoleDiam=3; HoleDepth=10; difference () { hull() { translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=1,d2=Diameter,d1=Diameter-2); translate([0,0,Height]) cylinder(h=1,d1=Diameter,d2=Diameter-2); } translate([0,0,HolePos]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(h=HoleDepth,d=HoleDiam); }
Model-Plane - Project
mountingplateaircraftmotor - 3D Object
//second attempt with rotated arms so as to save on cutting out. //set number of faces higher so that the cylinder doesn't lok like a pentagon $fn=100; //global vars //text font Arial and so far size under 1.8 didn't show in print..... font = "Arial"; letter_size = 2.5; letter_height = 1.5; line1="Ser#1"; line2="VSR"; line3="V6"; //pin depth into airframe of the wooden original was 30 test prints 20 is enough //also of note is that I had to rotate the blasted pin by 45 and 3° as I drilled the hole wrong. guess might be 5 or 6 (angle2) and one or two (angle1) to the side pinheight=30; pinangle1=2; pinangle2=7; //radius of the mounting holes screwhole=.81; holeOffset=15.5; //radius of screw hole opening flare=1; module letter(l) { // Use linear_extrude() to make the letters 3D objects as they // are only 2D shapes when only using text() linear_extrude(height = letter_height) { text(l, size = letter_size, font = font); } } //this is the 4 armed mount with drill holes module mount() { union(){ for ( arm = [0:90:360]){ rotate([0,0,arm]) //arm with drill hole difference(){ union(){ //arm translate ([0,-4,0]) cube([15,8,3] ); //rounded tip translate ([15,0,0]) cylinder(h=3, r1=4, r2=4); } // subtract drill hole plus additional translate([holeOffset,0,0]) cylinder(h=3, r1=screwhole, r2=screwhole); //flaring translate([holeOffset,0,2.8]) cylinder(h=.5, r1=screwhole, r2=flare); translate([holeOffset,0,0]) cylinder(h=.25, r1=flare, r2=screwhole); //central mounting hole for spindle cylinder(h=1.5, r1=2.5, r2=2.1); } } } } module mountpluspin() { //the mount and the pin for insertion into the aircraft body union(){ mount(); //central mounting rod should be 30 long as measured but shorter for test prints //aslo of note is that I had to rotate the blasted pin by 45 and 3° as I drilled the hole wrong. guess is 3° might be 5 or 6 rotate ([pinangle1,pinangle2,45]) translate ([0,0,2]) cylinder(h=pinheight, r1=3.5, r2=3.5); *translate ([4,1,2.2]) letter (line1); *rotate(90,90,90) translate ([4,-1,2.2]) letter (line2); *translate ([4,-3,2.2]) letter (line3); } } //add some antispin pegs. union (){ mountpluspin(); translate ([0,-8,2]) rotate ([pinangle1,pinangle2,45]) cylinder(h=8, r1=1.2, r2=.5); translate ([-8,0,2]) rotate ([pinangle1,pinangle2,45]) cylinder(h=8, r1=1.2, r2=.5); }
Network - Project
test - 3D Object
$fn = 100 ; rotate = 30 ; $vpr = [66,0,rotate] ; //viewport rotation angles in degrees $vpt = [80,88,42] ; //viewport translation $vpd = 788 ; //viewport camera distance //function select(vector, indices) = [ for (index = indices) vector[index] ]; // convert hex value aaaaff to openscad rgb values //function hexCharToDec(c) = // search(c, "0123456789abcdef")[0]; //function hexToDec(hex) = // hexCharToDec(hex[0]) * 16 + hexCharToDec(hex[1]); //function hexToRGB(hex) = [ // hexToDec([hex[0], hex[1]]) / 255, // hexToDec([hex[2], hex[3]]) / 255, // hexToDec([hex[4], hex[5]]) / 255 //]; layer = [0, 0, 8 ] ; app1 = [ "app1" , [0, 0, 0] , 7] ; app2 = [ "app2" , [0, 100, 0] , 7] ; switch1 = [ "switch1" , [100, 0, 0] , 2] ; switch2 = [ "switch2" , [100, 100, 0] , 2] ; router1 = [ "router1" , [200, 0, 0] , 3] ; router2 = [ "router2" , [200, 100, 0] , 3] ; layers = [ ["Meta" , 0, [20, 20, layer.z + 1], [0, 0, 0, .3], [0, 0, 0, 1], "hide" ], ["HW" , 1, [16, 16, layer.z + 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, .3], "show" ], ["L2" , 2, [15, 15, layer.z + 1], [0, 1, 1, .5], [1, 1, 0, 1], "show" ], ["L3" , 3, [14, 14, layer.z + 1], [0, 1, 1, .5], [1, .5, 0, 1], "show" ], ["L4" , 4, [13, 13, layer.z + 1], [0, 1, 1, .5], [1, 1, 1, 1], "hide" ], ["L5" , 5, [13, 13, layer.z + 1], [1, 1, 1, .3], [1, 1, 1, 1], "hide" ], ["L6" , 6, [13, 13, layer.z + 1], [1, 1, 1, .3], [1, 1, 1, 1], "hide" ], ["APP" , 4, [13, 13, layer.z + 1], [1, .5, .5, .5], [1, 0, 0, .5], "show" ] ]; module subStack(stackLayer) { lib = layers[stackLayer] ; label = lib[0] ; stackLayer = lib[1] ; dimensions = lib[2] ; color = lib[3] ; display = lib[5] ; //echo("stack test: ", label, layer, dimensions); if (display=="show") { translate(stackLayer * layer + [0, 0, dimensions.z/2] ) color(color) cube(dimensions, center = true) ; } } module stack(device) { //echo(device); label = device[0] ; pos = device[1] ; stackOSI = device[2] ; lib = layers[stackOSI] ; stackLayer = lib[1] ; translate(pos) { translate( (stackLayer + 2)* layer) rotate([90,0,rotate]) linear_extrude(1) text(label,halign="center"); for (i = [stackOSI:-1:0]) { subStack(i); } } } module link(vector1,vector2,stackLayer){ off = layer / 2 ; //echo(off); lib = layers[stackLayer] ; //echo("link(stackLayer): ", lib); color = lib[4] ; stackLayer = lib[1] ; pos1 = vector1[1] + (stackLayer * layer) + off ; //echo(pos1); pos2 = vector2[1] + (stackLayer * layer) + off ; //echo(pos2); color(color) hull(){ translate(pos1) sphere(d=1); translate(pos2) sphere(d=1); } } module cluster(vector1,vector2,stackLayer){ off = layer / 2 ; //echo(off); lib = layers[stackLayer] ; color = lib[4] ; pos1 = vector1[1] + (stackLayer * layer) + off ; //echo(pos1); pos2 = vector2[1] + (stackLayer * layer) + off ; //echo(pos2); color("grey",.3) hull(){ translate(pos1) cube(18,true); translate(pos2) cube(18,true); } } //devices stack(app1); stack(app2); stack(switch1); stack(switch2); stack(router1); stack(router2); //high level link(app1,app2,7); //cabling link(app1,switch1,1); link(app2,switch2,1); link(router1,switch1,1); link(router2,switch2,1); link(switch1,switch2,1); //vlans link(app1,switch1,2); link(app2,switch2,2); link(router1,switch1,2); link(router2,switch2,2); link(switch1,switch2,2); link(router1,router2,3); cluster(router1,router2,3); //layer3 gateways link(app1,router1,3); link(app2,router1,3);
RollHolder - Project
rollholder - 3D Object
$fn=360; plateH = 2.5 ; topInsideH = 6 ; topInsideD = 18.35 ; topInsideR = topInsideD/2 ; insideD = 17.5 ; insideH = 40 ; lipH = .09 ; lipW = .5 ; lipOffH = 2.4 ; headH = 2 ; headD = 26.5 ; plateHoleD = 19.22 ; plateHoleH = 3 ; //diameter of top inside color("grey") translate([0,0,-plateH]) cylinder(h=6+plateH,d=topInsideD); //diameter of inside color("grey") translate([0,0,5]) cylinder(h=insideH,d=insideD); //Lip color("red") translate([0,0,lipOffH]) cylinder(h=lipW,r1=topInsideR+lipH,r2=topInsideR); color("red") translate([0,0,lipOffH-lipW]) cylinder(h=lipW,r2=topInsideR+lipH,r1=topInsideR); //mount ring color("grey") translate([0,0,-plateHoleH+.1]) cylinder(h=plateHoleH+.1,d=plateHoleD); //head color("grey") translate([0,0,-(headH+plateH)]) cylinder(h=headH,d=headD); //plate *translate([0,0,-2.5]) difference(){ translate([-20,-20.0])cube([40,40,plateH]); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=plateHoleH,d=plateHoleD); }
stopfen - 3D Object
$fn=100; //Variables baseX = 9.5 /2 ; baseY = 19.6 /2 ; cornerR = 1 ; bottomExtrude = 10 ; topExtrude = 1 ; bumpTB = .15 ; bumpRL = 1.25 ; //Composites baseRight = [+baseX, 0, 0] + [-cornerR, 0, 0] ; baseLeft = [-baseX, 0, 0] + [+cornerR, 0, 0] ; baseBottom = [0, -baseY, 0] + [0, +cornerR, 0] ; baseTop = [0, +baseY, 0] + [0, -cornerR, 0] ; bumpRad = cornerR ; // Temp handle * cylinder(h=20,d=3); hull() { //Corners translate(baseTop + baseRight) cylinder(h=bottomExtrude, r=cornerR, center = true) ; translate(baseBottom + baseRight) cylinder(h=bottomExtrude, r=cornerR, center = true) ; translate(baseBottom + baseLeft) cylinder(h=bottomExtrude, r=cornerR, center = true) ; translate(baseTop + baseLeft) cylinder(h=bottomExtrude, r=cornerR, center = true) ; //bumps translate(baseTop + [0,+bumpTB,0]) sphere(r=bumpRad); translate(baseRight + [+bumpRL,0,0]) sphere(r=bumpRad); translate(baseBottom + [0,-bumpTB,0]) sphere(r=bumpRad); translate(baseLeft + [-bumpRL,0,0]) sphere(r=bumpRad); } translate([0,0,bottomExtrude/2+topExtrude/2]) hull() { lidSideR = 2 ; lidX = baseX + .5 ; lidRight = [+lidX, 0, 0] + [-lidSideR, 0, 0] ; lidLeft = [-lidX, 0, 0] + [+lidSideR, 0, 0] ; //bumps translate(lidRight + [+bumpRL,0,0]) scale([1,5.2,1]) cylinder(h=topExtrude, r=lidSideR, center = true) ; translate(lidLeft + [-bumpRL,0,0]) scale([1,5.2,1]) cylinder(h=topExtrude, r=lidSideR, center = true) ; //top blob translate([0, 0, 1]) scale([5,10,1]) sphere(r=bumpRad); }
SWD - Project
swd-cube - 3D Object
font = "Liberation Sans"; cube_size = 70; letter_size = 50; letter_height = 5; o = cube_size / 2 - letter_height / 2; module letter(letter) { linear_extrude(height = letter_height) { text(letter, size = letter_size, font = font, halign = "center", valign = "center", $fn = 100); } } union() { color("gray") cube(cube_size, center = true); translate([0, -o, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) letter("W"); translate([o, 0, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) letter("D"); translate([0, 0, o]) letter("S"); }
Test - Project
Test - 3D Object
Just a simple example and also used as the logo for this repo.
//just a simple test drawing $fn=100; cube([10,10,10]); #sphere(d=12);
Thinkpad_logo - 3D Object
tlColor = [1,1,1] ; tlH = 1 ; //logo color(tlColor) linear_extrude(height=tlH) import("ThinkPad_Logo.svg",center = true); //base cube([30,10,.5], center = true) ;
vectorbox-test - 3D Object
module vectorBox(){ //just a small demonstrator for vector subtraction and addition // as things can get complicated with single unit variables the below shows how it can be abstracted and simplified //inside side length inSize = 10 ; //wall thickness wallThick = .5; //the vectors predefined inSizeA = [inSize,inSize,inSize] ; inSizeX = [inSize,0,0] ; inSizeY = [0,inSize,0] ; inSizeZ = [0,0,inSize] ; offset = wallThick * 2 ; offsetA = [offset,offset,offset] ; offsetX = [offset,0,0] ; offsetY = [0,offset,0] ; offsetZ = [0,0,offset] ; offsetZY = offsetZ + offsetY ; offsetZX = offsetZ + offsetX ; offsetXY = offsetX + offsetY ; diffWiggle = .1 ; diffWiggleY = [0,diffWiggle,0] ; difference() { //total volume cube cube(inSizeA + offsetA); //inside volume cube translate((offsetZX)/2 - diffWiggleY/2) cube(inSizeA + offsetY + diffWiggleY); } } vectorBox();
ThingsByOthers - Project
SQ11-15 - 3D Object
cam_width=23.7; cam_depth=23.1; cam_height=23.1+0.3; corner_radius=2; lip_width = 5.1; // metal radiator & separator shell_thickness = 1; screw_cylinder_diameter = 8; lens_width_height = 19; lens_corner_radius = 5; ridge_from_lens = 3.7+0.5; ridge_thickness = 1 - 0.2; button_width = 14.6+1; button_depth = 4.8; button_height = shell_thickness + 1; // false, just for the hole button_from_lens = 11.3-4.5+0.1; sd_depth = 3.1; sd_height = 18.9; sd_width = 12; sd_from_lens = 10.75; screw_from_lens = 23; battery_length = 65+10+5; spring_diameter = 8; battery_height = battery_length + screw_cylinder_diameter; screw_cynlinder_inner_length = cam_width - shell_thickness * 2; bay = battery_height; sil = screw_cynlinder_inner_length; cx = cam_width; // SD & USB cy = cam_depth+bay; // lens & screw cz = cam_height; // buttons cr = corner_radius; lw = lip_width; st = shell_thickness; sc = screw_cylinder_diameter; ix = cx - st * 2; iy = cy - st * 2; iz = cz - st * 2; lxy = lens_width_height; lc = lens_corner_radius; ry = ridge_from_lens+0.1; rt = ridge_thickness; bx = button_width; by = button_depth; bz = button_height; bl = button_from_lens; sd = sd_depth; sh = sd_height; sl = sd_from_lens; sw = sd_width; sfl = screw_from_lens; spd = spring_diameter; *%cube([cx,cy,cz]); //general camera shape $fn=30; rotate([0,180,0]) // <------------------ comment this intersection() { translate([0,0,cx/2]) // <------------ comment this cube([cz,cy*2,cx/2]); translate([cz,0,0]) rotate([0,-90,0]) { difference() { hull_from_cube(cx,cy,cz,cr); translate([st,st,st]) hull_from_cube(ix,iy,iz,cr); translate([(cx-lw)/2,0,0]) cube([lw,cy-bay,cz]); // middle cut translate([cx/2,0,cz/2]) translate([-lxy/2,0,-lxy/2]) translate([0,st/2,0]) sensor_hull(); translate([cx/2,bl+by/2,cz-st/2-0.01]) button_hole(); translate([-st/2,sl,(cz-sh)/2]) sd_hole(); translate([0,sfl,sc/2+st]) rotate([0,90,0]) full_screw_hole(); translate([0,sfl,cz-(sc/2+st)]) rotate([0,90,0]) full_screw_hole(); translate([0,cy-(sc/2+st),sc/2+st]) rotate([0,90,0]) full_screw_hole(); translate([0,cy-(sc/2+st),cz-(sc/2+st)]) rotate([0,90,0]) full_screw_hole(); } translate([0,sfl,sc/2+st]) rotate([0,90,0]) difference() { translate([0,0,st]) union() { cylinder(d=sc,h=sil); translate([0,-sc/2,0]) cube([sc/2,sc,sil]); } translate([sc/2-1,-sc/2-sc+3.6,st+sil/2-lw/2]) cube([sc/2,sc,lw]); full_screw_hole(); } translate([0,sfl,cz-(sc/2+st)]) rotate([0,90,0]) difference() { translate([0,0,st]) union() { cylinder(d=sc,h=sil); translate([-sc/2,-sc/2,0]) cube([sc/2,sc,sil]); } translate([-sc+1,-sc/2-sc+3.6,st+(sil)/2-lw/2]) cube([sc/2,sc,lw]); full_screw_hole(); } translate([0,cy-(sc/2+st),sc/2+st]) rotate([0,90,0]) difference() { translate([0,0,st]) union() { cylinder(d=sc,h=sil); translate([0,-sc/2,0]) cube([sc/2,sc,sil]); } full_screw_hole(); } translate([0,cy-(sc/2+st),cz-(sc/2+st)]) rotate([0,90,0]) difference() { translate([0,0,st]) union() { cylinder(d=sc,h=sil); translate([-sc/2,-sc/2,0]) cube([sc/2,sc,sil]); } full_screw_hole(); } ridge(); translate([0,sfl+sc/2+1,0]) difference() { translate([st,0,st]) cube([sil,rt,cz-st*2]); translate([st+(sil)/2,st,st+(cz-st*2)/2]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(d=spd,h=rt*2); translate([st,-rt/2,(sil-2)/2]) cube([cz-st*2,rt*2,4]); } translate([0,cy-(sc+st+rt+1),0]) difference() { translate([st,0,st]) cube([sil,rt,cz-st*2]); translate([st+(sil)/2,st,st+(cz-st*2)/2]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(d=spd,h=rt*2); translate([st,-rt/2,(sil-2)/2]) cube([cz-st*2,rt*2,4]); } } } module hull_from_cube(x,y,z,r) { hull() { translate([r,r,r]) sphere(r=r); translate([x-r,r,r]) sphere(r=r); translate([r,y-r,r]) sphere(r=r); translate([x-r,y-r,r]) sphere(r=r); translate([r,r,z-r]) sphere(r=r); translate([x-r,r,z-r]) sphere(r=r); translate([r,y-r,z-r]) sphere(r=r); translate([x-r,y-r,z-r]) sphere(r=r); } } module sensor_hull() { hull() { translate([0,st,0]) { translate([lc,0,lc]) sphere(r=lc); translate([lxy-lc,0,lc]) sphere(r=lc); translate([lxy-lc,0,lxy-lc]) sphere(r=lc); translate([lc,0,lxy-lc]) sphere(r=lc); } translate([0,-st,0]) { translate([lc,0,lc]) sphere(r=lc); translate([lxy-lc,0,lc]) sphere(r=lc); translate([lxy-lc,0,lxy-lc]) sphere(r=lc); translate([lc,0,lxy-lc]) sphere(r=lc); } } } module button_hole() { difference() { cube([bx,by,bz],center=true); difference() { cube([bx+1,by-st,bz+1],center=true); cube([lw+1,by-st+1,bz+2],center=true); } } } module sd_hole() { union() { difference() { cube([st*2,sd,sh]); translate([-0.5,-0.5,sh-sw+0.01]) cube([st*2+1,sd+1,sw+1]); } translate([0,0.5,sh-sw]) cube([st*2,sd+1,sw]); } } module ridge() { translate([0,ry,0]) difference() { translate([st,0,st]) cube([sil,rt,cz-st*2]); translate([(cx-lw)/2,-ry,0]) cube([lw,ry*2,cz]); translate([-1,-1,cr]) cube([cx+2,rt+2,cz-cr*2]); } } module full_screw_hole() { translate([0,0,cx]) rotate([0,180,0]) screwhole(cx/2); rotate([0,0,30]) translate([0,0,cx/2+2]) rotate([0,180,0]) nuthole(cx/2); } module screwhole(wz) { cylinder(d=3.2,h=wz+1); translate([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder(d=6,h=3.5); } module nuthole(wz) { union() { translate([0,0,-0.5]) cylinder(d=3.2,h=wz+1); nd = 5.5+0.15; nh = 2.4+3; translate([0,0,wz-nh+0.1+3]) cylinder(d=nd+0.9,h=nh,$fn=6); } }
Terrain - 3D Object
// see r1=rands(0,1,1)[.1]; r2=rands(0,1,1)[.2]; for (j=[1:.25:10]) color(c=[j/10,r2,r1,1]) linear_extrude(j/r2) offset( -j*2) for(i=[1:.25:20]){ random_vect=rands(0,50,2,i/r2); translate(random_vect*2) offset(i/j) square(j*1.5+i/1.5,true); }
Topology - 3D Object
/* Procedural weathered fractal terrain by Alex Matulich, May 2021, updated with more Customizer sliders March 2022 On Thingiverse: On Prusaprinters: Generate a fractal landscape with an optional weathering erosion algorithm. See my blog article describing the erosion algorithm here: At the moment, this script makes a square paperweight with a landscape intersected by a sea. It is intended, eventually, to be the basis for a model of a planet with continents and oceans. There are several parameters that can be cusomized, explained in the comments by each parameter below. The fractal terrain generator tends to produce mountain ridges and valleys aligned north-south or east-west. That's just a natural artifact of the algorithm. The ridges can change orientation slightly with more erosion. */ // ========== customizable parameters ========== // maximum subdivision levels (max 8) maxlevels = 7; // [0:8] // Number of facets generated is 2 * (2^maxlevels + 1)^2. // Therefore, 8 subdivisions generates over 130,000 facets, 9 would be over half a million facets, 10 would be over 2 million facets. DO NOT EXCEED 8. Eight is enough!! // random number seed seed = -1000; // The landscape generated results from a combination of maxlevels and seed. That is, using a different value of maxlevels with the same seed generates a different landscape. // Interesting seeds with maxlevel=7: 2, -1000, 8000000 // Interesting seeds with maxlevel=8: 2021 // length of a side in mm (default is 100) sidelen = 100; // [50:180] // z height magnification (default is 30) zscale = 30; // [10:50] // raise or lower entire landscape by this amount (typically 0) zoffset = 0; // number of weathering passes to erode the landscape erosionpasses = 2; // [0:4] // This is a slow process for high subdivision levels. The console window displays a count of the weathering passes being done. // sea level (can disable the sea in the 'show' parameter next) sealevel = -0.5; // The landscape+sea object has a varying height above and below z=0, and it is positioned with the z=0 value centered at [0,0,zoffset] on the axes. Changing sealevel does not change the position of the object in 3D space, it just changes the position of the sea relative to the origin. // render a box base for the terrain boxed = true; // If true, the terrain is rendered with a box base extending 1mm below the lowest point of the terrain. If false, only the landscape surface is rendered. // what to render show = "both"; //[terrain,sea,both] // "terrain" renders the terrain only (boxed or not) // "sea" renders the sea only with terrain subtracted from it. This is useful only if you want to print the sea profile on the sides of the box with a multi-color printer. // "both" shows a union of the landscape and sea together. // The easier way to make a different color sea is just to print the combined model, setting the slicer to change to a new filament after the top sea level layer is printed. // bevel off mm from the corners (applies only if boxed==true) cornerbevel = 6; // [0:20] // corner elevations; suggested range -1 to +1 cornerelev = [[0, 0], [-0.25, 0]]; // This is the starting cell for the fractal landscape generation. Regardless of the number of subdivisions, the corners of the landscape always have the values specified here. // ========== end of customizable parameters ========== module dummy(){} // force customizer to stop here if it's active // first, generate a field of random elevation offsets at each coordinate randfield = scaled2drands(seed, cornerelev, maxlevels); // now make the landscape landscape = make_landscape(cornerelev, maxlevels, randfield); // erode the landscape (happens if erosionpasses > 0) plotfield = grayerode(landscape, passes=erosionpasses); // render the landscape, sea, or both (normally "both" is most useful) if (show == "terrain") { difference() { surfaceplot(plotfield, xlen=sidelen, ylen=sidelen, zoffset=zoffset, zscale=zscale, box=boxed); if (boxed && cornerbevel > 0) cornerbevels(cornerbevel, sidelen, sidelen, 4*zscale, -2*zscale-zoffset); } } else if (show == "sea") { // makes sense only if boxed==true difference() { seabox(plotfield, sealevel, sidelen, zoffset, zscale, cornerbevel); surfaceplot(plotfield, xlen=sidelen, ylen=sidelen, zoffset=zoffset, zscale=zscale, box=true); } } else // both land and sea together renderlandscape(plotfield, sealevel, sidelen, zoffset, zscale, boxed, cornerbevel); // ========== rendering modules ========== // landscape + sea module renderlandscape(elevations, sealevel=0, sidelen=100, zoffset=0, zscale=30, box=false, bevel=0) { difference() { union() { surfaceplot(elevations, sidelen, sidelen, zoffset, zscale, box); seabox(elevations, sealevel, sidelen, zoffset, zscale, 0); } if (bevel > 0) cornerbevels(bevel, sidelen, sidelen, 4*zscale, -2*zscale-zoffset); } } // sea only module seabox(elevations, sealevel=0, sidelen=100, zoffset=0, zscale=30, bevel=0) { zmin = min2d(elevations); zmax = max2d(elevations); zpmin = zmin*zscale+zoffset; ht = (sealevel-zmin*zscale)+0.01; if (ht>0) translate([0,0,zpmin+0.5*ht]) difference() { color("blue") cube([sidelen-0.01, sidelen-0.01, ht], true); if (bevel > 0) cornerbevels(bevel, sidelen, sidelen, (zmax-zmin)*zscale, zmin*zscale); } } // corner bevels module cornerbevels(bevel, xsidelen, ysidelen, zht, zmin) { sq2 = sqrt(2); xs = xsidelen/2; ys = ysidelen/2; zm = zmin-2; bev = [ [-1,-1], [-1,sq2*(bevel+2)-1], [sq2*(bevel+2)-1,-1] ]; union() { translate([-xs, -ys, zmin]) linear_extrude(zht+4) polygon(points=bev); translate([-xs, ys, zmin]) rotate([0,0,-90]) linear_extrude(zht+4) polygon(points=bev); translate([xs, ys, zmin]) rotate([0,0,180]) linear_extrude(zht+4) polygon(points=bev); translate([xs, -ys, zmin]) rotate([0,0,90]) linear_extrude(zht+4) polygon(points=bev); } } // general purpose module for plotting an 2D array of elevation values module surfaceplot(elevations, xlen=100, ylen=100, zoffset=0, zscale=30, box=false) { echo("Generating 3D plot"); xrange = [-xlen/2, xlen/2]; yrange = [-ylen/2, ylen/2]; irange = len(elevations[0]); xrangestep = (xrange[1]-xrange[0]) / (irange-1); yrangestep = (yrange[1]-yrange[0]) / (irange-1); zmin = min2d(elevations)*zscale+zoffset-1; zboff = max(0, zoffset); field3d = [ for(y=[0:irange-1]) for(x=[0:irange-1]) [x*xrangestep+xrange[0], y*yrangestep+yrange[0], elevations[y][x]*zscale+zoffset], if (box) [xrange[0], yrange[0], zmin-zboff], if (box) [xrange[0], yrange[1], zmin-zboff], if (box) [xrange[1], yrange[0], zmin-zboff], if (box) [xrange[1], yrange[1], zmin-zboff] ]; npts = irange*irange; faces = [ for(y=[0:irange-2]) let(jy=irange*y) for (x=[0:irange-2]) [jy+x, jy+irange+x, jy+irange+x+1, jy+x+1], if (box) [ npts, npts+1, for(y=[irange-1:-1:0]) irange*y ], if (box) [ npts+2, npts, for(x=[0:irange-1]) x ], if (box) [ npts+3, npts+2, for(y=[0:irange-1]) irange*y+irange-1 ], if (box) [ npts+1, npts+3, for(x=[0:irange-1]) npts-1-x ], if (box) [ npts, npts+2, npts+3, npts+1 ] ]; polyhedron(field3d, faces, convexity=10); } // ========== functions ========== function make_landscape(field, levels, randfield, lv=0) = let(q = echo("Fractal landscape subdivision level", lv, "of", levels) 1) lv >= levels ? field : let(newfield = subdivide_field(field, randfield)) make_landscape(newfield, levels, randfield, lv+1); function subdivide_field(a, randfield) = let( r0len = len(a[0]), r1len = 2*r0len-1, randrowlen = len(randfield[0]), skip = (randrowlen-1) / (r1len-1) ) [ for (i=[0:r1len-1]) let(ri = floor(i/2), odd = (i/2 - ri > 0.01)) odd ? subdivide_oddrow(a[ri], a[ri+1], randfield[i*skip]) : subdivide_evenrow(a[ri], randfield[i*skip]) ]; function subdivide_evenrow(row, randrownums) = let( r0len = len(row), r1len = 2*r0len-1, randrowlen = len(randrownums), skip = (randrowlen-1) / (r1len-1) ) [ for(i=[0:r1len-2]) let(ri = floor(i/2), odd = (i/2 - ri > 0.01)) odd ? 0.5*(row[ri]+row[ri+1]) + randrownums[i*skip] : row[ri], row[r0len-1] ]; function subdivide_oddrow(lastrow, nextrow, randrownums) = let( r0len = len(lastrow), r1len = 2*r0len-1, randrowlen = len(randrownums), skip = (randrowlen-1) / (r1len-1) ) [ for(i=[0:r1len-1]) let(ri = floor(i/2), odd = (i/2 - ri > 0.01)) odd ? 0.25*(lastrow[ri]+lastrow[ri+1]+nextrow[ri]+nextrow[ri+1]) + randrownums[i*skip] : 0.5*(lastrow[ri]+nextrow[ri]) + randrownums[i*skip] ]; // field of random numbers scaled according to coordinate function scaled2drands(seed, cornervals, levels, leftedge=undef, rightedge=undef, topedge=undef, botedge=undef) = let( q = echo("Generating random number field") 1, imax = pow(2, levels), eleft = leftedge==undef ? randline(seed, levels, cornervals[0][0], cornervals[1][0]) : leftedge, eright = rightedge==undef ? randline(seed+7, levels, cornervals[0][1], cornervals[1][1]) : rightedge ) [ topedge == undef ? randline(seed, levels, cornervals[0][0], cornervals[0][1]) : topedge, for (i=[1:imax-1]) randline(seed+17*i, levels, eleft[i], eright[i], baselevel=numlevel(i,levels)), botedge == undef ? randline(seed, levels, cornervals[1][0], cornervals[1][1]) : botedge ]; // line of random numbers scaled according to index function randline(seed, levels, firstval=undef, lastval=undef, baselevel=0, randrange=2) = let( n = pow(2, levels), nr = rands(-0.5*randrange,0.5*randrange, n+1, seed), endscl = pow(0.5, baselevel) ) [ firstval == undef ? endscl*nr[0] : firstval, for(i=[1:n-1]) let(ilev = max(baselevel, numlevel(i, levels))) pow(0.5,ilev) * nr[i], lastval == undef ? endscl*nr[n] : lastval ]; // subdivision level of a number given 'levels' function numlevel(num, levels, testnum=0, step=0, lv=0) = let( range = pow(2,levels), newstep = step==0 ? 0.5*range : (((testnum < num && step < 0) || (testnum > num && step > 0)) ? -0.5*step : 0.5*step)) (num == testnum || num == range || lv>=levels) ? lv : numlevel(num, levels, testnum+newstep, newstep, lv+1); // minimum and maximum of a 2d array function min2d(field) = let( rowmins = [ for(y=[0:len(field)-1]) min(field[y]) ] ) min(rowmins); function max2d(field) = let( rowmaxes = [ for(y=[0:len(field)-1]) max(field[y]) ] ) max(rowmaxes); // erosion algorithm: // This is grayscale erosion (see for explanation) modified to use a circular kernel and variable height reduction depending on position of kernel center relative to kernel's elevation range. function grayerode(field, passes, npass=1) = (passes == 0) ? field : let( invsq2 = 1.0/sqrt(2.0), ymax = len(field)-1, xmax = len(field[0])-1, erodedfield = echo("Erosion pass", npass, "of", passes) [ for(y=[0:ymax]) let(dymin = max(0,y-1), dymax = min(ymax, y+1)) [ for(x=[0:xmax]) let( dxmin = max(0,x-1), dxmax = min(xmax, x+1), kernel = [ for(dy=[dymin:dymax]) [ for(dx=[dxmin:dxmax]) ((dx==dxmin || dx==dxmax) && (dy==dymin || dy==dymax)) // interpolate kernel corner onto circle ? invsq2*(field[dy][dx]-field[y][x]) + field[y][x] : field[dy][dx] ] ], kmin = min2d(kernel), kmax = max2d(kernel), f = (field[y][x]-kmin) / (kmax-kmin) // erosion factor ) kmin + (1.0-f) * (field[y][x] - kmin) ] ] ) npass >= passes ? erodedfield : grayerode(erodedfield, passes, npass+1);
notmine1 - 3D Object
module manyballs(n) { $fn=25; delta = 45; for(i=[0:1:n-1]) { x = i*delta; for(j=[0:1:n-1]) { y = j*delta; for(k=[0:1:n-1]) { z = k*delta; translate([x,y,z])sphere(25); } } } } manyballs(n=7);
velcro - 3D Object
// Nameplate OpenSCAD example modified by Michael Laws, to create a parametric version of 'Printable Velcro' by MM Printing: , itself a remix of 'Printable VELCRO' by eried: // // Original license: // // Written by Amarjeet Singh Kapoor <> // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the // public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any // warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain // Dedication along with this software. // If not, see <>. /*[ Velcro tower elements]*/ //The diameter of the lowest (and narrowest) part of each tower in mm. A base diameter of 1.0, will yield a top diameter of 1.3, and a tower height of 2.0mm. Base_diameter = 1.0;//[0.5:0.1:10] function Top_diameter() = Base_diameter*1.3; //The height of each tower in mm. function Height() = Base_diameter*2; //How tight the fit is. This is an arbitrary value, not a measurement. -10 is tightest, 10 is loosest, 0 matches the original MM Printing model. As you scale up the base diameter, a tighter interference is needed. Interference = 0;//[-10 : 10] /*[ Pattern ] */ // Pattern is twice as wide horizontally as vertically. For a square pattern, the vertical value should be twice the horizontal. //Horizontal tower sets in pattern. Horizontal = 10; //[1:1:1000] //Vertical tower sets in pattern. Vertical = 10; //[1:1:1000] /*[ Base plate ] */ //Thickness of the baseplate. Thickness = 0.6;//[0.2:0.1:5] // Horiziontal offset of base plate border from towers in mm. BorderH = 5;//[1:1:100] // Vertical offset of base plate border from towers in mm. BorderV = 5;//[1:1:100] /*[Misc] */ //Number of fragments in 360 degrees. Higher value produces a more detailed output at the expense of file size and processing time. Resolution = 12;//[5:100] $fn = Resolution; function factor() = Base_diameter/12.5; function spacing()=Base_diameter*4.4+Interference*factor(); module tower(){ cylinder(h = Height(), r1 = Base_diameter/2, r2 = Top_diameter()/2, center = false); } module single_array(){ render(){ h=spacing(); tower(); translate([h/2,h/4,0])tower(); } } module horizontal_array(){ render(){ h=spacing(); for(dx=[0:h:h*Horizontal-1]){ translate([dx,0,0])single_array(); } } } module large_array(){ v=spacing()/2; for(dy=[0:v:v*Vertical-1]){ translate([0,dy,0])horizontal_array(); } } module base_plate(){ h=spacing(); v=h/2; translate([-1*BorderH,-1*BorderV,-1*Thickness])cube([(h*Horizontal+BorderH*2-h/2),v*Vertical+BorderV*2-v/2,Thickness]); } union(){ large_array(); base_plate(); }
VSAGCRD-Logo - Project
vsagcrd - 3D Object
//Script to create a wire mesh cube with 8x8x8 empty spaces //Virtual Space and //Global communications research department //logo base object with 8.2 cm side length //consisting of the multiplied basic primitives of //an x,y,and z axis beam iterate in one dimension in loops //also includes the inner primitive (in 3 flavours) $fn=100; module x_beam(){ //just a cube with parameters in one place cube([82,2,2]); } module y_beam(){ //just a cube with parameters in one place cube([2,82,2]); } module z_beam(){ //just a cube with parameters in one place cube([2,2,82]); } module x_block(){ //primitive used for 8 points in the 3d grid *color([0,1,0]) translate ([02,02,02]) cube([8,8,8]); translate ([6,6,6]) sphere (r=1); } module vsr_cube(){ //loops for the xyz forests of beams union(){ //xbeam for (xj=[0:10:80]){ for (xi=[0:10:80]){ translate([0,xi,xj]) x_beam(); } } //ybeam for (yj=[0:10:80]){ for (yi=[0:10:80]){ translate([yi,0,yj]) y_beam(); } } //zbeam for (zj=[0:10:80]){ for (zi=[0:10:80]){ translate([zi,zj,0]) z_beam(); } } } } module inner_vsr_cube(){ //the manual inner cube union(){ //first set hull() { translate ([30,50,70]) x_block(); translate ([10,10,60]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([70,40,50]) x_block(); translate ([50,00,40]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([20,70,30]) x_block(); translate ([00,30,20]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([60,60,10]) x_block(); translate ([40,20,00]) x_block(); } //second set hull() { translate ([30,50,70]) x_block(); translate ([20,70,30]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([10,10,60]) x_block(); translate ([00,30,20]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([70,40,50]) x_block(); translate ([60,60,10]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([50,00,40]) x_block(); translate ([40,20,00]) x_block(); } //third set hull() { translate ([30,50,70]) x_block(); translate ([70,40,50]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([10,10,60]) x_block(); translate ([50,00,40]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([20,70,30]) x_block(); translate ([60,60,10]) x_block(); } hull() { translate ([00,30,20]) x_block(); translate ([40,20,00]) x_block(); } } //fourth full set as option *hull() { //hull over all 8 points in 3d space translate ([30,50,70]) x_block(); translate ([10,10,60]) x_block(); translate ([70,40,50]) x_block(); translate ([50,00,40]) x_block(); translate ([20,70,30]) x_block(); translate ([00,30,20]) x_block(); translate ([60,60,10]) x_block(); translate ([40,20,00]) x_block(); } } //paint the outer framed cube 8x8x8 vsr_cube(); //paint the inner cube either as wire or solid or points *inner_vsr_cube();
Vacuum-rig-adapter - Project
Hose_Adaptor - 3D Object
Not one of mine:
Created by Paul Tibble - 18/7/19
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Created by Paul Tibble - 18/7/19 // // // // Please consider tipping, if you find this useful. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $fn = 100*1; // Outer Diameter (bottom) outer_diameter_1 = 15; // Wall Thickness (bottom) wall_thickness_1 = 2; // Rib Thickness (bottom), set to Zero to remove barb_size_1 = 0.5; // Length (bottom) length_1 = 15; // Outer Diameter (top), should be smaller than or equal to Outer Diameter (bottom) outer_diameter_2 = 12; // Wall Thickness (top) wall_thickness_2 = 1; // Rib Thickness (top), set to Zero to remove barb_size_2 = 0.5; // Length (top) length_2 = 15; // Middle Diameter mid_diameter = 17; // Middle Length mid_length = 5; //do not change these inner_diameter_1 = outer_diameter_1 - (wall_thickness_1*2); inner_diameter_2 = outer_diameter_2 - (wall_thickness_2*2); module create_profile() { //////// // Middle /////// polygon(points=[[inner_diameter_1/2,length_1],[mid_diameter/2,length_1],[mid_diameter/2,length_1+mid_length],[inner_diameter_2/2,length_1+mid_length]]); ////// //length 1 ///// translate([inner_diameter_1/2,0,0])square([wall_thickness_1,length_1]); //barb 1 translate([outer_diameter_1/2,0,0])polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,(length_1/5)],[barb_size_1,(length_1/5)]]); //barb 2 translate([outer_diameter_1/2,length_1*0.25,0])polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,(length_1/5)],[barb_size_1,(length_1/5)]]); //barb 3 translate([outer_diameter_1/2,length_1*0.5,0])polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,(length_1/5)],[barb_size_1,(length_1/5)]]); ////// //length 2 ///// translate([inner_diameter_2/2,length_1+mid_length,0])square([wall_thickness_2,length_2]); //rib 1 translate([outer_diameter_2/2,(length_1+mid_length+length_2),0])polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,-1*(length_2/5)],[barb_size_2,-1*(length_2/5)]]); //rib 2 translate([outer_diameter_2/2,(length_1+mid_length+length_2)-length_2*0.25,0])polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,-1*(length_2/5)],[barb_size_2,-1*(length_2/5)]]); //rib 3 translate([outer_diameter_2/2,(length_1+mid_length+length_2)-length_2*0.5,0])polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,-1*(length_2/5)],[barb_size_2,-1*(length_2/5)]]); } rotate_extrude(angle = 360, convexity = 10) create_profile(); //create_profile();
balcony-storage - Project
Solar-equip-cover - 3D Object
$fn=100; doorX = 550 ; doorY = 290 ; doorZ = 21 ; coverX = 497 ; coverY = 350 ; coverZ = 35 ; module door (x,y,z) { Xwiggle = [.1,0,0] ; holeH = 15 ; holeD = 7 ; holeOff = [0,19,13] ; difference(){ cube ([x,y,z]); translate([0,y,0] - [0,holeOff.y,-holeOff.z] - Xwiggle) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=holeH + 2*Xwiggle.x ,d=holeD); } translate([x,y,0] - [0,holeOff.y,-holeOff.z] - Xwiggle) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=holeH + 2*Xwiggle.x ,d=holeD); } module cover () { x = coverX ; y = coverY ; z = coverZ ; mount = [3,30,115] ; cube([x,y,z]); difference(){ union() { translate([71,0,0]) cube(mount); translate([410,0,0]) cube(mount); } hull(){ translate ([0,mount.y/2,100]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=coverX,d=10); translate ([0,mount.y/2,85]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=coverX,d=10); } } } //shelf module shelf() { //bottom of shelf translate([0,0,-20]) cube([1100,530,20]); //top of shelf translate([0,0,370]) cube([1100,530,20]); } module components(){ union(){ //zendure translate([70,100,0]) cube([350,250,70]); //deye translate([70,120,75]) cube([350,185,40]); //battery battOffZ = [0,0,100] ; translate([630,110,0]+battOffZ) union(){ batt = [360,200,290] ; translate([0,0,-batt.z]) cube(batt); translate([30,batt.y/2,0]) cylinder(h=110,d=30); } } //left side translate([0,0,0]){ translate([0,0,0]) rotate([45,0,0]) door(doorX, doorY, doorZ); translate([(doorX-coverX)/2,doorY-100,240]) rotate([-45,0,0]) cover(); } //right side *translate([555,0,0]){ translate([(doorX-coverX)/2,doorY-100,240]) rotate([-45,0,0]) cover(); translate([0,0,0]) rotate([45,0,0]) door(doorX, doorY, doorZ); } } //holder draft module armL() { H = 200 ; holeD = 6 ; armD = 40 ; baseX = 80; difference () { hull(){ translate([0,20,H]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=10,d=armD); cube ([10,baseX,10]); translate ([-30,10,0]) cube ([30,60,10]); } translate([0, armD/2, H]) translate([-10,0,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=50, d=6); } cube([70,baseX,5]); } #shelf(); #translate([11,50,0]) components(); translate([0,212,0]) armL(); *cover();
microshed - 3D Object
// A little cabinet for outside with a solar roof // Variables uprightX=40; uprightY=60; uprightIndent=uprightY/3; IuprightIndent=uprightY-uprightIndent; floorH=20; //thickness of board floorOffset=uprightY+floorH+20; //height from ground the kaercher sits at solarAngle=45; //front angle of solar roof solarX=500; //panel Width solarY=715; //panel Height solarZ=25; //panel Depth kaercherH=900; //approximate Kaercher bounding Height kaercherX=330; //approximate Kaercher bounding Height kaercherY=330; kaercherHeadRoom=uprightY+20; solarHpos=floorOffset+kaercherH+kaercherHeadRoom+uprightY; //triangle sides opposite = sin(solarAngle) * solarY; adjacent = cos(solarAngle) * solarY; // PARAMETRIC PART //upright FL cube([uprightX,uprightY,solarHpos]); //upright FR translate([solarX-uprightX,0,0]) cube([uprightX,uprightY,solarHpos]); echo("2x front upright lengths= ",solarHpos); // Panel / roof translate([0,0,solarHpos])rotate([solarAngle,0,0])cube([solarX,solarY,solarZ]); // Kaercher bounding box translate ([solarX/2-kaercherX/2,adjacent/2-kaercherY/2,floorOffset]) color([1,1,0])cube([kaercherX,kaercherY,kaercherH]); //upright BL translate([0,adjacent-uprightY,0]) cube([uprightX,uprightY,solarHpos+opposite]); //upright BR translate([solarX-uprightX,adjacent-uprightY,0]) cube([uprightX,uprightY,solarHpos+opposite]); echo("2x back upright lengths= ",solarHpos+opposite); //floor //sides echo("FOR bottom shelf - cut in BL/BR/FR/FL at height of ", floorOffset-floorH-uprightY," cut to depth of ", uprightIndent, " and length of ",uprightY," at the long INSIDE side"); color([1,0,0]) translate([0,IuprightIndent,floorOffset-floorH-uprightY]) cube([uprightX,adjacent-(2*uprightY)+(2*uprightIndent),uprightY]); color([1,0,0]) translate([solarX-uprightX,IuprightIndent,floorOffset-floorH-uprightY]) cube([uprightX,adjacent-(2*uprightY)+(2*uprightIndent),uprightY]); echo("2x bottom sides length= ",adjacent-(2*uprightY)+(2*uprightIndent)); //bottom floor board translate([0,uprightY,floorOffset-floorH]) cube([solarX,adjacent-(2*uprightY),floorH]); echo("1x floor board XxY= ",solarX,adjacent-(2*uprightY)); //bottom back echo("FOR bottom back - cut in BL/BR at height of ", floorOffset-uprightY+(1.5*uprightY)," cut to depth of ", uprightX, " and length of ",uprightY," at the long BACK side"); color([1,0,0]) translate([0,adjacent-uprightX,floorOffset-uprightY+(1.5*uprightY)]) cube([solarX,uprightX,uprightY]); //top back echo("FOR top shelf - cut in BL/BR/FR/FL at height of ", floorOffset+kaercherH+kaercherHeadRoom-uprightY," cut to depth of ", uprightX, " and length of ",uprightY," at the long OUTSIDE side"); color([1,0,0]) translate([0,adjacent-uprightX,floorOffset+kaercherH+kaercherHeadRoom-uprightY]) cube([solarX,uprightX,uprightY]); //top front color([1,0,0]) translate([0,0,floorOffset+kaercherH+kaercherHeadRoom-uprightY]) cube([solarX,uprightX,uprightY]); echo("3x back and front length= ",solarX); //top shelf board translate([uprightX,0,floorOffset+kaercherH+kaercherHeadRoom]) cube([solarX-(2*uprightX),adjacent,floorH]); echo("1x shelf board XxY= ",solarX-(2*uprightX),adjacent);
bcn3d - Project
bcn3d-cam-mount - 3D Object
$fn = 100 ; width = 220 ; height = 15 ; thickness = 1 ; pinH = 10 ; pinD = 3 ; clipW = 40 ; clipWout = 60 ; clipH = 20 ; clipHout = 40 ; totWidth = width+2*pinD ; totHeight = height+2*pinD ; module pin() { cylinder(h=pinH,d=pinD); } translate([0, 0, 0]) cube([totWidth, totHeight, thickness]); translate([pinD, pinD, 0]) { //move all pins at once while retaining their relative pos translate([0, 0, 0]) pin(); translate([0, height, 0]) pin(); translate([width, 0, 0]) pin(); translate([width, height, 0]) pin(); } difference() { translate([totWidth/2 - clipWout/2, totHeight, 0]) cube([clipWout, clipHout, thickness]); translate([totWidth/2 - clipW/2, totHeight + clipH/2, -.1]) cube([clipW, clipH, thickness + .2]); }
bins - Project
draft-holder - 3D Object
// a draft holder is work in progress $fn = 100 ; width = 40 ; length = 15 ; height = 27 ; holderH = 2.5 ; pinH = 3 ; pinW = 20 ; holderDepth = 9 ; bridgeW = 12.3 ; insertDepth = 10 ; cylD = (width - bridgeW) ; module bracket() { difference(){ union(){ cube([length,width,height]); translate([length,0,0]) cube([holderDepth,width,holderH]); translate([length,0,height-holderH]) cube([holderDepth,width,holderH]); translate([length,(width-pinW)/2,(height-holderH)/2]) cube([pinH,pinW,holderH]); } translate ([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=height+.2,d=cylD); translate ([0,width,-.1]) cylinder(h=height+.2,d=cylD); translate([-.1,(cylD+2*holderH)/2,holderH]) cube([insertDepth,bridgeW-2*holderH,height-2*holderH]); } } bracket ();
strutinsert - 3D Object
// A polygon extruded as a piece to repair a strut linear_extrude(60) polygon(points=[[0,0],[7.2,0],[7.3,17],[-.1,17]]);
cmount - Project
2cmount - 3D Object
// // Double C-mount adapter // This is the thing required for my AmScope to get the // same focus plane for the camera as for the eyepiece // // // // you can tune this to change the focal plane dist = 7.5; depth = 4.0; // depth of threads taper = 2.5; ring = 28.0; // diameter of ring knurls = 64; kdia = 1.0; include <threads.scad> intersection //union () { difference () { union () { english_thread (0.99, 32, (depth*2 + dist)/25.4); translate([0,0,depth]) cylinder(d1 = 25.4 + 0.3, d2 = ring, h=taper, $fn=12*8); translate([0,0,depth+taper]) { cylinder(d = ring, h=dist-taper, $fn=12*8); for (n = [0:knurls-1]) rotate([0,0,(360/knurls)*n]) hull () { translate([ring/2,0,kdia/2]) sphere(d = kdia, h=dist-taper, $fn=6); translate([ring/2,0,dist-taper-kdia/2]) sphere(d = kdia, h=dist-taper, $fn=6); } } } translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(d = 21.5, h=depth*2 + dist + 2, $fn=128); } translate ([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder(d1 = 25.4 - 2.0, d2 = 25.4 - 2.0 + 2*(depth*2+dist), h=depth*2+dist, $fn=12*8); }
cookie-press - Project
star - 3D Object
Just a test to see if one can print shapes for a cookie press.
$fn=100; points=8; innerR=6; outerR=12; fittingD=51; fittingH=3; module Star(p=5, r1=6, r2=12) { s = [for(i=[0:p*2]) [(i % 2 == 0 ? r1 : r2)*cos(180*i/p), (i % 2 == 0 ? r1 : r2)*sin(180*i/p)]]; polygon(s); } difference() { cylinder(h=fittingH,d=fittingD); translate([0,0,-.1]) linear_extrude(fittingH+.2) Star(points, innerR, outerR); }
coords - Project
koord-rund - 3D Object
//Koordinatensytem $fn=50; //variablen axisRadius=25; discH=1.5; axisD=2.7; axisLabelD=10; labelExt=1.2; baseH=6; baseD2=axisD; baseD1=axisRadius/.9; //ebene module ebene(text1,text2,text1Pos) { cylinder(h=axisRadius*2,d=axisD,center=true); translate([0,0,axisRadius]) cylinder(h=axisLabelD,d2=axisLabelD,d1=.5,center=true); rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=discH,r=axisRadius,center=true); translate([0,0,axisRadius+axisLabelD/2]) rotate([0,0,text1Pos])linear_extrude(labelExt)text(text1,halign="center",valign="center",axisLabelD/2); translate([discH/2,axisD,axisD]) rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude(labelExt) text(text2,axisLabelD/2); } //ebenen ausgabe rotate([90,0,0]) ebene("x1","x1-x3",0); rotate([0,270,180]) ebene("x2","x1-x2",3*90); rotate([0,0,270]) ebene("x3","x3-x2",1.5*90); //Sockel translate([0,0,-axisRadius]) cylinder(h=baseH,d1=baseD1,d2=baseD2,center=true); difference() { translate([0,0,-axisRadius-baseH/2-labelExt/2]) cylinder(h=labelExt,d=baseD1,center=true); translate([0,0,-axisRadius-baseH/2]) rotate([180,0,0]) linear_extrude(labelExt)text("Fynn",halign="center",valign="center",8); }
koordinaten - 3D Object
//koordinaten system hoehe=70; breite=70; tiefe=70; dicke=2; //ein viertel module viertel(text1,text2,text3,text4,text5) { cube([breite,tiefe,dicke]); hull(){ cube([breite,dicke,tiefe]); translate([breite/3,0,hoehe])cube([breite/2,tiefe/4,dicke]); } //text1 translate([breite/2,dicke,hoehe/2+hoehe/4]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(dicke*2) scale([.5,.5,.5])text(text1); //text2 translate([breite/4,dicke,hoehe/2]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(dicke*2) text(text2); //text3 translate([breite/4,tiefe/2+tiefe/4,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) linear_extrude(dicke*2) scale([.5,.5,.5]) text(text3); //text4 translate([tiefe/2,tiefe/2,0])rotate([0,0,90]) linear_extrude(dicke*2) text(text4); //text5 translate([breite/2,dicke,hoehe])rotate([0,0,0]) linear_extrude(dicke*2) text(text5); } viertel("1","2","3","4","5"); rotate([0,0,90]) viertel("6","7","8","9","10"); rotate([0,0,180]) viertel("11","12","13","14","15"); rotate([0,0,270]) viertel("16","17","18","19","20");
desk - Project
fastener - 3D Object
This is a fastener for a writing Desk.
The idea is to add a magnet to hold it up and to print it so that it does not require a bearing.
V1 is the first prototype for a first print test and fitting test
fits well and axle didn’t print free so need update
The reason was that the axle required supports winside the part to build
Changed the axle to 45 degree angles to negate the need for supports
V2 added a better axle but didn’t get printed
V3 added a better cutout and is printed
The cutout is currently a dummy pending getting the axle to work to try it out with magnets taped into place
axle prints freely so moving on to screw holes, magnets, and covers
V4 Added final OCD logo and screw caps etc.
Mounted and working.
$fn=100; mainLength=50; mainD=15; mainH=10; axleD=10; axleDout=axleD+3; ringH=2; magnetX=17; magnetY=5; magnetZ=2; module axle(xxlX,xxlY) { translate([0,0,-xxlY/2])cylinder(h=mainH+xxlY,d=axleD+xxlX); translate([0,0,((mainH-ringH)/2)]) cylinder(h=ringH,d=axleDout+xxlX); translate([0,0,(mainH/2)-((axleDout-axleD)/2+ringH/2)]) cylinder(h=(axleDout-axleD)/2,d1=axleD+xxlX,d2=axleDout+xxlX); translate([0,0,(mainH/2)+(ringH/2)]) cylinder(h=((axleDout-axleD)/2),d2=axleD+xxlX,d1=axleDout+xxlX); } module clip() { difference() { union(){ hull(){ cylinder(d=mainD,h=mainH); translate([mainLength,0,0]) cylinder(d=mainD,h=mainH); } translate([7,-3.5,mainH]) linear_extrude (height=1.5) { text("OCD",size=8); } } //magnet translate([mainLength-magnetX,-magnetZ/2,(mainH-magnetY)/2+1]) cube([magnetX,magnetZ,magnetY+10]); //holder holderW=19; holderRin=33; holderRout=holderRin+holderW; difference(){ translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=3+.1,r=holderRout); translate([0,0,-.11]) cylinder(h=3+.22,r=holderRin); } } } module magnetCap(){ //magnet cap difference(){ cylinder(h=2.8,d=11); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=2,d=10); } } module screwCap() { //screwcap axle cylinder(h=2,d=7.5); translate([0,0,2]) cylinder(h=1,d=axleD); } //add the clip difference () { clip(); axle(1,1); //REMOVE FOR PRINT!!!! JUST A CUTOUT FOR DEMO #translate ([0,-mainD/2-.1,-.01]) cube([mainLength/4,mainH,12]); } //add the axle and drill a hole in it for a srew difference(){ axle(0,0); translate([0,0,-.05]) cylinder(h=mainH+.1,d=4); translate([0,0,mainH/2]) cylinder(h=(mainH/2)+.1,d=7.5); //next two lines just a visual //#translate([0,0,mainH+2]) screwCap(); //#translate([42,0,-.5]) magnetCap(); } translate([0,-27,3]) rotate([0,180,0]) screwCap(); translate([0,-15,3]) rotate([0,180,0]) magnetCap();
esp8266 - Project
led-tester - 3D Object
// this is for a small esp8266-01 module adapter $fn=100; module usbcConnectorPCB(extrude) { //PCB board = [ 15.5, 15, .8] ; color("green") cube(board,center=true); //connector usbcD=3.3; usbcL=12 + extrude; usbcW=9; usbcEgress=2; color("silver") translate([-usbcW/2 + usbcD/2, (board.y - usbcL)/2 + usbcEgress, 0]) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) hull(){ translate([0, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=usbcL, d=usbcD, center=true); translate([usbcW - usbcD, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=usbcL, d=usbcD, center=true); } } module usbcConnectorMount(){ version="V1.3"; difference() { translate([0, 6, 0]) cube([20, 6, 10],center=true); scale([1.05, 1.05, 1.05]) usbcConnectorPCB(7); translate([0,6,3.5]) linear_extrude(2) text(version,size=5,halign="center",valign="center"); } //add a tab with hole to fix the connector difference(){ translate([0, -5, -3.5]) cube([10, 20, 3],center=true); translate([0, -9, -6]) cylinder(h=10,d=3); } } translate([0,0,0]) color("lightblue") usbcConnectorMount(); *usbcConnectorPCB(0); module ledController() { board = [21,25,1.5] ; boardHoleD = 2.5 ; difference() { cube(board,center=true); translate([-8.8,-10.5,0]) cylinder(h=2*board.z,d=boardHoleD,center=true); } boardConn = [8,10,6] ; boardButton = [2,3,1.5] ; boardButtonCase = [4,6,4] ; esp826601 = [15.7,25,1.5] ; translate([-(board.x - esp826601.x)/2,0,11]) cube(esp826601,center=true); translate([-(board.x - boardConn.x)/2,0,(esp826601.z+boardConn.z)/2]) color("white") cube(boardConn,center=true); translate([(board.x - boardButton.x)/2+boardButton.x,-(esp826601.y+boardButton.y)/2+boardButton.y+3.4,(esp826601.z+boardButton.z)/2+.5]) color("white") cube(boardButton,center=true); translate([(board.x - boardButtonCase.x)/2,-(esp826601.y+boardButton.y)/2+boardButton.y+3.4,(esp826601.z+boardButton.z)/2+.5])cube(boardButtonCase,center = true); } *translate([0,-2,7]) rotate([0,0,90])ledController(); h=11;innerD=5;outerD=7; translate([15,4,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(h=10,d=3,center=true); translate([-13,-17,-7]) cube([27,26,2]);
fritzring - Project
Freez-ring - 3D Object
$fn=100; height=5; innerD=54 ; upperOuterD=73; lowerOuterD=72.5; module flange () { difference(){ translate([0,0,.5]) cylinder(d2=lowerOuterD,d1=upperOuterD,h=height); cylinder(d=innerD,h=height+1); } } flange();
fritzcolaadapter - 3D Object
$fn=300; //35mm measured fromn the 3 initial rings plus 2 mm height=35; //following testing only height=5; innerD=61.8 ; // outerD=66 is good enough for the upper 1/3 part of the zoe can holder // outerD=65 is good enough for the middle 1/3 part of the zoe can holder // inner D 61 sticks just a slight bit on the fritzcola bottles but works // turns out that while innerD 61.2 is fine for the one bottle I tested with the others are wider // testing with .5mm extra // and exchange upper and lower D to make it grow thinnner upwards // should probably add three indents to make it fit even better but hey.... iterative :-) // 61.7 sticks just slightly so adding.1mm lowerOuterD=64; upperOuterD=66.5; module flange () { difference(){ translate([0,0,.5]) cylinder(d2=lowerOuterD,d1=upperOuterD,h=height); cylinder(d=innerD,h=height+1); } } flange();
geo-test - Project
geoTest - 3D Object
This is not one of mine and I just kiked it as a good example.
I did correct some mistakes in it though.
// Geody Planet 1 - SCAD // Geody - // OpenSCAD - wwrad=40; // Radius of the Planet wrad=wwrad/20; // Radius of the Spot wradp=wwrad-wrad/2; // Distance of the Spot from the center of the Planet wres=50; // Resolution of the Spot latx=48.782345; lonx=9.180819; rotate(a=[0,0,270]) { import("geody_earthmap.stl", convexity=4); } // download from // sphere(r=wwrad, $fn=wres); // Test Planet translate([(-wradp)*cos(latx)*cos(lonx),(-wradp)*cos(latx)*sin(lonx),wradp*sin(latx)]){sphere(r=wrad, $fn=wres);}
kitchen-door - Project
KitchenDoorHoleStopper - 3D Object
//plug for door hinge mounting hole (WHITE) // door replaced by sliding glass door 27/11/2021 totDepth=15; insertDiameter=7; lidDiameter=14; lidHeight=1; $fn=100; color ([1,1,1]) { cylinder(h=totDepth,d=insertDiameter); cylinder(h=lidHeight,d2=lidDiameter,d1=lidDiameter-lidHeight); }
skirtingpatch - 3D Object
//approximation of the ends $fn=100; length=191.5; height=10; topDepth=2; end1W=13; end2W=10; wiggle=.1; legD=3; legR=legD/2; translate([0,0,height-topDepth]) hull(){ rotate([90,0,0]) cube([end1W,topDepth,wiggle]); translate([0,length-wiggle,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) cube([end2W,topDepth,wiggle]); } //end1 translate([legR,legR,0]) cylinder(h=height,r=legR); translate([end1W-legR,legR,0]) cylinder(h=height,r=legR); //end2 translate([legR,length-legR-wiggle,0]) cylinder(h=height,r=legR); translate([end2W-legR,length-legR-wiggle,0]) cylinder(h=height,r=legR); //middle translate([((end2W+end1W)/2)/2,length/2,0]) cylinder(h=height,r=legR);
strikeplate - 3D Object
$fn=100; SPlength=170; SPwidth=28; SPmaterialStrength=2; module strikePlate () { cube ([SPlength,SPwidth,SPmaterialStrength]); translate ([0,0,-10]) cube ([SPlength,SPmaterialStrength,10]); } module screw () { *cylinder(h=8,d=3); cylinder(h=3,d1=2,d2=7); } difference(){ strikePlate(); translate([8.5,10.5,-0.1]) screw(); translate([85,10.5,-0.1]) screw(); translate([SPlength-8.5,10.5,-0.1]) screw(); }
knob - Project
knob - 3D Object
$fn=100; //prototype for haptic testing of control knob. //The knob is to be built into the bottom of a drinking bottle (largte ring.. fits) //the control knob is the bottletop (both brushed aluminium) (fits) //the larger ring is also dimensioned to hold a heavy metal plate to add weight (fits) // next step after press fitting this in is to see how the ontrols can be integrated. a USB Cinterface is already planned... but let's see.. might use an RP2040 or a leonardo.. let's see animate1=50*(1-$t); //Knob animate2=10*(1-$t); //608zz animate3=90*-(1-$t); //axle goes down animate4=40*-(1-$t); //metal base animate5=20*-(1-$t); //base animate6=60*-(1-$t); //underbase module 608zz() { outer_diameter = 22; // Outer race diameter inner_diameter = 8; // Inner bore diameter width = 7; // Bearing width difference() { cylinder(d=outer_diameter, h=width); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(d=inner_diameter, h=width+.2); } } module 608zzHolder () { axleD=8; //axle diameter of the axle for the 608 bearing - we;ll add for printer tolerance bearingH=7; //608 skateboard bearing height bearingD=22; //608 skateboard bearing diameter we'll add amillimeter or two later to account for the fitting ring fittingD=bearingD+7; //outer diameter of the fitting ring for the bearing nubAngle=360/16; //the fitting nubs for the bearing at x degree rotation printerRadTol=.0; //add this value to the radius nubRad=.5; //the nub radius for the bearing fitting ring module ring(inRad,outRad,height,tol) { difference(){ cylinder(h=height,r=outRad+tol); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=height+.2,r=inRad+tol); } } module fittingNubsCircle(nubRad,height,inRad,angle,tol) { rad=inRad+nubRad+tol; for (pos=[0:angle:360]) { *echo(pos); rotate ([0,0,pos]) translate([rad,0,0]) cylinder(h=height,r=nubRad); } } ring( (bearingD/2)+nubRad, (fittingD/2) , bearingH , printerRadTol ); fittingNubsCircle( nubRad , bearingH , bearingD/2 , nubAngle , printerRadTol ); } module disc(){ //metal disc color("silver") difference(){ wiggle=.02; cylinder(h=5,d=60); translate([0,0,-wiggle/2]) cylinder(h=5+wiggle,d=10); } } module discHolder() { //metal disc holder under top translate([0,0,-1]) difference(){ wiggle=.02; angle=360/3; cylinder(h=6+wiggle/2,d=66.5); translate([0,0,1]) cylinder(h=5+wiggle,d=60); //bottom hole translate([0,0,-wiggle])cylinder(h=10,d=18); //3 holes for (pos=[0:angle:360]) { *echo(pos); rotate ([0,0,pos]) translate([31.5,0,-wiggle/2]) cylinder(h=8,d=2.4); } rotate([0,0,63])translate([31,0,4-wiggle])cube([10,10,10],center=true); } } module Axle(){ wiggle=.02; numMagnets = 3; holderOuterD = 13; holderInnerD = 6.15; holderH = numMagnets * 2 + 2; holderInnerH = numMagnets * 2; holderSlot = 2; //magnet holder head difference(){ cylinder(h=holderH,d=holderOuterD); translate([0,0,-wiggle]) cylinder(h=holderInnerH+wiggle,d=holderInnerD); translate([0,0,holderInnerH/2-wiggle/2]) cube([holderSlot,holderOuterD+wiggle,holderInnerH+wiggle],center=true); } //axle H=24; D=8; insetD=5; insetH=8; translate([0,0,holderH-wiggle/2]) difference(){ cylinder(h=H+wiggle/2,d=D); translate([0,0,(H-insetH)+wiggle])cylinder(h=insetH+wiggle,d=insetD); } //ring for better bering fit translate([0,0,14]) cylinder(h=7,d=8.1); } //base module base() { //top inner mount disc angle=360/3; translate([0,0,5]) { difference(){ baseRingH=7;wiggle=.02;baseRingD=69.1;baseRingInnerD=28; union(){ difference(){ cylinder(h=baseRingH,d=baseRingD); translate([0,0,.5]) cylinder(h=baseRingH+wiggle,d=baseRingInnerD); translate([0,0,-wiggle/2]) cylinder(h=1+wiggle,d=18); } 608zzHolder(); //rounded top translate([0,0,2]) intersection(){ translate([0,0,14.99]) cube([70,70,20],center=true); translate([0,0,5]) rotate_extrude( angle=360) translate([28,0,0]) circle(d=13); } } //3 holes for (pos=[0:angle:360]) { *echo(pos); rotate ([0,0,pos]) translate([31.5,0,-wiggle/2]) cylinder(h=8,d=3.5); } rotate([0,0,63])translate([31,0,4.9]) cube([3,10,10],center=true); //PCB draft poaition *rotate([0,0,63])translate([25,0,3.5]) cube([22,18,6],center=true); } } } //knob module knob(){ knobTotH = 15 ; knobOuterD=41.8; knobInnerD=8.1; bearingLipD=12; bearingLipH=1;wiggle=.2; screwHoleHeadH = 4; screwHoleHeadD=6; srewHoleT=1;screwHoleD=3; union(){ //knob - central hole translate([0,0,bearingLipH]) difference(){ union(){ cylinder(h=knobTotH,d=knobOuterD); cylinder(h=.5,d=knobOuterD+1); } translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=knobTotH +0.2,d=knobInnerD); } //lip for bearing difference(){ cylinder(h=bearingLipH,d=bearingLipD); translate([0,0,-wiggle/2])cylinder(h=bearingLipH+wiggle,d=knobInnerD); } //screw hole inset translate([0,0,bearingLipH+knobTotH-screwHoleHeadH-srewHoleT]) difference(){ cylinder(h=screwHoleHeadH+srewHoleT,d=knobInnerD+srewHoleT); translate([0,0,-wiggle/2]) cylinder(h=screwHoleHeadH+srewHoleT+wiggle,d=screwHoleD); translate([0,0,screwHoleHeadH/2-wiggle/2]) cylinder(h=screwHoleHeadH+wiggle,d=screwHoleHeadD); } } } //All together now and animate it *union(){ $t=1; translate([0,0,25 + .5 + animate2]){ color("silver") 608zz(); } translate([0,0,11.5+animate3]) color("silver")Axle(); translate([0,0,20+animate5]) base(); translate([0,0,32+animate1]) knob(); translate([0,0,20+animate4])disc(); translate([0,0,20+animate6])discHolder(); #translate([0,0,5-.5])cube([60,60,1],center=true); } //All together now and print it union(){ translate([0,0,0]) color("silver")Axle(); translate([45,0,-5]) base(); translate([-30,0,15.5]) rotate([180,0,0])knob(); translate([0,60,1])discHolder(); }
led-Casing - Project
CasingLED - 3D Object
// OPENSCA Model for encloser for Tine's table // Curently 3 devices Waatuino, 3.3v to 5v and esp wemos d1 mini $fn=100; wiggle=0.01; module wemos(){ difference(){ union(){ //wemos d1 mini 26mmx35mm h7mm cube([26,35,10]); translate([9,32,0]) cube([10,5,5]); } translate([3,5,-wiggle]) cube([1,20,3+wiggle]); translate([21,5,-wiggle]) cube([1,20,3+wiggle]); } } module v5v3(){ union(){ difference(){ //volatege level shifter 5v 3v 14mmx16mm h7mm cube([14,16,10]); translate([3,3,-wiggle]) cube([8,10,3+wiggle]); } translate([4,4,0]) cube([6,8,3+wiggle]); } } module blanker(){ //volatege level shifter 5v 3v 14mmx16mm h7mm cube([14,18,10]); } module wattuino(){ //wattuino arduino 5v clone 22mmx32mm h7mm union(){ difference(){ cube([19,34,10]); translate([2.5,4,-wiggle]) cube([14,26,3+wiggle]); } translate([3.5,5,0]) cube([12,24,3+wiggle]); } } module casing(){ //outer casing cube([63,37,10]); } module cabling(){ //cabling boom cube([50,8,3.01]); } module enclosure(){ //outer casing and substract difference(){ casing(); translate([1,1,1]) wemos(); translate([28,1,1]) v5v3(); translate([43,1,1]) wattuino(); translate([28,18,1]) blanker(); translate([7,7,7]) cabling(); } } enclosure();
midleton - Project
internal-volume - 3D Object
the internal Volume of a presentation box to test ideas on.
//inside of midleton wooden box with double doors totHeight = 260 ; totWidth = 111.1 ; totDepth = 108.5 ; dimensions = [ totWidth, totDepth, totHeight] ; wiggle = [1.25, 1, 1] ; volume = dimensions - wiggle ; //inner structure definitions structDivs = 20 ; structStrength = 1 ; structH = totHeight/structDivs ; post = [structStrength, structStrength, structH] ; block = [structStrength, structStrength, structStrength] ; //Volume Visual #cube( dimensions ); FL = [0, 0, 0]; FR = [volume.x - post.x, 0, 0]; BR = [volume.x - post.x, volume.y - post.y, 0]; BL = [0, volume.y - post.y, 0]; i=0; translate(wiggle/2) *union() { translate ([0,0,i]) { //left and right sides hull() { translate( FR ) cube( post ); translate( BR ) cube( post ); } hull() { translate( FL ) cube( post ); translate( BL ) cube( post ); } //Base plate hull() { cube([volume.x, post.y, post.y]) ; translate ([0, 0, 0] + BL) cube([volume.x, post.y, post.y]) ; } } } translate(wiggle/2) hull(){ translate(FR) cube(block); translate(BL) cube(block); }
midletoninset - 3D Object
//This is an inlet for a whiskey presentation box from Midleton $fn=50; //Lower Notches LowerNotchDepth=3.5; LowerNotchLength=8; LowerRNotchLengthOffset=15; LowerLNotchLengthOffset=14.3; module LLnotch(LowerLNotchLengthOffset){ //Lower Left Notch translate([-LowerNotchDepth,LowerLNotchLengthOffset,0]) cube([LowerNotchDepth,LowerNotchLength,BoxHeight]); } module LRnotch(LowerRNotchLengthOffset){ //Lower Right Notch translate([BoxWidth,LowerRNotchLengthOffset,0]) cube([LowerNotchDepth,LowerNotchLength,BoxHeight]); } //Variables for screen ScreenTopY=75; ScreenTopX=141; ScreenTopZ=1; ScreenEdge=1; ScreenMaxDepth=7; module waveshareHDMIscreen(wiggle){ //full hd screen top face //and yes it has rounded corners but let's just start simple. union(){ //Screen dimensions cube([ScreenTopY,ScreenTopX,ScreenTopZ+wiggle]); translate([ScreenEdge,ScreenEdge,-ScreenMaxDepth]) cube([ScreenTopY-(2*ScreenEdge),ScreenTopX-(2*ScreenEdge),ScreenMaxDepth+wiggle]); //connecting cable at the edge. translate([57,0,-ScreenMaxDepth]) cube([7,7,ScreenMaxDepth]); //USB for touch with offseted connector - wiggle through translate([12,19,-ScreenMaxDepth-10]) cube([30,9,ScreenMaxDepth+10]); translate([12,10,-ScreenMaxDepth-10]) cube([15,12,ScreenMaxDepth+10]); //USB for power - wriggle thrrough translate([65,95,-ScreenMaxDepth-10]) cube([5,15,ScreenMaxDepth+10]); translate([57,97,-ScreenMaxDepth-10]) cube([17,11,ScreenMaxDepth+10]); //HDMI connector - Wriggle through might not work... might have to make hole larger translate([44,72,-ScreenMaxDepth-10]) cube([30,20,ScreenMaxDepth+10]); //Audio? translate([51,56.75,-ScreenMaxDepth-4]) cube([23,7.5,ScreenMaxDepth+4]); //The screw holes Standoffs(); //The mounting holes for the displaycover translate([0+10,0-5,-ScreenMaxDepth-6]) cylinder(h=20,d=4.8); translate([0+10,ScreenTopX+5,-ScreenMaxDepth-6]) cylinder(h=20,d=4.8); translate([ScreenTopY-10,0-5,-ScreenMaxDepth-6]) cylinder(h=20,d=4.8); translate([ScreenTopY-10,ScreenTopX+5,-ScreenMaxDepth-6]) cylinder(h=20,d=4.8); } } StandoffDepth=9; StandoffSpace=1; StandoffScrewHead=2; module HolePeg(offset1){ //standoff translate([0,0,-StandoffDepth+1]+offset1) cylinder(h=StandoffDepth-1,r=3.05); //screwwshaft translate([0,0,-StandoffDepth-StandoffSpace+1]+offset1) cylinder(h=StandoffDepth+StandoffSpace-1,r=1); //Screw head translate([0,0,-StandoffDepth-StandoffSpace-StandoffScrewHead+1]+offset1) cylinder(h=StandoffScrewHead,r=3); } module Standoffs(){ //Outside holes //one *HolePeg([6,9,0]); HolePeg([6.5,9.75,0]); //the rest HolePeg([69,22,0]); HolePeg([6,132.5,0]); HolePeg([53,132.5,0]); //inside holes HolePeg([11.5,52.5,0]); HolePeg([60.5,52.5,0]); HolePeg([60.5,110.5,0]); HolePeg([11.5,110.5,0]); } // Midleton box measurements //Real total Height //BoxHeight=61; //Display inset Height BoxHeight=10.5; //testprint //BoxHeight=8.5; BoxWidth=83.8; LowerPartLength=162.5; //testing value //LowerPartLength=50; LowerPartWallThickness=1.5; LowerPartFloorThickness=1.5; module Displaymodule() { //Lower part of the box difference(){ //Outercube cube([BoxWidth,LowerPartLength,BoxHeight]); //subtract for inner space *translate([LowerPartWallThickness,LowerPartWallThickness,LowerPartFloorThickness]) cube([BoxWidth-2*LowerPartWallThickness,LowerPartLength,BoxHeight-(2*LowerPartFloorThickness)]); } LLnotch(LowerLNotchLengthOffset); LRnotch(LowerRNotchLengthOffset); } //Displaymodule(); //Standoffs(); //waveshareHDMIscreen(); // put it all together difference(){ Displaymodule(); //Screen translate([(BoxWidth-ScreenTopY)/2,(BoxWidth-ScreenTopY)/2+6,BoxHeight-ScreenTopZ]) waveshareHDMIscreen(.1); //for testprint only *translate([-10,10,2.5])cube([100,130,15]); *translate([10,-10,2.5])cube([65,160,15]); } //remove for print... only for animation *translate([((BoxWidth-ScreenTopY)/2),(BoxWidth-ScreenTopY)/2+6,(BoxHeight-ScreenTopZ)+30*(1-$t)]) waveshareHDMIscreen(0);
test - 3D Object
// This scad script creates a cubic structure based on cube dimensions // based on uprights and cross connexions from a list of lists of corners $fn=100; //inside of midleton wooden box with double doors totHeight = 260 ; totWidth = 111.1 ; totDepth = 108.5 ; dimensions = [ totWidth, totDepth, totHeight] ; wiggle = [1.25, 1, 1] ; volume = dimensions - wiggle ; // Corner strength Blob = [3,3,3] ; // Outside dimensions //DIM = [100, 200, 200] ; DIM = volume - [0,0,4*(volume.z/5)]; module qubicStruct(Blob, DIM) { // relative coordinates of the 8 corners minus the corner strength // eg. Bottom Back Left= BBL, or TFR= Top Front Right // This makes reading the list of lists easier BFL = [0, 0, 0] ; BFR = [DIM.x - Blob.x, 0, 0] ; BBR = [DIM.x - Blob.x, DIM.y -Blob.y, 0] ; BBL = [0, DIM.y -Blob.y, 0] ; TOP = [0, 0, DIM.z -Blob.z] ; TFL = BFL + TOP ; TFR = BFR + TOP ; TBR = BBR + TOP ; TBL = BBL + TOP ; // List of top corners topCorners = [ TFL, TFR, TBL, TBR ]; bottomCorners = [ BFL, BFR, BBL, BBR ]; // List of list of pairs of 3D coordinates with comment coordinatePairs = [ [BFL, BFR, "bottom"], [BFR, BBR, "bottom"], [BBR, BBL, "bottom"], [BBL, BFL, "bottom"], [BBL, BFR, "bottom cross"], [BFL, BBR, "bottom cross"], [BFR, TFR, "upright"], [BFL, TFL, "upright"], [BBR, TBR, "upright"], [BBL, TBL, "upright"], // top frame (ONLY needed if TOP structure to stabilize [TFL, TFR, "top"], [TFR, TBR, "top"], [TBR, TBL, "top"], [TBL, TFL, "top"], [BFL, TBL, "left cross"], [TFL, BBL, "left cross"], [BFR, TBR, "right cross"], [TFR, BBR, "right cross"], [BBR, TBL, "back cross"], [TBR, BBL, "back cross"], ]; module createHull(coord1, coord2) { hull() { translate(coord1) cube(Blob); translate(coord2) cube(Blob); } } difference() { // Create hulls around pairs of 3D coordinates for (pair = coordinatePairs) { createHull(pair[0], pair[1]); } // add mounting post hole for (corner = bottomCorners) { translate(corner + [Blob.x/2,Blob.y/2,-.1]) cylinder(h = Blob.z, d = Blob.x - 1.4); } } // add mounting posts for (corner = topCorners) { translate(corner + [Blob.x / 2, Blob.y / 2, Blob.z]) cylinder(h = Blob.z - .5, d = Blob.x - 1.6); } } qubicStruct(Blob, DIM);
modelTruckRepair - Project
steeringaxle - 3D Object
$fn=50; module tabbedCylinder(){ difference(){ union (){ cylinder(h=2,d1=3,d2=3); cylinder(h=4.6,d1=1.8,d2=1.8); translate ([0,0,3.4]) cylinder(h=1.2,d1=2.2,d2=1.8); } translate ([0,0,3.5]) cube([.6,2.5,2.5],center=true); } } module EndCylinder(){ union (){ cylinder(h=2,d1=3,d2=3); cylinder(h=4.6,d1=1.8,d2=1.8); } } module steeringAxle(){ //axis translate ([1.5,0,0]) cube([34,3,2]); //connector translate ([1.5,1.5,0]) EndCylinder(); //connector translate ([35.5,1.5,0]) EndCylinder(); } steeringAxle(); translate([0,15,0]) tabbedCylinder();
monitor - Project
buttonBack - 3D Object
Button backing for the monitor.
$fn=100; holeEndD=16.1; holeLength=120.1; buttonHolderHeight=.5; hull(){ cylinder(h=buttonHolderHeight,d=holeEndD); translate([holeLength-holeEndD,0,0]) cylinder(h=buttonHolderHeight,d=holeEndD); }
housing - 3D Object
boardThick=2; boardWidth=107; boardDepth=55; holeRad=2; module hdmiBoard(ext) { Extrude=ext; //extrude the ports or set to 0 for real board difference(){ $fn=100; union(){ color([0,.5,0]) cube([boardWidth,boardDepth,boardThick]); color([.2,.2,.2]) translate([6,boardDepth-15,boardThick]) cube([9,15+Extrude,11]); //power color([.2,.2,.2]) translate([19,boardDepth-15,boardThick]) cube([7,15+Extrude,10]); //audio color([0,0,0.6]) translate([29,boardDepth-9,boardThick]) cube([31,15+Extrude,13]); //vga color([.9,.9,.9]) translate([74,boardDepth-9.5,boardThick]) cube([15,11+Extrude,6]); //hdmi color([.9,.9,.9]) translate([62,0-Extrude,boardThick]) cube([20,7+Extrude,2]); //display cable 30 pin } translate([2+holeRad,5+holeRad,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); translate([2+holeRad,boardDepth-2.5-holeRad,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); translate([boardWidth-holeRad-2,boardDepth-holeRad-2,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); translate([boardWidth-holeRad-3,11+holeRad,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); } } module pillars(ext) { $fn=100; translate([2+holeRad,5+holeRad,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); translate([2+holeRad,boardDepth-2.5-holeRad,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); translate([boardWidth-holeRad-2,boardDepth-holeRad-2,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); translate([boardWidth-holeRad-3,11+holeRad,-.01]) cylinder(h=boardThick+.1,r=holeRad); } module plate(width,depth,height,inRad,Off) { //blanking plate plateWidth=width; plateDepth=depth; plateHeight=height; screwHoleRad=inRad; screwEdgeOff=Off; difference(){ //plate cube([plateWidth,plateDepth,plateHeight]); //screwholes $fn=100; translate([screwEdgeOff,screwEdgeOff,-.5]) cylinder(h=plateHeight+1,r=screwHoleRad); translate([plateWidth-screwEdgeOff,screwEdgeOff,-.5]) cylinder(h=plateHeight+1,r=screwHoleRad); translate([screwEdgeOff,plateDepth-screwEdgeOff,-.5]) cylinder(h=plateHeight+1,r=screwHoleRad); translate([plateWidth-screwEdgeOff,plateDepth-screwEdgeOff,-.5]) cylinder(h=plateHeight+1,r=screwHoleRad); } } module pillar(height,inRad,outRad) { $fn=100; difference(){ cylinder(h=height,r=outRad); translate([0,0,-.05]) cylinder(h=height+.1,r=inRad); } } module housing(width,depth,height,wallThick,floorThick,inRad,pillarThick,off) { //housing boxWidth=width; boxDepth=depth; boxFloorHeight=floorThick; boxWallThick=wallThick; boxWallHeight=height; screwHoleRad=inRad; screwPillarRad=inRad+pillarThick; screwEdgeOff=off; union(){ //plate cube([boxWidth,boxDepth,boxFloorHeight]); echo("Dimensions floor plate",boxWidth,boxDepth,boxFloorHeight); translate([screwEdgeOff,screwEdgeOff,0]) pillar(boxWallHeight,screwHoleRad,screwPillarRad); translate([boxWidth-screwEdgeOff,screwEdgeOff,0]) pillar(boxWallHeight,screwHoleRad,screwPillarRad); translate([screwEdgeOff,boxDepth-screwEdgeOff,0]) pillar(boxWallHeight,screwHoleRad,screwPillarRad); translate([boxWidth-screwEdgeOff,boxDepth-screwEdgeOff,0]) pillar(boxWallHeight,screwHoleRad,screwPillarRad); } //color([1,0,0]) translate([0,boxWallThick,boxFloorHeight]) cube([boxWallThick,boxDepth-boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight]); echo("Dimensions left wall", boxWallThick,boxDepth-boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight); //color([0,1,0]) translate([0,0,boxFloorHeight]) cube([boxWidth-boxWallThick,boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight]); echo("Dimensions front wall", boxWidth-boxWallThick,boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight); //color([1,0,0]) translate([boxWidth-boxWallThick,0,boxFloorHeight]) cube([boxWallThick,boxDepth-boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight]); echo("Dimensions right wall", boxWallThick,boxDepth-boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight); //color([0,1,0]) translate([boxWallThick,boxDepth-boxWallThick,boxFloorHeight]) cube([boxWidth-boxWallThick,boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight]); echo("Dimensions rear wall", boxWidth-boxWallThick,boxWallThick,boxWallHeight-boxFloorHeight); } //width,depth,height,wallThick,floorThick,inRad,pillarThick,off //housing(20,20,20,2,2,1.5,1.5,4); difference() { housing(122,61,25,2,2,1.5,1.5,4); //width,depth,height,wallThick,floorThick,inRad,pillarThick,off translate([7,3,5]) hdmiBoard(20); } translate([7,4,2]) pillars(); *translate([7,4,5]) hdmiBoard(0); *translate([0,0,70]) plate(122,61,2,1.5,4); //width,depth,height,inRad,Off
screen_mounting_tabs - 3D Object
$fn=100; tab_height=.3; tab2bottom=2.4; plus=.1; // this is to make parts larger than the hole they are to make plusH=plus/2; hole_d=2; tab1_hole_spacing=8; tab2_hole_spacing=6; shim_height=tab2bottom-tab_height; shim_depth=6; shim_width=18; module tab1(spacing){ difference(){ cube([shim_width,shim_depth,shim_height]); translate([shim_width/2-spacing/2,(shim_depth/2),-plusH]) union() { cylinder(h=shim_height+plus,d=hole_d); translate([spacing,0,0]) cylinder(h=shim_height+plus,d=hole_d); } } } //for the bottom tabs //tab1(tab1_hole_spacing); //for the top tabs tab1(tab2_hole_spacing);
odroid-case - Project
Library-container - 3D Object
This is the Library for the case.
I sourced the methods out so as to be able to re-use them better.
module nibLeft(x,y,z,nibR) { translate([x,y/10,0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); translate([x,9*(y/10),0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); } module nibRight(x,y,z,nibR) { translate([0,y/10,0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); translate([0,9*(y/10),0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); } module nibBottom(x,y,z,nibR) { translate([x/10,0,0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); translate([9*(x/10),0,0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); } module nibTop(x,y,z,nibR) { translate([x/10,y,0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); translate([9*(x/10),y,0]) cylinder(h=z,r=nibR); } module containerOpenLid(x,y,z,rimThick,bottomThick,nibYN,nibR) { rimR=rimThick/2; //all 8 corners defined first //corners should be AROUND the contained cube defined by x y z corner000=[0,0,0]; corner0=[-rimR,-rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0x=[x+rimR,-rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0y=[-rimR,y+rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0xy=[x+rimR,y+rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0z=[-rimR,-rimR,z]; corner0xz=[x+rimR,-rimR,z]; corner0yz=[-rimR,y+rimR,z]; corner0xyz=[x+rimR,y+rimR,z]; //draw the debug contents translate([0,0,-bottomThick]) cube([x,y,bottomThick]); module corner0() { translate(corner0) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0x() { translate(corner0x) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0y() { translate(corner0y) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0xy() { translate(corner0xy) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0z() { translate(corner0z) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0xz() { translate(corner0xz) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0yz() { translate(corner0yz) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0xyz() { translate(corner0xyz) sphere(r=rimR); } if (nibYN=="nibY") { nibBottom(x,y,z,nibR); nibLeft(x,y,z,nibR); nibRight(x,y,z,nibR); nibTop(x,y,z,nibR); } union(){ //floor hull(){ corner0(); corner0x(); corner0y(); corner0xy(); } //left hull(){ corner0(); corner0z(); corner0y(); corner0yz(); } //right hull(){ corner0x(); corner0xy(); corner0xyz(); corner0xz(); } //top hull(){ corner0y(); corner0yz(); corner0xyz(); corner0xy(); } //bottom hull(){ corner0(); corner0z(); corner0x(); corner0xz(); } } } // example //caseRim=1.5; //$fn=100; //odH=10; //odW=156; //odD=73; //odJSH=6; //#containerOpenLid(odW,odD,odH,caseRim,odJSH-caseRim,"nibY",.6); //cube([odW,odD,odH]); module containerVertSlot(x,y,z,rimThick,bottomThick,nibYN,nibR) { rimR=rimThick/2; //all 8 corners defined first //corners should be AROUND the contained cube defined by x y z corner000=[0,0,0]; corner0=[-rimR,-rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0x=[x+rimR,-rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0y=[-rimR,y+rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0xy=[x+rimR,y+rimR,-(rimR+bottomThick)]; corner0z=[-rimR,-rimR,z]; corner0xz=[x+rimR,-rimR,z]; corner0yz=[-rimR,y+rimR,z]; corner0xyz=[x+rimR,y+rimR,z]; //draw the debug contents translate([0,0,-bottomThick]) cube([x,y,bottomThick]); module corner0() { translate(corner0) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0x() { translate(corner0x) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0y() { translate(corner0y) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0xy() { translate(corner0xy) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0z() { translate(corner0z) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0xz() { translate(corner0xz) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0yz() { translate(corner0yz) sphere(r=rimR); } module corner0xyz() { translate(corner0xyz) sphere(r=rimR); } if (nibYN=="nibY") { nibLeft(x,y,z,nibR); nibRight(x,y,z,nibR); } union(){ //floor hull(){ corner0(); corner0x(); corner0y(); corner0xy(); } //left hull(){ corner0(); corner0z(); corner0y(); corner0yz(); } //right hull(){ corner0x(); corner0xy(); corner0xyz(); corner0xz(); } } } // example //caseRim=1.5; //$fn=100; //odH=10; //odW=15; //odD=73; //odJSH=6; //containerVertSlot(odW,odD,odH,caseRim,odJSH-caseRim,"nibY",.6); //cube([odW,odD,odH]); if (library) {} else { echo("trying to compile a library!"); linear_extrude(height = 4) { text("trying to compile a library!"); } }
case - 3D Object
A case for an odroid handgeld console and accessories.
The edges are rounded and there are cutouts for the parts that protrude from the console.
include <Library-container.scad> caseRim=3; holdersR=.7; $fn=100; kbD=82; kbW=210; kbH=7; library=true; odH=10; odW=156; odD=73; odJSW=28-13; odJSR=odJSW/2; odJSoffX=13; odJSoffY=11; odJSH=6; odBRW=118-38; odBRD=12-5; odBRoffX=38; odBRoffY=5; odCRW=28-7; odCRD=58-37; odCRoffX=7; odCRoffY=37; odTBW=152-120; odTBD=61-27; odTBoffX=120; odTBoffY=27; odTLoffX=23; odTLoffY=odD; odTLW=33-23; odTLD=2; odTH=20; odTRoffX=123; odTRoffY=odD; odTRW=odTLW; odTRD=odTLD; odDPW=odBRW; odDPD=67-14; odDPoffY=14; odDPoffX=odBRoffX; //the odroid travel case with cutouts for buttons etc difference(){ //the container itself translate([caseRim/2,caseRim/2,odJSH]) containerOpenLid(odW,odD,odH,caseRim,odJSH-caseRim,"nibY",.6); offset=.01; //the cutouts translate([1.5,.75,-offset/2]) union() { translate([odW-odJSR*2-odJSoffX,odJSoffY,0]+[odJSR,odJSR,0]) cylinder(h=odJSH+offset,r=odJSR); translate([odW-odBRW-odBRoffX,odBRoffY,0]) cube([odBRW,odBRD,odJSH+offset]); translate([odW-odCRW-odCRoffX,odCRoffY,0]) cube([odCRW,odCRW,odJSH+offset]); translate([odW-odTBW-odTBoffX,odTBoffY,0]) cube([odTBW,odTBW,odJSH+offset]); translate([odW-odTLW-odTLoffX,odTLoffY,odJSH-.1]) cube([odTLW,odTLD,odTH+offset]); translate([odW-odTRW-odTRoffX,odTRoffY,odJSH-.1]) cube([odTRW,odTRD,odTH+offset]); translate([odW-odDPW-odDPoffX,odDPoffY,0]) cube([odDPW,odDPD,odJSH+offset]); } } //add on some slots for peripherals floorDepth=0; //microuter slot translate([caseRim/2+caseRim+odW,caseRim/2,floorDepth]) containerVertSlot(12,odD,odH+odJSH,caseRim,floorDepth-caseRim,"nibY",.6); //micro USB 3 Port Hub translate([caseRim/2+2*caseRim+odW+12,caseRim/2,floorDepth]) containerVertSlot(19.5,odD,odH+odJSH,caseRim,floorDepth-caseRim,"nibY",.6);
openai - Project
I decided to have a go to see where openAI’s chatGPT has its limits.
And it does have limits.
It’s intersting to see that while it seems to know what an object might consist of it has a very hard time making the onject in any way accurate.
In any case it’s Interesting.
esp8266case-chatgpt - 3D Object
This one is also interesting in that it does some difference etc but it’s really not a model of a case.
It looks like it get’s the basic premise of subtracting one thing from another etc.
On the other hand it doesn’t seem to have a clue about dimensions.
Either way an interesting experimt which shows up the limitations of GPT models.
// Create the base of the case translate([0, 0, 5]) { cube([30, 20, 10]); } // Create the sides of the case translate([0, 0, 15]) { cube([30, 20, 10]); translate([15, 10, 15]) { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { cube([30, 20, 10]); } } } // Create the lid of the case translate([0, 0, 25]) { cube([30, 20, 5]); translate([15, 10, 25]) { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { cube([30, 20, 5]); } } } // Create the opening for the ESP8266 translate([15, 10, 30]) { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { cube([20, 15, 5]); } }
solar-generator-chatgpt - 3D Object
This is also an interesting experiment.
I asked chatGPT to make a solar generator openscad model and this came out.
On the other hand it seems to be good at figuring out what should be part of a solar generator.
I’ll have to take closer look of what it did here and how hard it is to fix it.
This could be promising in total but right now it more or less seems to have hit a brick wall that seems to relate to dimensions etc.
In other words it’s good at creating a structure but not so good at understanding the physics of what it made.
// Create the base of the solar generator translate([0, 0, 5]) { cube([200, 100, 10]); } // Create the solar panels of the solar generator translate([0, 0, 15]) { for (i = [0:3]) { rotate([0, i * 90, 0]) { cube([100, 10, 10]); } } } // Create the handle of the solar generator translate([100, -50, 25]) { rotate([90, 0, 0]) { cylinder(r=5, h=50); } } // Create the control panel of the solar generator translate([0, 0, 65]) { cube([20, 20, 10]); translate([5, 5, 10]) { rotate([0, 45, 0]) { cube([10, 10, 10]); } } } // Create the outlets of the solar generator translate([0, 0, 75]) { for (i = [0:2]) { translate([i * 35, 0, 0]) { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { cylinder(r=5, h=10); } } } }
teacup-chatgpt - 3D Object
What chatGPT thinks a teacup could look like in openscad.
It’s interesting to see that it’s sructured and syntacticly more or less correct but is also not a tea cup.
// Create the base of the tea cup cylinder(r=50, h=10); // Create the handle of the tea cup translate([-60, 30, 0]) { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { cylinder(r=10, h=30); } } // Create the rim of the tea cup translate([0, 0, 10]) { cylinder(r=60, h=5); } // Create the body of the tea cup translate([0, 0, 15]) { cylinder(r=50, h=50); } // Cut out the handle from the body of the tea cup translate([-60, 30, 0]) { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { difference() { cylinder(r=50, h=50); cylinder(r=10, h=30); } } }
piZero - Project
Required for a rpi zero cluster
need to add a few extra parts
a holder for a USB hub
A holder for the PSU
some extra stuff
RPI_zero_Cluster_mounting_bracket_power - 3D Object
//This WILL e the power base and possibly usb hub holdewr for the cluster //needs the mounting posts to sit the cluster on top of //requires a base for the power brick and a holder for the USB hub whic can sit upright next to the cluster $fn = 50; module stack_joins() { mount_h = 20; Ro=4; Ri=2.5; Rp=Ri-0.4; difference() { union() { translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } } union() { translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } } } } //parameters for the hub and the brick BRKx=130; BRKy=67; BRKz=32.5;BRKd=8; HUBx=12.5; HUBy=32.5; HUBz=75; module power_brk(x,y,z,d) { translate ([-x/2,-y/2,-z/2]) cube([x,y,z]); } module power_brick(x,y,z,d) { union() { BTR=[x/2+d/2,y/2+d/2,z/2+d/2]; FTR=[x/2+d/2,-y/2-d/2,z/2+d/2]; BTL=[-x/2-d/2,y/2+d/2,z/2+d/2]; FTL=[-x/2-d/2,-y/2-d/2,z/2+d/2]; BR=[x/2+d/2,y/2+d/2,-z/2]; FR=[x/2+d/2,-y/2-d/2,-z/2]; BL=[-x/2-d/2,y/2+d/2,-z/2]; FL=[-x/2-d/2,-y/2-d/2,-z/2]; hull() { translate(BTR) sphere(d=d); translate(FTR) sphere(d=d); translate(BTL) sphere(d=d); translate(FTL) sphere(d=d); } translate(BR) cylinder(h=y/2+d/4,d=d); translate(FR) cylinder(h=y/2+d/4,d=d); translate(BL) cylinder(h=y/2+d/4,d=d); translate(FL) cylinder(h=y/2+d/4,d=d); } } module usb_hub(x,y,z,d) { *cube([x,y,z]); FBL=[-d/2,-d/2,0]; FBR=[x+d/2,-d/2,0]; FTL=[-d/2,-d/2,z+d/2]; FTR=[x+d/2,-d/2,z]; BBL=[-d/2,+d/2+y,0]; BBR=[x+d/2,+d/2+y,0]; BTL=[-d/2,+d/2+y,z]; BTR=[x+d/2,+d/2+y,z+d/2]; //xleft hull () { translate(FBL) sphere(d=d); translate(BTL) sphere(d=d); } hull () { translate(FTL) sphere(d=d); translate(BBL) sphere(d=d); } //xright hull () { translate(FBR) sphere(d=d); translate(BTR) sphere(d=d); } hull () { translate(FTR) sphere(d=d); translate(BBR) sphere(d=d); } //top front2back hull () { translate(FTL) sphere(d=d); translate(BTL) sphere(d=d); } hull () { translate(FTR) sphere(d=d); translate(BTR) sphere(d=d); } //top left2right hull () { translate(BTL) sphere(d=d); translate(BTR) sphere(d=d); } hull () { translate(FTL) sphere(d=d); translate(FTR) sphere(d=d); } //bottom front2back hull () { translate(FBL) sphere(d=d); translate(BBL) sphere(d=d); } hull () { translate(FBR) sphere(d=d); translate(BBR) sphere(d=d); } //bottom left2right hull () { translate(BBL) sphere(d=d); translate(BBR) sphere(d=d); } hull () { translate(FBL) sphere(d=d); translate(FBR) sphere(d=d); } } //display the stuff //case translate([0,0,-5]) { translate([((BRKx/2)-(HUBx/2)+(BRKd/4)-BRKd),-HUBy/2,BRKz/2+BRKd]) usb_hub(HUBx,HUBy,HUBz,BRKd); power_brick(BRKx,BRKy,BRKz,BRKd); } //the stack pins difference() { stack_joins(); translate([0,0,-5]) power_brk(BRKx,BRKy,BRKz,BRKd); } //just the hub *usb_hub(HUBx,HUBy,HUBz,BRKd);
RPI_zero_Cluster_mounting_bracket_v2 - 3D Object
$fn = 100; module mount(x, y, z) { mount_h = 7; mount_h2 = 3; difference() { union() { translate([-29, 11.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2, center=true); } translate([ 29,-11.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2, center=true); } translate([-29,-11.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2, center=true); } translate([ 29, 11.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2, center=true); } translate([x+29, y, z + 3/2]) { cube([4, 23.0, mount_h2], center=true); } translate([x-29, y, z + 3/2]) { cube([4, 23.0, mount_h2], center=true); } translate([x, y, z + mount_h2/2]) { cube([58, 5.0, mount_h2], center=true); } delta=2.1; translate([x+35-delta, y-17.5+delta, z + mount_h/2]) rotate([0, 0, 45]) {{ cube([4, 12.0, mount_h], center=true); }} translate([x+35-delta, y+17.5-delta, z + mount_h/2]) rotate([0, 0,-45]) {{ cube([4, 12.0, mount_h], center=true); }} translate([x-35+delta, y-17.5+delta, z + mount_h/2]) rotate([0, 0,-45]) {{ cube([4, 12.0, mount_h], center=true); }} translate([x-35+delta, y+17.5-delta, z + mount_h/2]) rotate([0, 0, 45]) {{ cube([4, 12.0, mount_h], center=true); }} } union() { translate([ 29, 11.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2.70/2, center=true); } translate([-29, 11.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2.70/2, center=true); } translate([-29,-11.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2.70/2, center=true); } translate([ 29,-11.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=2.70/2, center=true); } } } } module stack_joins(x, y, z) { mount_h = 20; Ro=4; Ri=2.5; Rp=Ri-0.4; difference() { union() { translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h/2]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ro, center=true); } translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h/2 + mount_h * 0.35]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Rp, center=true); } translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h + mount_h * 0.35]) { sphere(r=Rp); } } union() { translate([ 39, 21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } translate([-39, 21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } translate([-39,-21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } translate([ 39,-21.5, mount_h/2 - mount_h * 0.15]) { cylinder(h=mount_h, r=Ri, center=true); } } } } module model() { mount(0, 0, 0); stack_joins(0, 0, 0); } model();
RPi_zero_mount - 3D Object
This also is NOT one of mine but I’ve cleaned it up a bit as it wasn’t displaying correctly. I needed it for a pi cluster and as it’s quite good I didn’t reinvent the wheel here.
/* [Base] */ //type = 1; //[1:"Hexagon Grid",2:"Skeleton"] /* [Hidden] */ $fn = 32; zero_x = 64; zero_y = 29; zero_z = 1.5; mounts_z = 8.5; mounts_radius = 2.1; screwholes = 2.6; screwholes_radius = 1.5; screwholes_depth = 10.7; base_x = zero_x - 2*3.0; base_y = zero_y - 2*3.0; base_z = zero_z; mount_x = zero_x/2 - screwholes; mount_y = zero_y/2 - screwholes; mount_z = zero_z + mounts_z; screwhole_base_z = mount_z - screwholes_depth; module baseplate(){ translate([-zero_x/2+3,-zero_y/2+3,0]) minkowski(){ cube([base_x,base_y,base_z/2]); cylinder(r=3.0,h=base_z/2); } } module mounts(){ translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(r=3.0,h=mount_z); translate([-mount_x, -mount_y, 0]) cylinder(r=mounts_radius,h=mount_z); translate([-mount_x, +mount_y, 0]) cylinder(r=mounts_radius,h=mount_z); translate([+mount_x, -mount_y, 0]) cylinder(r=mounts_radius,h=mount_z); translate([+mount_x, +mount_y, 0]) cylinder(r=mounts_radius,h=mount_z); } module hexagon (radius=8,latticeWidth=8,latticeLength=16,spacing=1,height=2){ linear_extrude(height) { for(j = [0:latticeWidth-1]) { translate([((sqrt(3)*radius)+spacing)/2*(j%2),sqrt((pow(((sqrt(3)*radius)+spacing),2))-(pow((((sqrt(3)*radius)+spacing))/2,2)))*j,0]) { for(i = [0:latticeLength-1]) { translate([(sqrt(3)*radius*i)+spacing*i,0,0]) { rotate([0,0,30]) { circle(radius, $fn = 6); } } } } } } } module hex_border(){ difference(){ baseplate(); holes(); translate([0,0,-.01]) scale([0.9,0.8,1.02]) baseplate(); } } module holes(){ translate([0,0,screwhole_base_z+0.4]) { translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(r=screwholes_radius*1.5,h=screwholes_depth); translate([-mount_x,-mount_y,0]) cylinder(r=screwholes_radius,h=screwholes_depth); translate([-mount_x,+mount_y,0]) cylinder(r=screwholes_radius,h=screwholes_depth); translate([+mount_x,-mount_y,0]) cylinder(r=screwholes_radius,h=screwholes_depth); translate([+mount_x,+mount_y,0]) cylinder(r=screwholes_radius,h=screwholes_depth); }; } module result(){ difference(){ translate([-2.5,-base_y/2,0]) cube([5,base_y,base_z]); translate([0,10,-3]) cylinder(d=1.5,h=10); translate([0,-10,-3]) cylinder(d=1.5,h=10); holes(); } translate([0,0,0]) hex_border(); difference(){ translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(r=3.0,h=mount_z); holes(); } difference(){ mounts(); holes(); } difference(){ baseplate(); holes(); translate([-zero_x/2-5,-zero_y/2+1.5,-0.1]) hexagon(); } } difference(){ result(); translate([0,10,-3]) cylinder(d=1.5,h=10); translate([0,-10,-3]) cylinder(d=1.5,h=10); }
piZeroCluster-power - 3D Object
//measurements for the USB "iLEPO" power supply powerW=130; powerD=6; powerH=32; color([1,1,1]) cube([powerW,powerD,powerH]); //need to create a structure to place the USB hub and pi cluster on this power hub // first build structure over this. // this has rounded corners take that into account by building with cylinders and hull // then build USB hub structure that fits on to this // then add mounting pins to top of overall strucute for the piZero mounting brackets // potentially add hood for cluster to make it less of a dust collector (optional) // print in white as USB power supply is white. // make it a super structure that goes over as opposed to a case. // potentially use algorithmic cutouts
powercover - Project
corner-powercover - 3D Object
//in a corner there is a blasted power cable that needs a cover $fn=36; coverR = 100 ; cableD = 10 ; shellT = 1 ; cornerR = 20 ; sideH = 7; //the shell to fit in the corner of oscar's room difference(){ difference() { //Whole 1/8 sphere intersection() { cube([coverR,coverR,coverR]); sphere(r=coverR); } translate([shellT,shellT,shellT]) intersection() { cube([coverR,coverR,coverR]); sphere(r=coverR-2*shellT); } } //cable passthrough translate([shellT+cableD/2,0,cableD/2+shellT]) rotate([-90,90,0])cylinder(h=coverR+shellT,d=cableD); translate([0,cableD/2+shellT,cableD/2+shellT]) rotate([0,90,0])cylinder(h=coverR+shellT,d=cableD); //corner sphere(r=cornerR); //the inner inner volume for subtraction difference() { translate([0,0,sideH])intersection() { sphere(coverR-2*sideH); translate([-coverR,-coverR,0]) cube([2*coverR,2*coverR,coverR]); } translate([-sideH,-sideH,0])cube([2*sideH,2*sideH,coverR]); sphere(r=cornerR+sideH); } }
projector - Project
Control-Electronics - 3D Object
This is for a motorized projector screen (3m wide).
60KTYZ 220VAC 15RPM chinese motor
A bit dated
An ugly rectangular box of semi transparent hard plastic
Repaired (220V side needed resoldering)
Only have an IR remote control (that doesn’t work)
Have yanky up/stop/down keys that are not very:
An ugly shade of cream
have a nasty red LED thats always on
are Always on
and have a few other niggling cosmetic issues that would make a designer get sick in a bucket
Are in general just shy of rip and replace by a hair’s width
The screen is on an axle that is rotated by the motor.
The axle also rotates a lead screw that moves a plastic card left or right.
The card depresses either a left or right micro switch that cuts power for that direction.
Both end stops can be adjusted individually.
The electronics have NO knowledge of the state and instead just turn on the up or down power for a period of time.
The period of time is greater than the time to travel the distance between the end-stops.
Two triple position toggle switches (220VAC)
Up/stop/down (when set to manual)
An ESP32 with wifi and two relays
One for controls power (NO/NC) that sequentially connects to the other
That turns the motor left or right (NO/NC)
optionally a status neo pixel for when in wifi mode (will bother)
optionally a mini Oled (might not bother)
The aim is that the new controls are placed right next to the screen and allow manual OR networked control.
The manual control requires either a long arm or a stick (and this is by design as it’s considered not the normal mode).
The wifi connexion is primarily MQTT.
The remote is through MQTT with an option of a web page… that may or may not materialize.
The initial housing is JUST for testing without getting electrocuted.
The fittings are to be moved to the final housing when I have the proper measurements in hand tp print it.
I have a further motor (with an offset axle) that I accidentally ordered that may also be put to use to raise and lower the projector.
$fn = 100 ; module toggleSwitch() { //twiddle the position a bit to account for material etc twiddle = [0,0,1] ; upperD = 6.5 ; upperH = 8.5 ; nutH = 2 ; nutD = 8 ; toggleH = 10 ; toggleD =1.5 ; toggleAngle = 10 ; toggleBody = [12.8,13.4,14] ; toggleBodyOff = [0,0,toggleBody.z/2] ; totH = toggleBody.z + upperH ; translate([0,0,-totH + nutH] + twiddle) { //Nut translate([0,0,toggleBody.z + upperH - nutH]) cylinder(h=nutH , d=nutD,$fn=6); //upper part cylinder(h=upperH + toggleBody.z, d=upperD); //toggle translate([0,0,toggleBody.z + upperH]) rotate([-toggleAngle,0,0]) cylinder(h=toggleH, d=toggleD); translate(toggleBodyOff) cube(toggleBody,center=true); } } //toggleSwitch(); module klemme(){ import("Euroklemme-T80-15-6mm-Array.stl"); translate([8,0,0]) import("Euroklemme-T80-15-6mm-Array.stl"); } module motor(offset){ cylD = 59.2 ; cylH = 60 ; motorMountPlate = [60.5,60.5,1.5] ; color("grey"){ cylinder(h=cylH,d=cylD) ; translate([cylD/2+3,8,43]) rotate([0,90,0]) klemme() ; difference(){ translate([0,0,cylH]) cube(motorMountPlate,center=true) ; translate([-25,25,cylH]) cylinder(h=3,d=4.3,center=true); translate([25,-25,cylH]) cylinder(h=3,d=4.3,center=true); translate([-25,-25,cylH]) cylinder(h=3,d=4.3,center=true); translate([25,25,cylH]) cylinder(h=3,d=4.3,center=true); } if (offset=="offset") { translate([-10,0,.01]) cylinder(h=cylH+27,d=8); } else { translate([0,0,.01]) cylinder(h=cylH+27,d=8); } } } module OLED() { //OLED //Variable for subtractions so as to be slightly above borders diffWiggle = .2; //PCB dimensions PCB1306holeD = 2; PCB1306holeOff = [2,2,0] ; PCB1306 = [26.9, 27.9, 1.7] ; //1306 Top components LCDmaskY = 4; //how much to cover up at the bottom LCDX = 27.5 ; // left to right LCDY = 20 ; // topR to bottomR LCDZ = 2 ; // height from PCB LCDflexX = 13 ; //flex cable width LCDflexY = 3 ; //flex cable length from LCD to edge LCD = [LCDX, LCDY, LCDZ] ; LCDpos = [0, 0, PCB1306.z] ; //sits on top of the PCB and is centered LCDviewPos = [0, LCDmaskY/2, PCB1306.z] ; //on top of the PCB above the masked part LCDmask = [LCD.x, LCDmaskY, LCD.z] ; // is part of the LCD so shares X and Z LCDmaskPos = [0, -LCD.y/2 +LCDmask.y/2, LCDpos.z] ; // sits below the viewport of the LCD LCDview = [LCD.x, LCD.y - LCDmask.y, LCD.z]; // is part of the LCD just without the masked part LCDflex = [LCDflexX, LCDflexY, LCD.z] ; //is considered as high as the LCD LCDflexPos = [0, -LCD.y/2 -LCDflex.y/2, PCB1306.z] ; //sits bellow the LCD //1306 bottom clearance items //array - put the parts together extrudeFalse = false ; extrudeTrue = true ; object = [ [PCB1306, [0, 0, 0], "green", extrudeFalse], [LCDview, LCDviewPos, "black", extrudeTrue], [LCDflex, LCDflexPos, "brown", extrudeTrue], [LCDmask, LCDmaskPos, "grey", extrudeTrue] ]; module pegs(XYZ,offset,holeD) { //mounting holes - no need to zdiff as centered //relative positions H = XYZ.z ; XY = [XYZ.x, XYZ.y, 0] ; TR= [ [+1, 0, 0], [0, +1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; TL= [ [-1, 0, 0], [0, +1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; BR= [ [+1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; BL= [ [-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; // move to TR then move back towards BL by offset etc posTR = (TR * XY/2) + (offset * BL) ; posTL = (TL * XY/2) + (offset * BR) ; posBR = (BR * XY/2) + (offset * TL) ; posBL = (BL * XY/2) + (offset * TR) ; translate (posTR) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); translate (posTL) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); translate (posBR) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); translate (posBL) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); } module brickLayer(array) { module blocks(list) { translate (list[1]) color(list[2]) cube(list[0], center=true); } for ( i = [0 : len(array) - 1] ) { blocks(array[i]); } } //OUTPUT difference(){ brickLayer(object); pegs(PCB1306 + [0, 0, diffWiggle], PCB1306holeOff, PCB1306holeD); } } module pin() { //for test fitting the PCB only pinH = 10 ; pinD1 =5 ; pinD2 = 2; cylinder(h = pinH, d1 = pinD1, d2 = pinD2); } module heatInset(height,innerD,wallT) { //instead of Pin for final heat inset mounting difference() { cylinder(h=height,r=innerD/2+wallT); //inside translate([0,0,-.01]) cylinder(h=height+.02,d=innerD); } } module emboss(height,halign,text){ height = height + .02 ; translate([0,0,-height + .01]) linear_extrude(height) text(text,valign="center",halign=halign,size=5); } module statusLED() { //light path (to be filled with hotglue cylinder(h=20,d=3.5); //LED itself (raw neopixel with NO PCB) translate([0,0,10]) cube([5.5,5.5,3],center=true); translate([0,0,5])cube([7,8,10],center=true); } module OLEDhole() { //display cut out cutOut = [25,15,10] ; wiggle = [0,0,.01] ; translate([0,2,-cutOut.z/2]-wiggle) cube(cutOut+wiggle,center=true); //base plate basePlate = [27.5,29,20] ; translate([0,0,-basePlate.z/2-cutOut.z]) cube(basePlate,center=true); } //toggles module toggly() { //switch auto/off/man translate([20,10,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) toggleSwitch(); translate([10,4,0]) emboss(5,"center","Auto"); translate([30,4,0]) emboss(5,"center","Man"); translate([20,17,0]) emboss(5,"center","OFF"); //switch up/stop/down translate([45,10,0]) toggleSwitch(); translate([50,16,0]) emboss(5,"left","Up"); translate([50,10,0]) emboss(5,"left","STOP"); translate([50,4,0]) emboss(5,"left","Down"); } //status module statuses() { translate([10,10,-15]) statusLED(); translate([10,17,0]) emboss(5,"center","Status"); translate([40,15,8]) OLEDhole(); } // housing module housing(){ corner = [90, 60, 60] ; wallT = 2 ; cornerD = 6 ; housingMounts = [ [0, 0, 0], [0, corner.y, 0], [corner.x, 0, 0], [corner.x, corner.y, 0] ]; housingMountsIn = [ [0, 0, 0] + [wallT, wallT, wallT], [0, corner.y, 0] + [wallT, -wallT, wallT], [corner.x, 0, 0] + [-wallT, wallT, wallT], [corner.x, corner.y, 0] + [-wallT, -wallT, wallT] ]; //PCB mount mountPoints = [ [0,0,0], [0,45,0], [70,0,0] ]; mountInnerD = 5 ; mountWallT = 2 ; mountH = 10; PCBoff = [10, 8, 0] ; difference(){ hull() { //outside Pillars for (i = housingMounts) translate(i) cylinder(h = corner.z, d = cornerD); } hull() { //inside Pillars for (i = housingMountsIn) translate(i) cylinder(h = corner.z, d = cornerD); } } for (i = housingMountsIn) { echo(i + [0, 0, -wallT] - [2, 2, 0]); translate(i + [0, 0, -wallT]) heatInset(corner.z-wallT, 5, 2); } //add the PCB mounts translate(PCBoff) { //and heat inset columns for (i = mountPoints) translate(i) heatInset(mountH,mountInnerD,mountWallT); } } module housingLid(){ corner = [90, 60, 10] ; wallT = 2 ; cornerD = 6 ; holeD = 3 ; holeHeadD = 6 ; holeHeadH = 3 ; housingMounts = [ [0, 0, 0], [0, corner.y, 0], [corner.x, 0, 0], [corner.x, corner.y, 0] ]; housingMountsIn = [ [0, 0, 0] + [wallT, wallT, wallT], [0, corner.y, 0] + [wallT, -wallT, wallT], [corner.x, 0, 0] + [-wallT, wallT, wallT], [corner.x, corner.y, 0] + [-wallT, -wallT, wallT] ]; difference(){ union() { hull() { //outside Pillars for (i = housingMounts) translate(i + [0,0,wallT]) cylinder(h = corner.z, d = cornerD); } hull() { //intside Pillars for (i = housingMountsIn) translate(i + [0,0,-wallT+.01]) cylinder(h = wallT, d = cornerD); } } //inside Pillars for (i = housingMountsIn) translate(i + [0, 0, -.01] + [0, 0, -wallT]) cylinder(h = corner.z +.2, d = holeD); for (i = housingMountsIn) translate(i + [0, 0, corner.z - holeHeadH]) cylinder(h = holeHeadH +.1, d = holeHeadD); } } // // // STUFF prints here // // //test the status led *difference() { cube([10,10,10]); translate([5,5,-8]) statusLED(); } difference() { housing(); translate([-10,30,30]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=110,d=8); } translate([0, -68, 0]) difference() { housingLid(); translate([7, 0, 12]) toggly(); translate([14, 25, 12]) statuses(); } //Motor as reference translate([-75,0,0]) motor("offset"); //Draft endcap translate([-70,-80,0]) union() { //approximation of cross sectio on casing!!! DRAFT cubeTest = [90,37,2] ; cube(cubeTest,center=true); rotate([0,0,45])cube(cubeTest,center=true); rotate([0,0,90])cube(cubeTest,center=true); rotate([0,0,135])cube(cubeTest,center=true); }
lid - 3D Object
The original lid replacement I printed was needed to hold the existing blasted thing together at all.
The lid is missing a mount for the ugly box it’s holding together so that this is probably better than designing a mount.
Right now the electronics just hang around (in the box with a lid) and look and feel ugly (while working).
Did I mention that the original had developed a fault that was solved by re-soldering the 220V side?
The screen uses a 230V 60KTYZ motor (with a centered shaft and 15RPM).
The screen has adjustable end stops that are micro switches that cut the power to either up or down power.
The end stops are activated when the screen axle is rotated and then also moves the stopper left or right along a lead screw attached to the axle.
The electronics just need to provide power for a period x that is longer than from one end stop to the other.
The electronics do NOT know the state of the screen.
Maybe adding a current sense probe or two might help there…. or not worth the trouble.
$fn=100; screwX=91.5; screwY=56.5; screwD=4; //inside of midleton wooden box with double doors totHeight = 2 ; totWidth = 101 ; totDepth = 66.8 ; dimensions = [ totWidth, totDepth, totHeight] ; wiggle = [0, 0, 0] ; volume = dimensions + wiggle ; *cube(volume); // Corner strength cornerD = 3 ; Blob=[cornerD,cornerD,volume.z]; DIM = volume ; FL = [0, 0, 0] ; FR = [DIM.x - Blob.x, 0, 0] ; BR = [DIM.x - Blob.x, DIM.y -Blob.y, 0] ; BL = [0, DIM.y -Blob.y, 0] ; // List of corners Corners = [FL,FR,BL,BR]; difference() { translate([Blob.x/2,Blob.y/2,0]) hull() { for (corner = Corners) { echo(corner); translate(corner) cylinder(h=DIM.z,d=Blob.x,center=true); } } translate([4.1,4.1,0]) cylinder(h=DIM.z+.1,d=screwD,center=true); notchW=10; notchOFF=18; translate ([notchOFF + (notchW/2), 0, 0]) cube([notchW, 2*2, DIM.z + .1], center=true); translate ([DIM.x - notchOFF - (notchW/2), 0, 0]) cube([notchW, 2*2, DIM.z + .1], center=true); translate ([notchOFF + (notchW/2), DIM.y, 0]) cube([notchW, 2*2, DIM.z + .1], center=true); translate ([DIM.x - notchOFF - (notchW/2), DIM.y, 0]) cube([notchW, 2*2, DIM.z + .1], center=true); }
rack - Project
example-rack - 3D Object
This is an openscad library and some examples used to display racks.
// Defintions for a populated Rack // Requires the include files to be present in order to work include <include-Settings-rack-42RU-twin-80x120x200.scad>; // Title floorLevelTitle = "Example twin rack"; rackTopTitle1 = "Rack A"; rackTopTitle2 = "Rack B"; useAirFlowYN = "true"; useRaisedFloorYN="true"; // Generate Devices RACK 1 translate(Rack1) placeInRack(1,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(2,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(3,StandardRackUnitWidth,7*StandardRackUnitHeight,842,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(10,StandardRackUnitWidth,2*StandardRackUnitHeight,566,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(12,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,571,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(13,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,560,RackUnitColor,"device","Front","Back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(14,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,900,RackUnitColor,"Shelf","nan","nan","front inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(15,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,429,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(16,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,457,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(17,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,571,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(20,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,566,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(21,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,502,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(22,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,269,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(24,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,566,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(25,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,467,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(38,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,305,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(39,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Patch","none","none","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(40,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Patch","none","none","front-inside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(41,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside"); translate(Rack1) placeInRack(42,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside"); // Generate Devices RACK 2 translate(Rack2) placeInRack(1,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(2,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(3,StandardRackUnitWidth,7*StandardRackUnitHeight,842,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(10,StandardRackUnitWidth,2*StandardRackUnitHeight,600,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(12,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,571,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(16,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,457,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(20,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,566,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(21,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,502,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(24,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,566,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(38,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,305,RackUnitColor,"device","front","back","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(39,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Patch","none","none","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(40,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Patch","none","none","front-inside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(41,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside"); translate(Rack2) placeInRack(42,StandardRackUnitWidth,1*StandardRackUnitHeight,65,RackUnitColor,"Cable Guide","none","none","front-outside");
include-Modules-v1 - 3D Object
//Script to create a DC RU Rack //Author Sean Donnellan //VERSION 0.0.1 // // Variables // // Global // an inch is 2.54cm // Srandard 19" rack has 1.75 inches per RU - convert to mm Factor=2.54 * 10; StandardRackUnitHeight=(1.75 * Factor); // Floor covering and tiles // FloorColor=[200/255, 200/255, 255/255]; FloorTileHeight=40; FloorTileGap=10; FloorTileXOffset=600; FloorTileYOffset=600; FloorTile=[FloorTileXOffset - FloorTileGap,FloorTileYOffset - FloorTileGap,FloorTileHeight]; //DC Floor supports // RaisedFloorHeight=500; RaisedFloorTransparency=0.8; RaisedFloorColor=[150/255, 150/255, 150/255]; FSd=60; RaisedFloorStrutDiameter=60; FloorCarrierDiameter=60; // Rack // StandardRackUnitWidth=19 * Factor; //NumRackUnits=42; //RackRackUnitDepth=650; //RackWidth=800; //RackDepth=1200; //RackHeight=2000; ////first Rail mount hole offset from floor (normally one RU is enough for visuals Exaxt amount can also be entered) //RailHeightOffset=StandardRackUnitHeight; SpecsIndent=100; RackFrameThickness=20; //RAL9005 14,14,16 RackColor=[14/255, 14/255, 16/255]; //Variables Are hard coded as they are standard and do not vary RailWidth=15.875; RailDepth=5; CageNutWidth=9; RackNutPos1=6.35; RackNutPos2=(RackNutPos1+15.875); RackNutPos3=(RackNutPos2+15.875); // Devices // //Cosmetic gap RackUnitGap=3; RackUnitColor=[100/255, 100/255, 100/255]; RackUnitColorRed=[200/255, 100/255, 100/255]; RackUnitColorGreen=[100/255, 200/255, 100/255]; RackUnitColorBlue=[100/255, 100/255, 200/255]; RackUnitColorYellow=[200/255, 200/255, 100/255]; Rotation=[0,0,0]; Translation=[0,0,0]; // Title // FloatLabelColor=[1,1,1]; FloatLabelColorTitle=[0,0,1]; //Label transparency - 1=solid 0=invisible 0.5=half transparent LabelT=1; // Air flow // afTransp=.23; afCold=[0,0,1]; afHot=[1,0,0]; afArrowSize=300; // // Modules // // Rack mounted Devices // // module placeInRack(RUp,RackUnitWidth,RackUnitHeight,RackUnitDepth,RackUnitColor,Label,AFIn,AFOut,Side){ XWiggle=RackWidth - StandardRackUnitWidth; ZWiggle=RackDepth - RackRackUnitDepth; OffsetInRack=[ XWiggle/2 , ZWiggle/2 , ((RUp * StandardRackUnitHeight)-(StandardRackUnitHeight))+(RailHeightOffset)]; translate(OffsetInRack) multiRackUnit(RackUnitWidth,RackUnitHeight,RackUnitDepth,RackUnitColor,Label,AFIn,AFOut,Side); } module multiRackUnit (RackUnitWidth,RackUnitHeight,RackUnitDepth,RackUnitColor,Label,afin,afout,Side) { Rotation= Side=="front-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="right-inside" ? [0,0,90] : Side=="rear-inside" ? [0,0,180] : Side=="left-inside" ? [0,0,270] : Side=="front-inside-reverse" ? [0,0,180] : Side=="right-inside-reverse" ? [0,0,270] : Side=="rear-inside-reverse" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="left-inside-reverse" ? [0,0,90] : Side=="front-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="right-outside" ? [0,0,90] : Side=="rear-outside" ? [0,0,180] : Side=="left-outside" ? [0,0,270] : Side=="front-outside-reverse" ? [0,0,180] : Side=="right-outside-reverse" ? [0,0,270] : Side=="rear-outside-reverse" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="left-outside-reverse" ? [0,0,90] : Side=="frp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="frp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="flp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="flp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rrp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rrp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rlp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rlp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="shelf-c" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="shelf-r" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="shelf-l" ? [0,0,0] : [0,0,0] ; Translation= Side=="front-inside" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),0,0] : Side=="right-inside" ? [StandardRackUnitWidth,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="rear-inside" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),RackRackUnitDepth,0] : Side=="left-inside" ? [0,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="front-inside-reverse" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),RackUnitDepth,0] : Side=="right-inside-reverse" ? [StandardRackUnitWidth-RackUnitDepth,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="rear-inside-reverse" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),RackRackUnitDepth-RackUnitDepth,0] : Side=="left-inside-reverse" ? [RackUnitDepth,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="front-outside" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),-RackUnitDepth,0] : Side=="right-outside" ? [StandardRackUnitWidth+RackUnitDepth,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="rear-outside" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),RackRackUnitDepth+RackUnitDepth,0] : Side=="left-outside" ? [-RackUnitDepth,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="front-outside-reverse" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),0,0] : Side=="right-outside-reverse" ? [StandardRackUnitWidth,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)+(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="rear-outside-reverse" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),RackRackUnitDepth,0] : Side=="left-outside-reverse" ? [0,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),0] : Side=="frp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="frp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="flp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="flp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rrp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rrp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rlp-inside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="rlp-outside" ? [0,0,0] : Side=="shelf-c" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth/2)-(RackUnitWidth/2),(RackRackUnitDepth/2)-(RackUnitDepth/2),0] : Side=="shelf-r" ? [(StandardRackUnitWidth-RackUnitWidth),(RackRackUnitDepth/2)-(RackUnitDepth/2),0] : Side=="shelf-l" ? [0,(RackRackUnitDepth/2)-(RackUnitDepth/2),0] : [0,0,0] ; translate(Translation) rotate(Rotation) { difference() { rackUnitSolid(RackUnitWidth,RackUnitHeight-RackUnitGap,RackUnitDepth,RackUnitColor); //render the label embossed *embossLabel(Label); } floatLabel(Label,FloatLabelColor,30,LabelT); afOffset=(afArrowSize+(afArrowSize/3))/2; front=[RackUnitWidth/2,-afOffset,0]; back=[RackUnitWidth/2,RackUnitDepth+afOffset,0]; left=[-afOffset,RackUnitDepth/2,0]; right=[RackUnitWidth+afOffset,RackUnitDepth/2,0]; outAdd=[0,0,21]; if(useAirFlowYN=="true"){ if(afin=="front"){ translate(front) rotate([0,0,0]) afArrow(afCold,afTransp,afArrowSize); }else if(afin=="back"){ translate(back) rotate([0,0,180]) afArrow(afCold,afTransp,afArrowSize); }else if(afin=="left"){ translate(left) rotate([0,0,270]) afArrow(afCold,afTransp,afArrowSize); }else if(afin=="right"){ translate(right) rotate([0,0,90]) afArrow(afCold,afTransp,afArrowSize); } if(afout=="front"){ translate(front+outAdd) rotate([0,0,180]) afArrow(afHot,afTransp,afArrowSize); }else if(afout=="back"){ translate(back+outAdd) rotate([0,0,0]) afArrow(afHot,afTransp,afArrowSize); }else if(afout=="left"){ translate(left+outAdd) rotate([0,0,90]) afArrow(afHot,afTransp,afArrowSize); }else if(afout=="right"){ translate(right+outAdd) rotate([0,0,270]) afArrow(afHot,afTransp,afArrowSize); } } } } module afArrow(temp,transp,Size){ Height=20; Radius=Height/2; Width=Size/3; HeadHeight=(Size/10)*8; translate([-Width,-Size/2,0]) color(temp,transp) union(){ hull(){ //bottom of arrow base translate([Width/2,0,Radius]) sphere(r=Radius); translate([Width+Width/2,0,Radius]) sphere(r=Radius); //top of arrow base translate([Width/2,HeadHeight-Radius*3,Radius]) sphere(r=Radius); translate([Width+Width/2,HeadHeight-Radius*3,Radius]) sphere(r=Radius); } hull(){ //tip translate([Width,Size,Radius]) sphere(r=Radius-5); //base of tip translate([0,HeadHeight,Radius]) sphere(r=Radius+7); translate([Width*2,HeadHeight,Radius]) sphere(r=Radius+7); } } } module rackUnitSolid(RUx,RUy,RUz,RUc){ color(RUc) cube([RUx,RUz,RUy]); } module embossLabel(Label){ TextDepth=20; //how deep to extrude the text so positioning in device and extruding out translate([10,TextDepth,10]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(height=TextDepth){text(Label, size=30);} ; } // DC Floor tiles // // module DCfloor(NumTilesX,NumTilesY,Color,Transparency,RaisedFloorHeight,RFTrue){ union(){ for (yp=[1:FloorTileYOffset:NumTilesY * FloorTileYOffset]){ for (xp=[1:FloorTileXOffset:NumTilesX * FloorTileXOffset]){ translate([xp,yp,0]){ translate([0,0,-FloorTileHeight]){floorTile(FloorTile,Color,Transparency);} //comment the next line to hide the raised floor details if(RFTrue=="true"){ raisedFloor(RaisedFloorColor,RaisedFloorHeight,RaisedFloorStrutDiameter,FloorCarrierDiameter,FloorTileXOffset,FloorTileYOffset,FloorTileHeight); } } } } } } module floorTile(Ft,Ftc,Ftt){ color(Ftc,Ftt) cube(Ft); } // DC Raised floor // module raisedFloor(FSc,RFh,FSd,FCd,FTOx,FTOy,FTh){ FloorCarrierAndTileHeight=FCd+FTh; SupportHeight=RFh-FloorCarrierAndTileHeight; SupportOffset=SupportHeight+FloorCarrierAndTileHeight; union(){ translate([0,0,-SupportOffset]) color(FSc) floorSupports(FSc,SupportHeight,FSd,FTOx,FTOy); translate([0,0,-FTh]) color(FSc) floorTileCarriers(FCd,FTOx,FTOy); } } module floorCarrier(FCd,FCl){ translate([FCd/2,-FCd/2,-FCd]) cube([FCl-FCd,FCd,FCd]); } module floorTileCarriers(FTCd,FTOx,FTOy){ floorCarrier(FTCd,FTOx); translate([0,FTOy,0]) floorCarrier(FTCd,FTOx); rotate([0,0,90]) floorCarrier(FTCd,FTOy); translate([FTOx,0,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) floorCarrier(FTCd,FTOy); } module floorSupports(FSc,FSh,FSd,FTOx,FTOy){ color(FSc){ floorSupport(FSh,FSd); translate([FTOx,0,0]) floorSupport(FSh,FSd); translate([0,FTOy,0]) floorSupport(FSh,FSd); translate([FTOx,FTOy,0]) floorSupport(FSh,FSd); } } module floorSupport(FSh,FSd) { union(){ cylinder(h=FSh,d=FSd); cylinder(h=50, r1=FSd, r2=0); translate([0,0,FSh-50]) cylinder(h=50, r1=0, r2=FSd); } } // Titles // // module floatLabel(Label,Color,Size,LabelT){ TextDepth=Size/10; //how deep to extrude the text translate ([10,-30,10]) rotate([90,0,0]) color(Color,LabelT) linear_extrude(height=TextDepth){text(Label, size=Size);}; } module StaticLabel(Label,Color,Size,LabelT){ TextDepth=Size/10; //how deep to extrude the text translate ([0,0,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) color(Color,LabelT) linear_extrude(height=TextDepth){text(Label, size=Size);}; } // Utilities // // //power("Power Rail A",FloatLabelColorTitle,LabelT,0,2*600+500,2790,20*600,0.1); // module power(Label,Labelc,LabelT,Xo,Yo,Height,Width,Rt){ translate([Xo,Yo,Height]){ color([200/255,200/255,200/255],Rt) cube([Width,50,200]); translate([1100,0,100]) floatLabel(Label,Labelc,100,LabelT); } } // //lighting("Lighting Row A",FloatLabelColorTitle,LabelT,0,2*600+500,2560,20*600,0.1); // module lighting(Label,Labelc,LabelT,Xo,Yo,Height,Width,Rt){ translate([Xo,Yo,Height]){ color([200/255,200/255,200/255],Rt) cube([Width,200,50]); translate([80,0,100]) floatLabel(Label,Labelc,100,LabelT); } } // //sprinkler("Sprinkler Row A",FloatLabelColorTitle,LabelT,0,2*600+400,2860,20*600,0.1); // module sprinkler(Label,Labelc,LabelT,Xo,Yo,Height,Width,Rt){ translate([Xo,2*600+400,2860]){ union(){ color([200/255,200/255,200/255],Rt){ rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=Width,d=50) ; translate([1000,0,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) cylinder(h=400,d=50) ; } } //there is a 2520mm high pipe linking the sprinler rows. translate([500,0,0]) floatLabel(Label,Labelc,100,LabelT); } } // Rack Stuff module positionRack(FloorOffset,RackWidth,RackHeight,RackDepth,RackFrameThickness,RackColor,Label,TagsYN){ translate(FloorOffset) rackFrame(RackWidth,RackHeight,RackDepth,RackFrameThickness,RackColor); translate(FloorOffset+[0,0,RackHeight+10]) floatLabel("Front",[0,0,0],40,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth/4,0,RackHeight+10]) floatLabel(Label,[0,0,1],60,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth,RackDepth,RackHeight+10]) rotate([0,0,180]) floatLabel("Rear",[0,0,0],40,LabelT); if(TagsYN=="true"){ translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth+SpecsIndent,RackDepth/2,RackHeight-3*StandardRackUnitHeight]) floatLabel("Rack Dimensions:",[0,0,0],40,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth+SpecsIndent,RackDepth/2,RackHeight-5*StandardRackUnitHeight]) floatLabel("Rack Height (mm) -",[0,0,0],40,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth+SpecsIndent,RackDepth/2,RackHeight-6*StandardRackUnitHeight]) floatLabel(str(RackHeight),[0,0,0],40,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth+SpecsIndent,RackDepth/2,RackHeight-8*StandardRackUnitHeight]) floatLabel("Rack Width (mm) -",[0,0,0],40,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth+SpecsIndent,RackDepth/2,RackHeight-9*StandardRackUnitHeight]) floatLabel(str(RackWidth),[0,0,0],40,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth+SpecsIndent,RackDepth/2,RackHeight-11*StandardRackUnitHeight]) floatLabel("Rack Depth (mm) -",[0,0,0],40,LabelT); translate(FloorOffset+[RackWidth+SpecsIndent,RackDepth/2,RackHeight-12*StandardRackUnitHeight]) floatLabel(str(RackDepth),[0,0,0],40,LabelT); } XWiggle=RackWidth - StandardRackUnitWidth; ZWiggle=RackDepth - RackRackUnitDepth; OffsetInRack=[ XWiggle/2 , ZWiggle/2 , RailHeightOffset]; echo(OffsetInRack); translate(FloorOffset) translate(OffsetInRack) rails(); } module rackFrame(Rx,Ry,Rz,St,Rc){ //Rx RackWidth, Ry RackHeight, Rz RackDepth, St StrutThickness, Rc RackColor union(){ //front and back Struts translate ([0,0,0]) rackStrutX(St,Rx,Rc); translate ([0,Rz-St,0]) rackStrutX(St,Rx,Rc); translate ([0,Rz-St,Ry-St]) rackStrutX(St,Rx,Rc); translate ([0,0,Ry-St]) rackStrutX(St,Rx,Rc); //Side Struts translate ([0,0,0]) rackStrutZ(St,Rz,Rc); translate ([Rx-St,0,0]) rackStrutZ(St,Rz,Rc); translate ([Rx-St,0,Ry-St]) rackStrutZ(St,Rz,Rc); translate ([0,0,Ry-St]) rackStrutZ(St,Rz,Rc); //Uprights translate ([0,0,0]) rackStrutY(St,Ry,Rc); translate ([0,Rz-St,0]) rackStrutY(St,Ry,Rc); translate ([Rx-St,Rz-St,0]) rackStrutY(St,Ry,Rc); translate ([Rx-St,0,0]) rackStrutY(St,Ry,Rc); } } module rackStrutX(RackFrameThickness,RackWidth,Color){ //all measurements in mm color(Color,0.8) cube([RackWidth,RackFrameThickness,RackFrameThickness]); } module rackStrutZ(RackFrameThickness,RackDepth,Color){ //all measurements in mm color(Color,0.8) cube([RackFrameThickness,RackDepth,RackFrameThickness]); } module rackStrutY(RackFrameThickness,RackHeight,Color){ //all measurements in mm color(Color,0.8) cube([RackFrameThickness,RackFrameThickness,RackHeight]); } module rails() { posts=[["FR",[StandardRackUnitWidth,0,0],"false"],["FL",[-RailWidth,0,0],"true"],["BR",[-RailWidth,RackRackUnitDepth,0],"false"],["BL",[StandardRackUnitWidth,RackRackUnitDepth,0],"true"]]; for (outl=[0:len(posts)-1]) { for(i=[1:1:NumRackUnits]) { var=posts[outl]; FBLR=var[0]; Translate=var[1]; LabelYN=var[2]; translate(Translate+[0,0,(i*StandardRackUnitHeight)-StandardRackUnitHeight]) railSection(LabelYN,"true",RackColor,str(i),FBLR); } } } module railSection (LabelYN,RailYN,Color,RU,RailFBLR) { //module creates a rack rail section for exactly one RU //Front right or left and rear right or left post plus RU numbering Translation= RailFBLR=="FL" ? [-50,4,10] : RailFBLR=="FR" ? [20,4,10] : RailFBLR=="BL" ? [65,0,10] : RailFBLR=="BR" ? [0,0,10] : [0,0,0] ; Rotation= RailFBLR=="FL" ? [0,0,0] : RailFBLR=="FR" ? [0,0,0] : RailFBLR=="BL" ? [0,0,180] : RailFBLR=="BR" ? [0,0,180] : [0,0,0] ; if(RailYN=="true"){ color(Color) difference(){ cube([RailWidth,RailDepth,StandardRackUnitHeight]); translate([(RailWidth-CageNutWidth)/2,-.1,RackNutPos1]) translate([0,0,-CageNutWidth/2]) cube([CageNutWidth,CageNutWidth,CageNutWidth]); translate([(RailWidth-CageNutWidth)/2,-.1,RackNutPos2]) translate([0,0,-CageNutWidth/2]) cube([CageNutWidth,CageNutWidth,CageNutWidth]); translate([(RailWidth-CageNutWidth)/2,-.1,RackNutPos3]) translate([0,0,-CageNutWidth/2]) cube([CageNutWidth,CageNutWidth,CageNutWidth]); } } if(LabelYN=="true"){ translate(Translation) rotate(Rotation) StaticLabel(RU,FloatLabelColorTitle,30,1); } } if (library) {} else { echo("trying to compile a library!"); linear_extrude(height = 4) { text("trying to compile a library!"); } } // User Data // after this
include-Settings-rack-42RU-twin-80x120x200 - 3D Object
//42 RU twinrack 80x120x200 // Requires the include files to be present in order to work include <include-Modules-v1.scad>; include <logo-VSR.scad>; library="true"; //set this to remove the warning when compiling the library on its own //Rack Dimension Variables NumRackUnits=42; RackRackUnitDepth=900; RackWidth=800; RackDepth=1200; RackHeight=2000; //default titles floorLevelTitle = "Empty Rack from settings file"; rackTopTitle1 = "Rack A"; rackTopTitle2 = "Rack B"; //first Rail mount hole offset from floor (normally one RU is enough for visuals Exact amount can also be entered) RailHeightOffset=StandardRackUnitHeight; // Generate DC Floor (each tile is 600x600 unless otherwise specified in the main modules) useRaisedFloorYN="true"; DCfloor(4,4,FloorColor,RaisedFloorTransparency,RaisedFloorHeight,useRaisedFloorYN); // Define Positions on DC Floor RowOffset0=[400,600,0]; Rack1=[RackWidth*0,0,0]+RowOffset0; Rack2=[RackWidth*1,0,0]+RowOffset0; //invisible rack for optional animation (pop out) Rack1A=[RackWidth*0,-RackDepth*$t,0]+RowOffset0; Rack2A=[RackWidth*1,-RackDepth*$t,0]+RowOffset0; //invisible rack for optional animation (pop in) Rack1B=[RackWidth*0,(RackDepth*($t))-RackDepth,0]+RowOffset0; Rack2B=[RackWidth*0,(RackDepth*($t))-RackDepth,0]+RowOffset0; // Title translate([0,0,-.5]) logo(); translate([300,50,-10]) floatLabel(floorLevelTitle,FloatLabelColorTitle,60,LabelT); // Don't modify these. Instead USE them in the section to generate the racks below RackBSidebarInfoON="true"; RackASidebarInfoON="false"; //Generate Racks positionRack(Rack1,RackWidth,RackHeight,RackDepth,RackFrameThickness,RackColor,rackTopTitle1,RackASidebarInfoON); positionRack(Rack2,RackWidth,RackHeight,RackDepth,RackFrameThickness,RackColor,rackTopTitle2,RackBSidebarInfoON);
logo-VSR - 3D Object
//VSR logo module outline_text (size,text) { $fn=100; font = "DejaVu Sans:style=Bold"; letter_size = size; height = 10; string = text; textlen = len(string); linear_extrude(height) { difference() { offset(r=-1) { text(string, size = letter_size, font = font, halign = "center", valign = "center", $fn = 64); } offset(r=-5) { text(string, size = letter_size, font = font, halign = "center", valign = "center", $fn = 64); } } } } //create an approxiumated orbit from an elipsoid module orbit(size) { difference(){ scale([1,.5,1]) linear_extrude(height=12)circle(d=size+30); translate([0,0,-.1])scale([1,.5,1]) linear_extrude(height=12.2)circle(d=size+20); } } module tri(size,rot,height){ rotate([0,0,rot])linear_extrude(height=height)polygon([[0,0],[size*2,0],[size,size*2]]); } module orbiter(imgW) { intersection() { difference(){ linear_extrude(height=20) circle(d=imgW); translate([-imgW/2,0,-.1])cube([ imgW, imgW/2, 20 + .2]); } orbit(imgW); } difference() { size=imgW; orbit(size); translate([0,0,-.1]) linear_extrude(height=12.2)circle(d=size); translate([0,0,-.1]) cube([imgW,imgW,20]); } } module logo() { $fn=100; imgW=212; textH=60; depth=20; translate([imgW/2,depth*1.5,imgW/2]) rotate([90,0,0]) { color([0,1,0])linear_extrude(height=4) import("logo-earth.svg",center = true); outline_text(textH,"VSR"); translate([imgW/2+3,0,0])tri(10,-depth,16); orbiter(imgW); } translate([0,0,0]) cube([imgW,depth*2,2]); } if (library) {} else { logo(); }
rePhone - Project
rephone components and case design
Stl files added from thingiverse
Scad file also as holder for stls from thingiverse
Reference material only for now
RePhone_ALL - 3D Object
cube([1,1,1]); // The Rephone modules as modules and aligned over mounting holes color_def = [0,0.5,0.7]; //----------------------------------- // The modules module GSM_BLE(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([0.65,-0.61,5]) import("Xadow_GSM_BLE_v1_collapsed.stl"); } module GSM_Breakout(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([0,0,10]) import("Xadow___GSM_Breakout_v1_collapsed.stl"); } module Basic_Sensors(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([-11.4,-22.8,15]) import("Xadow_Basic_Sensors_v1_collapsed.stl"); } module Duino(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([43.85,9.55,20]) rotate([0,0,180]) import("Xadow_Duino_v1_collapsed.stl"); } module GPS(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([-12.05,-10.77,25]) import("Xadow_GPS_v2_collapsed.stl"); } module LED_5x7(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([-3.28,-15.98,30]) import("Xadow_LED_5x7_v1_collapsed.stl"); } module NFC(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([-12.05,-10.77,35]) import("Xadow_NFC_v2_collapsed.stl"); } module 1_54_Touhscreen(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([-50,0,-5]) import("Xadow_1_54_Touhscreen_collapsed.stl"); } module Audio(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([-91.42,-45.06,40]) import("Xadow_Audio_v1.stl"); } //----------------------------- // Line them up :) GSM_BLE(); GSM_Breakout(); Basic_Sensors(); Duino(); GPS(); LED_5x7(); NFC(); Audio(); 1_54_Touhscreen();
RePhone_handset - 3D Object
// The Rephone modules as modules and aligned over mounting holes color_def = [0,0.5,0.7]; //----------------------------------- // The modules module 1_54_Touhscreen(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([-50,0,0]) import("Xadow_1_54_Touhscreen_collapsed.stl"); } module GSM_BLE(color=color_def) { color(color) translate([0.65,-0.61,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) import("Xadow_GSM_BLE_v1_collapsed.stl"); } module GSM_Breakout(color=color_def) { color(color) rotate([0,0,90]) translate([0,0,0]) import("Xadow___GSM_Breakout_v1_collapsed.stl"); } module Audio(color=color_def) { color(color) rotate([0,0,90]) translate([-91.42,-45.06,0]) import("Xadow_Audio_v1.stl"); } difference(){ translate([-5,-65,-2]) cube([58,120,2]); #union(){ 1_54_Touhscreen(); translate ([39.5,-15,0]) GSM_Breakout(); translate ([9.5,-15,0]) Audio(); translate ([39,-45,0]) GSM_BLE(); } }
xadow - 3D Object
$fn=100; module xadow_pin(){ union(){ translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=1,r1=1,r2=1); translate([0,0,1]) cylinder(h=3,r1=1,r2=.5); } } module xadow_gsm(){ difference(){ union(){ //Xadow madule //turns out the GSM module has exactly 25.37mm X 20.30mm / 1’’ X 0.8’’ //approx 2mm hole 17.5mm x18mm cube([25.4,20.3,.75]); translate([3,1.5,0]) xadow_pin(); translate([21.4,1.5,0]) xadow_pin(); translate([3,18.5,0]) xadow_pin(); translate([21.4,18.5,0]) xadow_pin(); } *translate([25.4,20.3,0]) cylinder(h=1,r1=1,r2=1); } } xadow_gsm();
reolink - Project
doorbell-mount - 3D Object
Created to mount a reolink doorbell and make it more recognizable.
$fn=100; baseH=7; baseD=100; baseL=200; holeSpacing=95; screwSpacing=75; mountD=2.5; flaringD1=3.5; flaringH=3; flaringD2=8; textTop="DONNELLAN"; textBottom="KLINGEL"; module BLOCKTEXT (content,pos) { translate(pos) linear_extrude(height = 2) text(content, size = 7, direction = "ltr", spacing = 1, valign="center",halign="center", font = "DejaVu Serif:style=bold"); } module ScrewHole (topH,topD,flaringH,shaftH,shaftD) { //screw is relative to the top of the flaring //this is a subtractive component wiggle=0.001; color([1,0,0]) union() { //top clearance translate([0,0,-wiggle]) cylinder(h=topH+wiggle,d=topD); //flaring translate([0,0,-flaringH]) cylinder(h=flaringH,d2=topD,d1=shaftD); //bottom shaft translate([0,0,-shaftH-flaringH]) cylinder(h=baseH,d=flaringD1); } } //mounting plate module doorbell () { difference () { //plate translate([0,baseD/2,0]) hull(){ cylinder(h=baseH,d=baseD); translate([0,baseL-baseD,0]) cylinder(h=baseH,d=baseD); } BLOCKTEXT(textBottom,[0,baseD/6,baseH-.25]); BLOCKTEXT(textTop,[0,baseL-baseD/4,baseH-.25]); //screwholes translate([0,0,-1]+[0,baseL/2-holeSpacing/2,baseH]) ScrewHole(10,flaringD2,flaringH,5,flaringD1); translate([0,0,-1]+[0,baseL/2+holeSpacing/2,baseH]) ScrewHole(10,flaringD2,flaringH,5,flaringD1); //mount holes translate([1.7,baseL/2-screwSpacing/2,0]) rotate([0,-12.5,0]) translate([0,0,-1])cylinder(h=baseH+2,d=mountD); translate([1.7,baseL/2+screwSpacing/2,0]) rotate([0,-12.5,0]) translate([0,0,-1])cylinder(h=baseH+2,d=mountD); //cable truss translate([0,baseL/2-15,-.1]) cylinder(h=baseH+.2,d=30); } //bottom mount alignment tabs translate([-15,baseL/2-screwSpacing/2,baseH]) cylinder(h=1.5,d=2); translate([+15,baseL/2-screwSpacing/2,baseH]) cylinder(h=1.5,d=2); //top mount alignment tabs translate([-15,baseL/2+screwSpacing/2,baseH]) cylinder(h=1.5,d=2); translate([+15,baseL/2+screwSpacing/2,baseH]) cylinder(h=1.5,d=2); } intersection() { doorbell(); *translate([0,52.5,0]) cylinder(h=20,d=15); *translate([-5,42.5,0]) cube([10,10,20]); } *translate([0,60,baseH]) color([0,0,0]) hull(){ cylinder(h=20,d=50); translate([0,130-50,0]) cylinder(h=20,d=50); }
schuko - Project
plug2 - 3D Object
// mental gymnastics for centered and parametric 3d object $fn=100; //Variable for subtractions so as to be slightly above borders diffWiggle = .2; //PCB dimensions PCB1306holeD = 2; PCB1306holeOff = [2,2,0] ; PCB1306Z = 1.7 ; PCB1306X = 26.9 ; PCB1306Y = 27.9 ; PCB1306 = [PCB1306X, PCB1306Y, PCB1306Z] ; //1306 Top components LCDmaskY = 4; //how much to cover up at the bottom LCDX = 27.5 ; // left to right LCDY = 20 ; // topR to bottomR LCDZ = 2 ; // height from PCB LCDflexX = 13 ; //flex cable width LCDflexY = 3 ; //flex cable length from LCD to edge LCD = [LCDX, LCDY, LCDZ] ; LCDpos = [0, 0, PCB1306.z] ; //sits on top of the PCB and is centered LCDviewPos = [0, LCDmaskY/2, PCB1306.z] ; //on top of the PCB above the masked part LCDmask = [LCD.x, LCDmaskY, LCD.z] ; // is part of the LCD so shares X and Z LCDmaskPos = [0, -LCD.y/2 +LCDmask.y/2, LCDpos.z] ; // sits below the viewport of the LCD LCDview = [LCD.x, LCD.y - LCDmask.y, LCD.z]; // is part of the LCD just without the masked part LCDflex = [LCDflexX, LCDflexY, LCD.z] ; //is considered as high as the LCD LCDflexPos = [0, -LCD.y/2 -LCDflex.y/2, PCB1306.z] ; //sits bellow the LCD //1306 bottom clearance items //array - put the parts together extrudeFalse = false ; extrudeTrue = true ; object = [ [PCB1306, [0, 0, 0], "green", extrudeFalse], [LCDview, LCDviewPos, "black", extrudeTrue], [LCDflex, LCDflexPos, "brown", extrudeTrue], [LCDmask, LCDmaskPos, "grey", extrudeTrue] ]; module pegs(XYZ,offset,holeD) { //mounting holes - no need to zdiff as centered //relative positions H = XYZ.z ; XY = [XYZ.x, XYZ.y, 0] ; TR= [ [+1, 0, 0], [0, +1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; TL= [ [-1, 0, 0], [0, +1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; BR= [ [+1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; BL= [ [-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; // move to TR then move back towards BL by offset etc posTR = (TR * XY/2) + (offset * BL) ; posTL = (TL * XY/2) + (offset * BR) ; posBR = (BR * XY/2) + (offset * TL) ; posBL = (BL * XY/2) + (offset * TR) ; translate (posTR) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); translate (posTL) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); translate (posBR) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); translate (posBL) cylinder(h = H, d = holeD, center = true); } module brickLayer(array) { module blocks(list) { translate (list[1]) color(list[2]) cube(list[0], center=true); } for ( i = [0 : len(array) - 1] ) { blocks(array[i]); } } //OUTPUT difference(){ brickLayer(object); pegs(PCB1306 + [0, 0, diffWiggle], PCB1306holeOff, PCB1306holeD); }
schuko-plug - 3D Object
// Shuko plug $fn = 100; height = 19; //total height to top rim plugTopD = 42; //diameter of top cover plugTopH = 2; //2mm rim height of top cover plugTopOff = 16.8 ; //from bottom to top rim diffWiggle = .2; diffWiggleA = [diffWiggle, diffWiggle, diffWiggle]; diffWiggleX = [diffWiggle, 0, 0]; diffWiggleY = [0, diffWiggle, 0]; diffWiggleZ = [0, 0, diffWiggle]; plugBottomD = 38; plugBottomH = plugTopOff; plugSideCutH = 3; plugSideCutW = 5; zdiff = [0,0,-diffWiggle/2]; cutCube = 8; cubeXY = plugBottomD-(plugSideCutH+9); cubeFloor = 2; pinR = 9.5 ; //The distance from the center that the 220v power pins should be at //ssd1306 variables ssd1306X = 26.9 ; ssd1306Y = 27.9 ; ssd1306off = [2,2,0] ; ssd1306XY = [ssd1306X,ssd1306Y,0] ; ssd1306PCBH = 1.7 ; ssd1306PCBZ = [0, 0, ssd1306PCBH] ; ssd1306PCBdim = ssd1306PCBZ + ssd1306XY ; ssd1306mountD = 2 ; LCDX = 27.5 ; // left to right LCDY = 20 ; // topR to bottomR LCDZ = 2 ; // height from PCB LCDflexW = 13 ; //flex cable width LCDflexH = 3 ; //flex cable length from LCD to edge LCDmask = 4; //how much to cover up at the bottom LCDdim = [LCDX,LCDY,LCDZ]; //Dimensions FLEXdim = [LCDflexW,LCDflexH,LCDdim.z]; //Dimensions LCDdimXY = [LCDX, LCDY, 0]; //XY Dimensions only without Z module pegs(XYdimensions,offset,height,diameter) { //mounting holes - no need to zdiff as centered //relative positions TR= [ [+1, 0, 0], [0, +1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; TL= [ [-1, 0, 0], [0, +1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; BR= [ [+1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; BL= [ [-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0] ]; // move to TR then move back towards BL by offset etc mPosTR = (TR * XYdimensions/2) + (offset * BL) ; mPosTL = (TL * XYdimensions/2) + (offset * BR) ; mPosBR = (BR * XYdimensions/2) + (offset * TL) ; mPosBL = (BL * XYdimensions/2) + (offset * TR) ; translate (mPosTR) cylinder(h = height, d = diameter, center = true); translate (mPosTL) cylinder(h = height, d = diameter, center = true); translate (mPosBR) cylinder(h = height, d = diameter, center = true); translate (mPosBL) cylinder(h = height, d = diameter, center = true); } module ssd1306(PCBdim,LCDdim,FLEXdim,PCBwiggle,LCDwiggle) { difference() { union() { //PCB translate( [0, 0, PCBdim.z/2] ) color("green") cube(PCBdim + PCBwiggle, center = true); //LCD translate( [0, 0, PCBdim.z + LCDdim.z/2] ) color("black") cube(LCDdim + LCDwiggle, center = true); //FLEX translate( [0, -LCDdim.y/2 - FLEXdim.y/2, PCBdim.z + FLEXdim.z/2] ) color("brown") cube(FLEXdim, center = true); } translate( [0, 0, PCBdim.z/2] ) pegs(ssd1306XY, ssd1306off, PCBdim.z + diffWiggle, 2); } } module PCB(resize) { difference() { //ssd1306 PCB cube( ssd1306XY + ssd1306PCBZ + resize, center = true ); //holes only needed for initial tests to see if alligned *pegs(ssd1306XY,ssd1306off,ssd1306PCBH+diffWiggle,ssd1306mountD); } } //ssd1306 mounting harness module ssd1306Harness(resize) { pegD = 1.7 ; pegH = 5 ; pegZ = [0, 0, pegH] ; difference() { PCB(resize); cube([22,22,diffWiggle] + ssd1306PCBZ, center=true); translate([0, 12, 0]) cube([15, 3, diffWiggle] + ssd1306PCBZ, center=true); translate([0, 0, 0]) cube([25, 6, diffWiggle] + ssd1306PCBZ, center=true); } //add mounting pegs translate( pegZ/2 + ssd1306PCBZ/2 ) pegs(ssd1306XY,ssd1306off,pegH,pegD); } module cover() { //cover coverThick = .5 ; rimH = 1.5 ; vieportThick = .5 ; rimThick = 1; union() { translate([0,0,+coverThick/2]) difference() { //top cover cylinder(h=coverThick, d=plugTopD, center=true); //LCD assumed to be dead center cube(LCDdimXY + [0, 0, coverThick + diffWiggle], center=true); //flex cable translate([0, -LCDY/2 - LCDflexH/2 + diffWiggle, 0]) cube([LCDflexW, LCDflexH + diffWiggle, coverThick + diffWiggle], center=true); //subtract mounting holes pegs(ssd1306XY,ssd1306off,coverThick + diffWiggle,ssd1306mountD+.3); } } } module plug() { //plug inset difference () { union() { difference() { //Plug cylinder(h=plugBottomH,d=plugBottomD); //Cut the guide left and right cutOffTR=[(plugBottomD/2)-plugSideCutH,plugSideCutW/2,0]; cutOffTL=[-((plugBottomD/2)+plugSideCutH)+plugSideCutH,plugSideCutW/2,0]; cutOffBR=[(plugBottomD/2)-plugSideCutH,-(plugSideCutW/2)-cutCube,0]; cutOffBL=[-((plugBottomD/2)+plugSideCutH)+plugSideCutH,-plugSideCutW/2-cutCube,0]; cutCube=[plugSideCutH,cutCube,plugBottomH+diffWiggle]; translate(cutOffTR+zdiff)cube(cutCube); translate(cutOffTL+zdiff)cube(cutCube); translate(cutOffBR+zdiff)cube(cutCube); translate(cutOffBL+zdiff)cube(cutCube); } // add a top rim translate([0,0,plugTopOff]) cylinder(h=plugTopH, d=plugTopD); } //cube cutout for inner volume translate([0, 0, height/2 + cubeFloor]) cube([cubeXY, cubeXY, height], center = true); //punch holes for cabling where 220v power pins should be translate([pinR,0,0])translate(zdiff) cylinder(h=cubeFloor+diffWiggle,d=6); translate([-pinR,0,0])translate(zdiff) cylinder(h=cubeFloor+diffWiggle,d=6); //make room for the PCB translate([0,0,plugTopOff+1]) PCB([1, 1, 0]); translate([0,0,plugTopOff+2]) PCB([1, 1, 0]); } //add in the harness translate([0,0,plugTopOff-.7]) ssd1306Harness([-1, -1, 0]); } // // OUTPUT // //plug plug(); //SSD1306 LCD translate([0,0,25]) ssd1306 ( ssd1306PCBdim, LCDdim, FLEXdim, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0] ); //top cover translate([0,0,33]) cover();
schuko - 3D Object
/* Parametric Schuko CEE 7/3 socket Copyright 2017 Anders Hammarquist <> Licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike Made using a negative "profile punch" that can be extracted and used to "punch" a schuko socket into any sufficiently large solid. */ // Diameter of cover coverdiameter = 50; // [50:100] // Thickness of cover coverthickness = 4.8; // [2:0.2:15] // Center screw offset (extreme values disables screw hole) screwoffset = 0; // [-11:0.5:11] // This is the socket punch. Includes cut-out for // earthing contacts and holes for pins and center screw. // Maximum screw offset from center is 10mm (use a larger // value to remove the hole for the screw). module schuko(screwoffset=0, screwdia=3.5, screwhead=6.5, screwsink=3) { module earthing() { intersection() { union() { translate([-22,-2,3]) cube([6,4,20]); translate([-19,-2,17.5]) rotate([0,-30,0]) cube([15, 4, 4]); } translate([-22,-3,3]) cube([22,6,20]); } } difference() { union() { translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(r=39/2, $fn=300, h=18.5); // Earthing cutouts color([1,1,1]) { earthing(); rotate([0,0,180]) earthing(); } // Power pins translate([0,10,0]) cylinder(r=7/2, $fn=300, h=30); translate([0,-10,0]) cylinder(r=7/2, $fn=300, h=30); if (abs(screwoffset) <= 10) { // Center screw translate([screwoffset,0,0]) cylinder(r=screwdia/2, $fn=300, h=30); translate([screwoffset,0,0]) cylinder(r=screwhead/2, $fn=300, h=17.5+screwsink); } } // Side key profile translate([5.4/2,16.9,3]) cube([7,3,20]); translate([-5.4/2-7,16.9,3]) cube([7,3,20]); translate([5.4/2,-20.4,3]) cube([7,3.5,20]); translate([-5.4/2-7,-20.4,3]) cube([7,3.5,20]); } } difference () { difference () { cylinder(r=39/2, $fn=300, h=17.5); translate ([-27.3/2,-27.8/2,0]) cube([27.3,27.8,10]); rotate([0,0,0]){ difference(){ union() { translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(r=44/2, $fn=300, h=21.5); // Lip rotate_extrude($fn=100) { polygon(points=[[0,0], [coverdiameter/2,0], [coverdiameter/2+0.2*coverthickness,coverthickness], [0,coverthickness]]); } // Pin guard: 9.5 x 28.5 x 3mm (rounded ends) translate([-4.75,-14.25,21.5]) cube([9.5, 28.5, 3]); // center screw standoff: 6 x 2.5 (above pin guard) x 2 - 3 // ( 8mm inside, 14 - 12.2 mm outside) translate([-7.25, -3, 21.5]) cube([2.5, 6, 5.5]); translate([4.75, -3, 21.5]) cube([2.5, 6, 5.5]); } schuko(screwoffset=screwoffset); } } } }
shutterholders - Project
shutterholder - 3D Object
//spacer to keep the shutters from scraping $fn= 100; base = [42, 9, 3]; deflector = [15, 3, 15] ; screwHoleD = 1.8 ; flareH = 1.6 ; flareD = 3.6 ; wiggle=.2; module deflector(deflector) { //deflector translate([deflector.x,0,deflector.z]) rotate([0,90,180]) linear_extrude(deflector.x) polygon(points = [ [0,0], [deflector.z,0], [deflector.z-deflector.y,deflector.y], [deflector.y,deflector.y] ]); } module screws() { //screw hole translate([base.x/2-base.y/2, base.y/2, -wiggle/2]) { cylinder(d=screwHoleD, h=base.z + wiggle); cylinder(h=flareH,d1=flareD,d2=screwHoleD); } //screw hole translate([base.y/2, base.y/2, -wiggle/2]) { cylinder(d=screwHoleD, h=base.z + wiggle); cylinder(h=flareH,d1=flareD,d2=screwHoleD); } } module holder(base,deflector,screwHoleD,flareH,flareD,side) { textD = 1; //depending on if right or left offsetDeflector = (side == "R") ? [0,0,0] : (side == "L") ? [base.x-deflector.x,0,0] : undef; offsetScrews = (side == "R") ? [base.x/2,0,0] : (side == "L") ? [0,0,0] : undef; difference() { //mounting plate cube(base); translate(offsetScrews) screws(); //Label translate([base.x/2,base.y/2,base.z-textD+wiggle/2]) linear_extrude(textD+wiggle) rotate([0,0,180]) text(side,size=5,valign="center",halign="center"); } translate(offsetDeflector) deflector(deflector); } translate([0, 00, 0]) holder(base,deflector,screwHoleD,flareH,flareD,"L"); translate([0, 14, 0]) holder(base,deflector,screwHoleD,flareH,flareD,"R");
solar - Project
balcony - 3D Object
//handrail handRailH=35; handRailD=60; handRailL=3.52*10*100; //Post(s) postX=30; postY=30; postH=1.17*10*100; postOff=handRailD-postY; post1Pos=15*10; post2Pos=1.695*10*100; post3Pos=3.235*10*100; //Balcony balconyD=2.08*10*100; balconyW=3.45*10*100; railOff=[-100,0,95*10]; blech1W=1.73*10*100; blech1H=1.10*10*100; blech1OffX=-2.5*10;//inside post1pos blech1OffY=-8.5*10;//inside RailH blech2W=1.48*10*100; blech2H=1.10*10*100; blech2OffX=-2.5*10;//inside post1pos blech2OffY=blech1OffY; //solar panel panelW=1.755*10*100;//m panelH=1.10*10*100;//m panelD=30;//mm module HandRail() { color([.6,.6,.6]) translate (railOff) cube([handRailD,handRailL,handRailH]); } module HandRail() { color([.6,.6,.6]) translate (railOff) cube([handRailD,handRailL,handRailH]); } module Post(pos) { color([.6,.6,.6]) translate (railOff) translate([postOff,pos,-postH]) cube([postX,postY,postH]); } module Blech(pos,w,h) { color([.6,.6,.6]) translate (railOff) translate([0,pos,0]) translate ([-10,-w,-h + blech1OffY]) cube([10,w,h]); } module Panel(x,y,z) { color([.1,.1,.3]) translate([x,y,z]) translate([0,0,0]) cube([panelD,panelW,panelH]); } //balcony color([.8,.8,.8]) translate ([0,0,-100]) cube([balconyD,balconyW,100]); HandRail(); Post(post1Pos); Post(post2Pos); Post(post3Pos); Blech(post2Pos-postX-blech1OffX,blech1W,blech1H); Blech(post3Pos-postX-blech2OffX,blech2W,blech2H); Panel(-200,0,-200); Panel(-200,1.75*1000+20,-200);
smallpv - 3D Object
module pvsmall() { color([.6,.6,.9]) cube([700,25,500]); } rotate([45,0,0])pvsmall();
spool-holder - Project
spool - 3D Object
coneH=30; //height of the cone coneDin=25; //smallest diameter of the cone coneDout=70; //widest diameter of cone axleD=8; //axle diameter of the axle for the 608 bearing - we;ll add for printer tolerance $fn=100; //make things round bearingH=7; //608 skateboard bearing height bearingD=22; //608 skateboard bearing diameter we'll add amillimeter or two later to account for the fitting ring fittingD=bearingD+7; //outer diameter of the fitting ring for the bearing nubAngle=360/8; //the fitting nubs for the bearing at x degree rotation printerRadTol=.2; //add this value to the radius nubRad=.5; //the nub radius for the bearing fitting ring module cone(height,inD,outD) { cylinder(h=coneH , r2=(inD/2) , r1=(outD/2) ); } module axle(height,diameter,tol) { translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=height,r=(diameter/2)+tol); //axle } module bearing(height,diameter,tol) { translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=height+.1,r=(diameter/2)+tol); //bearing } //subtract for quicker print module removeCyls(bearingD,coneDout,coneH){ translate([-((bearingD/2)+(coneDout/4)+4),0,-.1]) cylinder(h=coneH,r=coneDout/4); translate([+((bearingD/2)+(coneDout/4)+4),0,-.1]) cylinder(h=coneH,r=coneDout/4); translate([0,+((bearingD/2)+(coneDout/4)+4),-.1]) cylinder(h=coneH,r=coneDout/4); translate([0,-((bearingD/2)+(coneDout/4)+4),-.1]) cylinder(h=coneH,r=coneDout/4); } module ring(inRad,outRad,height,tol) { difference(){ cylinder(h=height,r=outRad+tol); translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=height+.2,r=inRad+tol); } } module fittingNubsCircle(nubRad,height,inRad,angle,tol) { rad=inRad+nubRad+tol; for (pos=[0:angle:360]) { *echo(pos); rotate ([0,0,pos]) translate([rad,0,0]) cylinder(h=height,r=nubRad); } } // difference(){ union(){ difference(){ cone(coneH,coneDin,coneDout); translate([0,0,-.1]) bearing(bearingH+.1,fittingD,printerRadTol); translate([0,0,-.1]) axle(coneH+.5,axleD,printerRadTol); }// ring( (bearingD/2)+nubRad, (fittingD/2) , bearingH , printerRadTol ); fittingNubsCircle( nubRad , bearingH , bearingD/2 , nubAngle , printerRadTol ); }// removeCyls(bearingD,coneDout,coneH); }
sword - Project
blade - 3D Object
// Generated by inkscape 0.0 + inkscape-paths2openscad 0.27 // Sun Oct 29 23:55:14 2023 from "halloween.tiff.svg" // Module names are of the form poly_<inkscape-path-id>(). As a result, // you can associate a polygon in this OpenSCAD program with the corresponding // SVG element in the Inkscape document by looking for the XML element with // the attribute id="inkscape-path-id". // fudge value is used to ensure that subtracted solids are a tad taller // in the z dimension than the polygon being subtracted from. This helps // keep the resulting .stl file manifold. fudge = 0.1; user_unit_scale_x = 1.0; user_unit_scale_y = 1.0; custom_scale_x = 1; custom_scale_y = 1; zsize = 5.00; line_fn = 4; min_line_width = 1.0; line_width_scale = 1.0; function min_line_mm(w) = max(min_line_width, w * line_width_scale) * 1; path7_0_center = [0.000000,0.000000]; path7_0_points = [[-6.211141,56.491387],[-11.773241,54.678287],[-16.131421,53.140387],[-17.333261,49.249287],[-18.299491,45.710305],[-19.090436,41.619609],[-20.747921,28.048917],[-21.487982,19.183951],[-21.300618,17.106103],[-20.740921,15.239217],[-19.967180,11.613437],[-20.066761,5.835937],[-20.158250,-0.312855],[-19.853401,-6.034583],[-19.575395,-10.170069],[-19.822201,-12.128343],[-20.087007,-12.859070],[-20.000895,-13.729269],[-19.642141,-14.457659],[-19.089021,-14.762963],[-18.709377,-15.028199],[-18.551471,-15.665893],[-18.711741,-16.303595],[-19.097071,-16.568833],[-19.390442,-16.920491],[-19.329611,-17.765973],[-18.951794,-18.514595],[-18.483031,-18.633383],[-18.104140,-18.897215],[-17.942381,-19.994553],[-16.743468,-26.595121],[-14.007776,-37.906939],[-10.993804,-49.021308],[-8.960051,-55.029526],[-7.253416,-55.835790],[-3.894304,-56.397304],[0.134142,-56.610912],[3.848779,-56.373461],[12.138859,-55.090539],[18.608549,-53.569603],[20.475935,-52.443671],[21.040405,-51.630469],[21.384400,-50.510610],[21.487982,-46.931430],[20.940719,-40.867143],[20.252429,-31.190993],[19.962419,-20.481553],[19.567900,-6.316918],[17.860199,9.917267],[15.895121,23.253799],[14.752035,27.853816],[13.086309,33.092607],[11.144568,39.376384],[10.157389,43.495277],[9.526349,46.149821],[8.440839,48.912897],[6.695168,51.486579],[3.937319,53.258157],[0.024599,55.461627],[-1.120688,56.026963],[-2.820621,56.433081],[-4.656934,56.610912],[-6.211361,56.491387],[-6.211141,56.491387]]; module poly_path7(h, w, s, res=line_fn) { scale([custom_scale_x, -custom_scale_y, 1]) union() { translate (path7_0_center) linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=10, scale=0.01*s) translate (-path7_0_center) polygon(path7_0_points); } } module halloween_final(h) { difference() { union() { translate ([0,0,0]) poly_path7(h, min_line_mm(0.601957), 100.0); } union() { } } } halloween_final(zsize);
crossguard - 3D Object
This is for a plastic play "Katana" sword to make it more like a "One Piece" "Gryphon" sword.
The tiff files are the original sword cross guard from both sides so as to extrude the mounting holes for the handle and the sword.
The idea is to go from scanner to tiff.
Then from tiff to SVG.
Then from SVG to STL.
Then in openscad to subtract te shapes from the crossguard and to send it off to Cura and then to octoprint.
$fn=100; crossGuardD=130; crossGuardH=15; crossGuardMidD=100; crossGuardMidH=20; crossGuardInnerD=60; crossGuardInnerH=30; eps = 0.01; handleR = 10; handleTR = 45; handleL = 250; module crossGuard() { cylinder(h=crossGuardH,d=crossGuardD); cylinder(h=crossGuardMidH,d=crossGuardMidD); cylinder(h=crossGuardInnerH,d=crossGuardInnerD); } // // HILT // fudge = 0.1; custom_scale_x = 0.2645833279742765; custom_scale_y = 0.2645833279742765; line_fn = 4; function min_line_mm(w) = max(1.0, w) * 0.264583; hilt_points = [[4.712305,111.150545],[-1.094011,110.499592],[-2.972932,110.135122],[-3.462188,109.608767],[-3.773607,108.774219],[-4.436979,107.552054],[-5.432227,107.011144],[-9.721137,106.591800],[-10.735377,106.203812],[-11.314670,105.621713],[-11.834643,105.005774],[-11.984051,105.527257],[-12.119685,105.883297],[-12.540277,105.918767],[-14.389428,104.994043],[-17.553047,103.514177],[-19.092556,102.880464],[-21.534606,101.319091],[-24.151081,99.339710],[-26.213867,97.451972],[-33.501068,91.312376],[-37.392389,88.156629],[-39.010903,86.486779],[-41.321477,83.011799],[-45.215736,77.789987],[-48.481218,72.604179],[-50.974430,67.705653],[-52.551875,63.345689],[-56.678330,51.259617],[-59.337010,43.394768],[-60.735652,38.462584],[-61.650982,34.907832],[-62.305677,29.646387],[-62.760126,25.882525],[-63.514729,23.223299],[-64.337219,21.072645],[-64.954891,18.531501],[-65.818815,14.645864],[-66.319039,7.866276],[-66.537764,-5.264370],[-66.447944,-19.090090],[-66.022534,-27.954901],[-64.949247,-40.097012],[-64.576605,-43.563098],[-63.777363,-47.924908],[-61.337496,-57.784557],[-58.506478,-66.573669],[-57.218296,-69.597308],[-56.161139,-71.189954],[-55.394537,-72.009377],[-54.917991,-73.092386],[-54.557512,-77.066229],[-54.447780,-79.616616],[-54.130244,-81.294058],[-53.449893,-82.554996],[-52.251719,-83.855870],[-50.317564,-85.526970],[-48.786417,-86.499607],[-48.069093,-86.977131],[-47.610319,-87.764921],[-47.463608,-90.285070],[-45.208186,-93.007362],[-39.659449,-98.460952],[-34.263785,-103.293508],[-29.781396,-106.835337],[-26.310565,-109.015727],[-23.949574,-109.763965],[-20.750313,-110.582106],[-18.395319,-111.244120],[-15.748063,-111.591923],[-13.496602,-111.578542],[-12.328996,-111.157007],[-11.471814,-110.670208],[-9.997877,-110.449507],[-7.811355,-110.105197],[-5.240945,-109.321219],[-1.137638,-108.242977],[-0.350486,-108.090624],[-0.226663,-107.697860],[0.081186,-107.047867],[1.233025,-106.325002],[2.616337,-105.824776],[3.618607,-105.842699],[4.284269,-105.783643],[5.074276,-105.140787],[5.982442,-104.393155],[6.932191,-104.082193],[7.623874,-103.885627],[7.911564,-103.413031],[10.384891,-100.265445],[16.331402,-93.637517],[23.178797,-85.744273],[27.818109,-79.554542],[31.053211,-74.891176],[34.524573,-70.667709],[40.158967,-64.396349],[41.226734,-62.889282],[41.592088,-61.891968],[42.074945,-60.702015],[43.007263,-59.398799],[44.483993,-56.886157],[46.275763,-52.788436],[49.602441,-44.503764],[50.347327,-43.216277],[50.901943,-42.932913],[51.921409,-41.678411],[53.416649,-38.661761],[54.898401,-34.983307],[55.877400,-31.743391],[56.416766,-30.111548],[57.023362,-29.432817],[57.485562,-29.201633],[57.677808,-28.645804],[57.364555,-28.210189],[56.611407,-28.268022],[55.878931,-28.375238],[55.601784,-27.856289],[56.377303,-24.331447],[57.238303,-22.352970],[57.692615,-21.937680],[58.154666,-21.916077],[58.790553,-21.967479],[59.078626,-21.636472],[58.977659,-21.111651],[58.446422,-20.581610],[58.251394,-19.738290],[58.750639,-18.229081],[59.534159,-15.386057],[60.073343,-11.287286],[60.655429,-7.139257],[61.542096,-4.177822],[62.322794,-2.295269],[62.650064,-0.741156],[62.906663,0.113753],[63.563431,0.230253],[63.991905,0.313739],[64.254280,1.045455],[64.365593,4.953078],[64.382272,8.065028],[64.459069,8.646005],[64.572444,8.425084],[64.873195,7.449324],[65.294587,6.929440],[65.821792,6.874420],[66.439977,7.293248],[66.537764,7.903900],[66.115942,8.715141],[65.726622,9.388975],[65.902530,9.669241],[65.981683,9.930291],[65.359738,10.557922],[64.473900,12.816744],[63.765883,16.866181],[63.482095,20.738189],[63.576289,21.992644],[63.868945,22.464726],[64.221009,24.604724],[64.277064,29.751929],[64.324272,34.821498],[64.494546,35.764667],[64.760298,35.618793],[65.293780,34.844801],[65.448267,36.420426],[65.180519,38.242275],[64.466664,39.500067],[63.605585,41.079630],[62.983941,43.675054],[62.238836,46.958797],[61.080981,50.193188],[59.015746,55.500659],[56.706660,62.429673],[54.809911,68.891064],[53.981690,72.795668],[53.758845,74.546542],[53.351215,75.469437],[52.521354,77.054138],[51.283366,80.396158],[48.953085,85.522824],[45.496989,91.398313],[42.093111,96.299677],[38.945897,100.293305],[35.913504,103.476813],[32.854088,105.947815],[29.625807,107.803925],[26.086817,109.142759],[22.095276,110.061931],[17.509341,110.659056],[8.977984,111.591923],[4.712305,111.150545],[4.712305,111.150545]]; module poly_hilt(h, w, s, res=line_fn) { scale([custom_scale_x, -custom_scale_y, 1]) union() { linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=10, scale=0.01*s) polygon(hilt_points); } } module hilt(h) { poly_hilt(h, min_line_mm(0.1881051549233745), 100.0); } // // BLADE // blade_points = [[-6.211141,56.491387],[-11.773241,54.678287],[-16.131421,53.140387],[-17.333261,49.249287],[-18.299491,45.710305],[-19.090436,41.619609],[-20.747921,28.048917],[-21.487982,19.183951],[-21.300618,17.106103],[-20.740921,15.239217],[-19.967180,11.613437],[-20.066761,5.835937],[-20.158250,-0.312855],[-19.853401,-6.034583],[-19.575395,-10.170069],[-19.822201,-12.128343],[-20.087007,-12.859070],[-20.000895,-13.729269],[-19.642141,-14.457659],[-19.089021,-14.762963],[-18.709377,-15.028199],[-18.551471,-15.665893],[-18.711741,-16.303595],[-19.097071,-16.568833],[-19.390442,-16.920491],[-19.329611,-17.765973],[-18.951794,-18.514595],[-18.483031,-18.633383],[-18.104140,-18.897215],[-17.942381,-19.994553],[-16.743468,-26.595121],[-14.007776,-37.906939],[-10.993804,-49.021308],[-8.960051,-55.029526],[-7.253416,-55.835790],[-3.894304,-56.397304],[0.134142,-56.610912],[3.848779,-56.373461],[12.138859,-55.090539],[18.608549,-53.569603],[20.475935,-52.443671],[21.040405,-51.630469],[21.384400,-50.510610],[21.487982,-46.931430],[20.940719,-40.867143],[20.252429,-31.190993],[19.962419,-20.481553],[19.567900,-6.316918],[17.860199,9.917267],[15.895121,23.253799],[14.752035,27.853816],[13.086309,33.092607],[11.144568,39.376384],[10.157389,43.495277],[9.526349,46.149821],[8.440839,48.912897],[6.695168,51.486579],[3.937319,53.258157],[0.024599,55.461627],[-1.120688,56.026963],[-2.820621,56.433081],[-4.656934,56.610912],[-6.211361,56.491387],[-6.211141,56.491387]]; module poly_blade(h, w, s, res=line_fn) { scale([custom_scale_x, -custom_scale_y, 1]) union() { linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=10, scale=0.01*s) polygon(blade_points); } } module blade(h) { poly_blade(h, min_line_mm(0.601957), 100.0); } //handle part module handleTube(cylH) { color("gold") difference(){ cylinder(h=cylH,r=handleR); translate([0,0,-eps]) cylinder(h=10,d=10); translate([0,0,cylH-10+eps]) cylinder(h=10,d=10); } } module hilt2(height,diameter,waist){ //hilt measurments //somewhat rough as hilt is not prefect elipse //diameter=36; //waist=26; //height=10; scale([waist/diameter,1]) color("gold") cylinder(h=height,d=diameter); } //handle bend module handleBend(turnR,handleR){ bound=turnR+handleR+1; color("gold") difference() { intersection() { translate([0,0,0])rotate_extrude()translate([turnR,0,0])circle(r=handleR); translate([0,0,-handleR]) cube([bound,bound,handleR*2]); } //two holes for mounting translate([-eps,handleTR,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=10,d=10); translate([handleTR,10-eps,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(h=10,d=10); } } difference() { //test fitting only //cylinder(h=30,d=34); //real crossguard - uncomment when the test verison is commented color("gold") crossGuard(); translate([0,0,-0.1]) rotate([0,0,6]) blade(5.11); //hiltS=.55; //WRONG //scale([hiltS,hiltS,1]) translate([0,0,5-.1]) rotate([0,0,-189]) hilt(30); translate([0,0,5]) hilt2(30.01,36,27.5); translate([0,-130/2+20-.1,(crossGuardH-6)/2+2.5]) rotate([90,90,0]) cylinder(h=20.1,d=(10)); } //approximation of hilt for scale *color("black")translate([0,0,5]) hilt2(290.01,36,27.5); //empty hilt shell for testing translate([-85,0,0]) color("gold") union(){ difference(){ scale([1.1,1.1]) hilt2(30.01,36,27.5); translate([0,0,-.1]) hilt2(30.2,36,27.5); } difference(){ hilt2(.5,40,32); translate([0,0,-0.1]) rotate([0,0,6]) blade(5.11); } } //two bends translate([0,60,0]) handleBend(handleTR,handleR); translate ([-2,60,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) handleBend(handleTR,handleR); //long handle tube translate([-11,78,0]) handleTube(handleL-(2*handleTR+handleR)); //mounting pegs pegD=10; pegH=19; translate([75,0,0]) color("gold") cylinder(h=pegH,d=pegD); translate([75,11,0]) color("gold") cylinder(h=pegH,d=pegD); translate([75,22,0]) color("gold") cylinder(h=pegH,d=pegD); translate([75,-11,0]) color("gold") cylinder(h=pegH,d=pegD); //cross handle tube translate([11,78,0]) color("gold") union() { crosshandleH=130*.75; handleTube(crosshandleH); translate([0,0,crosshandleH]) sphere(r=handleR); }
hilt - 3D Object
// Generated by inkscape None + inkscape-paths2openscad 0.27 // Sun Oct 29 23:48:49 2023 from "halloweeneeee3.tiff.svg" // Module names are of the form poly_<inkscape-path-id>(). As a result, // you can associate a polygon in this OpenSCAD program with the corresponding // SVG element in the Inkscape document by looking for the XML element with // the attribute id="inkscape-path-id". // fudge value is used to ensure that subtracted solids are a tad taller // in the z dimension than the polygon being subtracted from. This helps // keep the resulting .stl file manifold. fudge = 0.1; user_unit_scale_x = 0.2645833279742765; user_unit_scale_y = 0.2645833279742765; custom_scale_x = 1; custom_scale_y = 1; zsize = 5.00; line_fn = 4; min_line_width = 1.0; line_width_scale = 1.0; function min_line_mm(w) = max(min_line_width, w * line_width_scale) * 0.264583; path1_0_center = [0.000000,0.000000]; path1_0_points = [[4.712305,111.150545],[-1.094011,110.499592],[-2.972932,110.135122],[-3.462188,109.608767],[-3.773607,108.774219],[-4.436979,107.552054],[-5.432227,107.011144],[-9.721137,106.591800],[-10.735377,106.203812],[-11.314670,105.621713],[-11.834643,105.005774],[-11.984051,105.527257],[-12.119685,105.883297],[-12.540277,105.918767],[-14.389428,104.994043],[-17.553047,103.514177],[-19.092556,102.880464],[-21.534606,101.319091],[-24.151081,99.339710],[-26.213867,97.451972],[-33.501068,91.312376],[-37.392389,88.156629],[-39.010903,86.486779],[-41.321477,83.011799],[-45.215736,77.789987],[-48.481218,72.604179],[-50.974430,67.705653],[-52.551875,63.345689],[-56.678330,51.259617],[-59.337010,43.394768],[-60.735652,38.462584],[-61.650982,34.907832],[-62.305677,29.646387],[-62.760126,25.882525],[-63.514729,23.223299],[-64.337219,21.072645],[-64.954891,18.531501],[-65.818815,14.645864],[-66.319039,7.866276],[-66.537764,-5.264370],[-66.447944,-19.090090],[-66.022534,-27.954901],[-64.949247,-40.097012],[-64.576605,-43.563098],[-63.777363,-47.924908],[-61.337496,-57.784557],[-58.506478,-66.573669],[-57.218296,-69.597308],[-56.161139,-71.189954],[-55.394537,-72.009377],[-54.917991,-73.092386],[-54.557512,-77.066229],[-54.447780,-79.616616],[-54.130244,-81.294058],[-53.449893,-82.554996],[-52.251719,-83.855870],[-50.317564,-85.526970],[-48.786417,-86.499607],[-48.069093,-86.977131],[-47.610319,-87.764921],[-47.463608,-90.285070],[-45.208186,-93.007362],[-39.659449,-98.460952],[-34.263785,-103.293508],[-29.781396,-106.835337],[-26.310565,-109.015727],[-23.949574,-109.763965],[-20.750313,-110.582106],[-18.395319,-111.244120],[-15.748063,-111.591923],[-13.496602,-111.578542],[-12.328996,-111.157007],[-11.471814,-110.670208],[-9.997877,-110.449507],[-7.811355,-110.105197],[-5.240945,-109.321219],[-1.137638,-108.242977],[-0.350486,-108.090624],[-0.226663,-107.697860],[0.081186,-107.047867],[1.233025,-106.325002],[2.616337,-105.824776],[3.618607,-105.842699],[4.284269,-105.783643],[5.074276,-105.140787],[5.982442,-104.393155],[6.932191,-104.082193],[7.623874,-103.885627],[7.911564,-103.413031],[10.384891,-100.265445],[16.331402,-93.637517],[23.178797,-85.744273],[27.818109,-79.554542],[31.053211,-74.891176],[34.524573,-70.667709],[40.158967,-64.396349],[41.226734,-62.889282],[41.592088,-61.891968],[42.074945,-60.702015],[43.007263,-59.398799],[44.483993,-56.886157],[46.275763,-52.788436],[49.602441,-44.503764],[50.347327,-43.216277],[50.901943,-42.932913],[51.921409,-41.678411],[53.416649,-38.661761],[54.898401,-34.983307],[55.877400,-31.743391],[56.416766,-30.111548],[57.023362,-29.432817],[57.485562,-29.201633],[57.677808,-28.645804],[57.364555,-28.210189],[56.611407,-28.268022],[55.878931,-28.375238],[55.601784,-27.856289],[56.377303,-24.331447],[57.238303,-22.352970],[57.692615,-21.937680],[58.154666,-21.916077],[58.790553,-21.967479],[59.078626,-21.636472],[58.977659,-21.111651],[58.446422,-20.581610],[58.251394,-19.738290],[58.750639,-18.229081],[59.534159,-15.386057],[60.073343,-11.287286],[60.655429,-7.139257],[61.542096,-4.177822],[62.322794,-2.295269],[62.650064,-0.741156],[62.906663,0.113753],[63.563431,0.230253],[63.991905,0.313739],[64.254280,1.045455],[64.365593,4.953078],[64.382272,8.065028],[64.459069,8.646005],[64.572444,8.425084],[64.873195,7.449324],[65.294587,6.929440],[65.821792,6.874420],[66.439977,7.293248],[66.537764,7.903900],[66.115942,8.715141],[65.726622,9.388975],[65.902530,9.669241],[65.981683,9.930291],[65.359738,10.557922],[64.473900,12.816744],[63.765883,16.866181],[63.482095,20.738189],[63.576289,21.992644],[63.868945,22.464726],[64.221009,24.604724],[64.277064,29.751929],[64.324272,34.821498],[64.494546,35.764667],[64.760298,35.618793],[65.293780,34.844801],[65.448267,36.420426],[65.180519,38.242275],[64.466664,39.500067],[63.605585,41.079630],[62.983941,43.675054],[62.238836,46.958797],[61.080981,50.193188],[59.015746,55.500659],[56.706660,62.429673],[54.809911,68.891064],[53.981690,72.795668],[53.758845,74.546542],[53.351215,75.469437],[52.521354,77.054138],[51.283366,80.396158],[48.953085,85.522824],[45.496989,91.398313],[42.093111,96.299677],[38.945897,100.293305],[35.913504,103.476813],[32.854088,105.947815],[29.625807,107.803925],[26.086817,109.142759],[22.095276,110.061931],[17.509341,110.659056],[8.977984,111.591923],[4.712305,111.150545],[4.712305,111.150545]]; module poly_path1(h, w, s, res=line_fn) { scale([custom_scale_x, -custom_scale_y, 1]) union() { translate (path1_0_center) linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=10, scale=0.01*s) translate (-path1_0_center) polygon(path1_0_points); } } module halloween2_final(h) { difference() { union() { translate ([0,0,0]) poly_path1(h, min_line_mm(0.1881051549233745), 100.0); } union() { } } } halloween2_final(zsize);
tesa - Project
tesa - 3D Object
//Tesa roller ersatzroller //celotape roller $fn=360; height=20; outsideD=24.5; outsideDepth=2; axleD=2.4; hubD=axleD*2; nubR=.75; module taper(){ difference(){ union(){ translate([0,0,-.1]) cylinder(h=height+.2,d=outsideD+2+nubR); } union(){ translate([0,0,-.11])cylinder(h=height/2+.22,d1=outsideD+1.5*nubR,d2=outsideD+2*nubR); translate([0,0,height/2+.1]) cylinder(h=height/2+.1,d1=outsideD+2*nubR,d2=outsideD+1.5*nubR); } } } difference(){ union(){ //outside difference(){ cylinder(h=height,d=outsideD); translate([0,0,-.1])cylinder(h=height+.2,d=outsideD-outsideDepth); } //HUB difference(){ cylinder(h=height,d=hubD); translate([0,0,-.1])cylinder(h=height+.2,d=axleD); } //nubs for (i = [0:5]) { translate([sin(360*i/6)*outsideD/2, cos(360*i/6)*outsideD/2, 0 ]) rotate([0,0,0])cylinder(h = height/2, r=nubR); } for (i = [0:5]) { translate([sin(360*i/6)*outsideD/2, cos(360*i/6)*outsideD/2, height/2 ]) cylinder(h = height/2, r=nubR); } //spokes for (i = [0:360/6:360]) { rotate([0,0,i])translate([1.2,0,0])cube([1,(outsideD/2)-(axleD/2.4),height]); } } taper(); }
thumb-screw - Project
Knurl - 3D Object
diam=9; diamOut=14.4; holeDiam=5; height=8.2; $fn=100; knurlNum=8; knurlInc=360/knurlNum; knurlDiam=4; insetHeight=5; insetDiam=5; totalHeight=10; module knob() { difference(){ union(){ cylinder(h=height, d=diamOut); translate([0,0,height]){ cylinder(h=totalHeight-height,r1=7.2,r2=5); } } translate([0,0,-.5]) cylinder(h=totalHeight+1, d=holeDiam); translate([0,0,-.5]){ cylinder(h=totalHeight-insetHeight+.5,d1=holeDiam+5,d2=holeDiam); } } for(i=[0: knurlInc: 360]){ rotate([0,0,i]) translate([diamOut/2,0,0]) cylinder(h=height, d=knurlDiam); } } knob();
Appendix A: To do
Right now the github source is not perfect as the readme does not display the images when viewed in github.
Add a readme in the directories or fix asciidoc to deal with asciidoc not showing in github
Split the build scruipts to handle scad/plantuml/asciidoc in separate steps depending on changes
The scad build already ony builds scad files that exist and is fed by find
Feed with a list of changed scad files instead of the more simple find
Add further process steps for the images like meshlabserver to do furhter processing:
Stuff (glass rendering, wireframe, mesh magic, stats, etc.)
Need to add subdirectories to pool projects together
build index for subdirs
need to make the scad build fit to the subdir model
add check for empty directory (no scad files)
only build scad files and only run container with scad files (empties ignored)
Add further optional scad steps
Need to add view parameters as options
Need to add animation options
Need to add text display option for each item
Allow adding photos to the objects or projects to show makes
investigate including a js or similar stl viewer for html